ILEA Equity Plan | Elgin Community College (ECC)

There are wide and persistent gaps in college completion rates in Illinois, especially among students of color and low-income students. After an in-depth analysis of our institutional data, Elgin Community College (“ECC” or “the College” or “we” or “our”) has developed an Equity Plan containing annual growth targets for which progress updates will be shared publicly over the next five years. Our Equity Plan reflects the unique characteristics of our institution. For example, ECC is designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution by the US Department of Education, with just over 42% of the students identifying as Latinx or Hispanic. Also, the district served by ECC is widely diverse in terms of income and educational attainment. We will identify the obstacles students face and develop programs and policies that break down unnecessary college graduation barriers. Along with our fellow colleges, in the Partnership for College Completion organization, with this Illinois Equity in Attainment (“ILEA”) plan, we pledge to close the completion gaps by 2025.

There are wide and persistent gaps in college completion rates in Illinois, especially among students of color and low-income students. After an in-depth analysis of our institutional data, Elgin Community College (“ECC” or “the College” or “we” or “our”) has developed an Equity Plan containing annual growth targets for which progress updates will be shared publicly over the next five years. Our Equity Plan reflects the unique characteristics of our institution. For example, ECC is designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution by the US Department of Education, with just over 42% of the students identifying as Latinx or Hispanic. Also, the district served by ECC is widely diverse in terms of income and educational attainment. We will identify the obstacles students face and develop programs and policies that break down unnecessary college graduation barriers. Along with our fellow colleges, in the Partnership for College Completion organization, with this Illinois Equity in Attainment (“ILEA”) plan, we pledge to close the completion gaps by 2025.


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within departments and committees that align to these 14 strategies. Each of the <strong>ILEA</strong> <strong>Equity</strong><br />

<strong>Plan</strong> strategies align with our Strategic <strong>Plan</strong> goals and either are, or will be, incorporated into<br />

Operating <strong>Plan</strong>s moving forward. Therefore, our daily work is, and will continue to be, guided<br />

by these highly visible goals to which the <strong>College</strong> is fully committed and will be the reason we<br />

are able to close the completion gaps among our students.<br />

Targets and interim benchmark goals for the leading indicators and completion metrics have<br />

been set based on the current student demographic group with the highest benchmark. In<br />

order to close any gaps, all targeted populations should reach the same benchmark, showing<br />

incremental improvement over time as strategies are implemented. It was challenging to arrive<br />

at what target to use as we anticipate that many of the strategies will result in improvements<br />

among all students, not just those that are in target populations. So, there is some concern<br />

that while we will improve these metrics, a gap may still persist because there will be<br />

improvements across the board.<br />

Institutional Strategies<br />

<strong>Elgin</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> will execute seven strategies specifically to improve persistence and<br />

to close the gap on completion rates. Many of the strategies will close completion gaps in more<br />

than one, sometimes in all, of the student target groups. One strategy in particular, Strategy 6:<br />

Holistic Case Management Model, is a broad reaching, multi-pronged approach to better serve<br />

all our students. It will allow us to more easily tailor our communications and interactions with<br />

our students so they will receive the level of support they as individuals need to become<br />

successful students. This is not a cookie-cutter approach for every student rather it is a very<br />

specialized approach for every unique student based on their own characteristics.<br />

Evaluation <strong>Plan</strong><br />

We follow the PDSA model (<strong>Plan</strong>, Do, Study, Act) when implementing new plans. We value this<br />

continuous quality improvement technique because it is an ongoing process for achieving<br />

measurable improvement and its focus is on the process. Two times a year, our operating plan<br />

strategy leaders complete progress updates using a standardized form based on PDSA model<br />

and we will use the same form for our <strong>ILEA</strong> strategies. The evaluations will be funneled up<br />

through the <strong>ILEA</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> team to Cabinet and part of any public reporting the <strong>College</strong> does.<br />

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<strong>ILEA</strong> <strong>Equity</strong> <strong>Plan</strong><br />

Executive Summary

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