bff final

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issue 01


april 2017

BFF, issue 01

april 2017

by christina stoever

did we just become best friends?

BFF is here for you. carry us in your backpack, keep us on your nightstand,

read us during lectures, peruse through us while you take a bath, share our

secrets with your girlfriends. we believe that girls need to stick together,

and we want to educate and promote a freedom of expression, whether it

concerns our bodies or our lives. while the female experience is constantly

under scrutinization, we strive to shift that focus onto the high impacts

being made by ladies everywhere.



the issue?


thanks a lot




get to know

class act; stuff

that inspires those

who inspire.


guide to

birth control. an

in depth look into

your options.


chime in

our experiences

with contraceptives.


code red

red alert: periods

suck. these are our

monthly essentials.


hey qt

jump into spring

with a cult classic.


take me there

i <3 new york;

must see places +

faces by leah.


note to self

“sorrows + growth”

by nikoleta.



girls on film by




“personal best” by



editor’s note


thanks a lot

amina vanderhyde

model, photographer, strawberry

doughnut fanatic.



anna konson

model, designer, devoted cat mom.



elyse marcinkowski

model, advertising designer,

self-proclaimed ‘uncomfortable

amount of mcdonalds cheeseburgers

stuffed into a pair of oversized




reed nowels

model, advertising designer,

bathroom enthusiast.



stevie miller

model, advertising designer, sensational

girl wonder.



tyler unger

graphic designer, 10/10 boyfriend.





madison koster

“moonwalking color queen”

photography featured on pg.34.



shelby seay

“confused, lost person and aspiring


interview on pg. 14 + mixtape featured

on pg. 44.



leah wendzinski

“i won’t correct you if you pronounce

it like ‘leia’”

interview on pg.08 + photography

featured on pg. 36.



ila mindell

“i <3 dildos”

photography featured on pg. 32.



nikoleta vatiqi

“lost soul filled with poison and


writing featured on pg. 38.



rita lin

“dance dance revolution is my


illustrations featured on pg. 29.




class act

get to know


meet the girlbosses

making waves in the world of art

school and beyond, these detroit

based artists are changing the

game as we know it. photographed by

christina stoever.


get to know




what do u do + why?

i started playing around with photography

when i was in 6th or 7th grade

with a chunky film camera my parents

gave me. graphic design came into my

life when i was in my sophomore year

of high school when i realized that

there was a medium I could work in

where i could combine my love for photography

and turn it into something

more. i was obsessed with magazines,

posters, album covers, etc. and when

an opportunity came up junior year

to go to a career center for half of

the day, everyday i jumped on it and

started to learn how to use all of the

adobe programs.


prominent, successful female designers

and photographers. my friends and

their work - not just art school kids

either, my best friend is a social

worker and she inspires me the most.

thinking back on personal experiences

and growth. listening to people talk

about what they love. running. 2001:

a space odyssey.

what’s on ur playlist?

eye’s drift - archy marshall

bizarre love triangle - new order fatalist

palmistry - why?

hello operator - the white stripes

modern girl - sleater-kinney

anything by morrissey

fave part about being a girl?

recently it has been the girl + girl

support i have been seeing online

and in real life. the support and

solidarity i have observed in recent

years, months even, is something i

never felt, saw or participated in

growing up. it’s so motivating and


favorite things:

my record player. grids. sushi. dirty

chai lattes. recently, baby cows.

tell us a secret:

i have no fucking clue what i’m doing


where do u call home?

technically speaking, dearborn, michigan

but it has been detroit for the

last 4 years. i think chicago or nyc

are calling me to make them my new



get to know




what do u do + why?

i’m a bi-racial pro-black marxist who

loves doughnuts :~) i started taking

pictures in 7th grade (2007) because

i found that i was able to create narratives

and express emotion that way.


my peers at school, my friends, nature,

the sun, my dad, just anything

that i can live and experience tbh be

it good or bad.

favorite things:

doughnuts, my dog, all dogs, the

color yellow, the sun and hot humid

climates, smashing misogyny noir and

trans misogyny and just general misogyny

lol, my curls, the nails on my

pinky and ring finger, punching fascists

in the fucking teeth, learning

about things, strawberry flavored

things, using moisturizer, equal

rights for minorities, water, identity

visibility, plants (even though

i can’t keep them alive), and sleeping

for 14 hours at a time-- just to

name a few.

ocean recently, then lil uzi vert,

alex g, ALWAYS sade, and also the

lijadu sisters (their track ‘coming

home’ is my current life anthem).

fave part about being a girl?

i like being a “girl” bc there is

a bond i feel with femmes, other

cis-women, and trans-women to come

together to defend and protect each

other from a patriarchal society, and

in cis-women’s case defend and protect

people from our own toxic gender

socialization and binarism (?) that

we tend to push onto others (if that

makes any sense????).

tell us a secret:

?????? uhhh i have a crush on dwayne

the rock johnson?

where do u call home?

i don’t currently call anywhere home,

i am constantly walking the line of

all my identities so it’s hard to pinpoint....

but i guess my bed? my bed

is home.

what’s on ur playlist?

i’ve been listening to A LOT of frank


get to know




what do u do + why?

i like to call myself a designer. i

don’t like to get too specific because

i’m pretty widespread in my interests.

i’ve always liked making stuff

and drawing. i’ve been pretty creative

for as long as i can remember.

i took art classes throughout middle

and high school, but at the time it

was mostly for shits and gigs. eventually,

i realized that i was super

passionate about art and design and

i loved to learn about it. at that

point, i just started churning out

projects that sort of helped me refine

what i was interested in. it’s

changed over time, constantly. i’m a

product design major, and i’m about

to graduate, but now i’m finding i’m

more inclined toward graphic design.

i think it’s always going to change;

i’m not a very stable person in my



the 80’s, definitely. i love everything

about it. the design aesthetic,

the materials used, film, music,

i can keep going. everything reminds

me of sunsets. people did stuff for

the sake of doing it, but in such an

appealing way. i love reading old typography

books and industrial design

catalogues to find details i can incorporate

into my own work.

favorite things:

my favorite thing ever is the simpsons,

my favorite season of the simpsons

is season 4, and my favorite

simpsons character is hank scorpio.

where do u call home?

home is a strange concept for me.

there’s so much difference between

where i was born, where my family is

from, and where i’ve lived. i think i

feel most at home when i’m camping.

being outside feels warm and cozy.

what’s on ur playlist?

i’ve actually been listening to a lot

of CDs. i only have about 3 gigs of

data for the month so i try to not

stream music while i’m in my car,

which is where i listen to music the

most. in my center console, i have

three morrissey albums, two depeche

mode albums, one new order album

and one system of a down album. i’ve

been cycling through those for a few

months now.

fave part about being a girl?

i love girl love. like, i love posting

a selfie on twitter and getting true

compliments from other girls, i love

that any girl will tell you there’s

something in your teeth, and i feel

comfortable talking about some sexist

jerk with girlfriends. i just love

the sense of community among girls.

tell us a secret:

i fall out of my bed at least three

times a week on accident because i

just don’t pay attention.


get to know




what do u do + why?

i started doing graphic design my

junior year of high school. almost

5 years ago. i was pretty much set

on being a fashion designer my whole

life. i was ready to take a fashion

merchandising class at my school

district’s career center, and with a

little influence from my dad, i decided

to take a chance with the digital

imaging class. and here i am :-)


i love seeing people’s ideas expressed

through film. movies, music

videos, whatever. there is so much

to be appreciated about being able to

convey ideas, messages, and emotions

through something you can just simply

sit down and watch. i think some of

the times i’m most inspired is after

watching a really good movie. i’ll

sit and make lists of everything i

want to do that’s been inspired by

the movie. personal things i want to

accomplish, and things i want to do

with my art. oh and pinterest.

favorite things:

my bed, the tv show Lost, matthew gray

gubler, chocolate twizzlers, cats

cats cats, the 1975, harry potter,

flowers flowers flowers (i used to be

a design assistant to a florist and

i miss it every day), ferris bueller’s

day off, big cities, but also

camping, adam j. kurtz, books, rookie

(mag), my friends, the scream movies,

this list could go on forever.

where do u call home?

at the moment i call home my parent’s

house in Livonia. it’s got a nice fire

place and my cats and my idiot dog

and my family. that’s my literal answer.

my deep answer is inspired by

a keychain i have hanging from the

zipper on my favorite leather jacket

which says “home is not a place but

you are home.” it’s something i’ve

been trying to think about more lately,

and to me that means relying on

yourself, and finding refuge in what

you can do for you, rather than what

other people can do for you, because

you are pretty much the only constant

you have in your life.

what’s on ur playlist?

(see pg. 44)

fave part about being a girl?

my favorite part about being a girl

is probably the luxury of being able

to be a sensitive person and not being

told to go play football and man

up. sorry boys #girlrootingforsensitiveboys.

and i mean, clothes. i love

clothes. i love shopping. i am not


tell us a secret:

one time (recently) a doctor thought

i was a boy and i honestly don’t blame



get to know




what do u do + why?

i have always been interested in art

throughout my life, and have been

painting and drawing since i was a

child. i started advertising design

when i started here at CCS. i didn’t

know that advertising was what i wanted

to do, it just seemed interesting

when i decided to go into this field.

it was definitely the best decision i

could have made, because i absolutely

love what i do.

tell us a secret:

i stick my hands in my pants in public

to pick my wedgie WAY TOO OFTEN.

where do u call home?

my apartment in detroit, but also

my mom’s house on grosse ile.


everything inspires me. people, the

world around me, art in general inspire

me all the time, and always

keeps me thinking and bringing inspiration

to my own thoughts and work.

favorite things:

english muffins, peanut butter, socks,

shoes, art, online shopping, my mom,

wine, cheese, milk.

what’s on ur playlist?

oh god. i have a lot of jack johnson,

fergie, bruno mars, vance joy, and A

LOT of oldies but goodies.

fave part about being a girl?

the clothes, makeup, free drinks at

the bar, and girls just have more fun.


get to know




what do u do + why?

my dad worked in photo production and

my mom is a writer, so taking photos

and telling stories was kind of always

a thing i did. i’m studying advertising

because i want to get other

people’s stories told too.

tell us a secret:

one time i closed my finger in a car

door so i went inside a mexican

restaurant to get a breakfast burrito

and a bandaid but when i went to the

bathroom i looked down at the blood,

fainted, and then peed myself.

where do u call home?

i grew up in los angeles and moved to

detroit 4 years ago so i guess home is

a lil of both.


talking to my mom, trees, people


favorite things:

the word “yikes”, the irish jig at

2:05 of c’est la vie, gummy vities,

chicken and potatoes, sunny days.

what’s on ur playlist?

which playlist? i have this one

called “essential teen pop” and it

has b*witched on it.

fave part about being a girl?

confidence is three times as powerful

as a girl because it’s three times

harder to gain.


get to know




what do u do + why?

in high school i started experimenting

with film and motion graphics and

photography and loved finding ways to

combine them to promote a message that

kept people’s attention (honestly at

the time it was about making low budget

promo videos for my school/local


fave part about being a girl?

my favorite part about being a girl

is PMS.

tell us a secret:

i cried when avril lavigne became

preppy (age: 10)

where do u call home?

home is a place where i can shower

with the bathroom door open.


i am inspired by agencies that use

advertising to challenge social norms

and promote inclusivity to deliver

a brand message. it’s important now

more than ever for brands to recognize

how influential and powerful

their platform is, and it inspires me

to see them putting it to good use.

favorite things:

butter, boufford (my bun), jackets

that have inner pockets.

what’s on ur playlist?

this question has taken me 20 minutes

to decide (existential crisis).

reccently i’ve been listening to a

combo of defying gravity (wicked) and

a tribe called quest.


sex ed

sex ed

17 22

not your mom’s sex ed class.

going beyond the sugar coated mumbo

jumbo you heard in 6th grade health

class that you probably forgot all

about anyway!

18 23

sex ed

guide 2

birth control

a comprehensive guide to some of the most effective forms of birth control.

written + illustrated by christina stoever

how it works:

releases hormones that

keep your ovaries from

releasing eggs, thickens

cervical mucus to block

sperm. simply take a pill

once a day at the same time

every single day.

a tiny, t-shaped device

placed in the uterus that

releases either hormones

or copper to make sperm

inable to fertilize an

egg. hormonal iud lasts

for up to 6 years while

the copper iud lasts up

to 10.

a latex or non-latex cap

that covers your partner’s

disco stick, preventing

pregnancy and lowering the

risk of STI’s.


lighter + more predictable

periods, option to skip

period if desired, doesn’t

interrupt heat of moment,

may reduce acne, cramps,

+ PMS.

long lasting protection,

non-hormonal option available,

doesn’t interrupt

heat of the moment, may

lighten/eliminate period,

litle to no effort in

keeping up with.

cheap and easy to get,

usually no side effects,

protects against STI’s +



sore breasts, nausea,

change in sex drive, spotting.

cramps, increased period

flow, spotting between periods,


incompatible with people

with a latex allergy, may

not be attainable last

minute or in heat of the



$15 - $113.

free with medicaid and

most insurances.

$0 - $932.

free with medicaid and

most insurances. monthly

plans are available otherwise.

around $1 for a single

condom, or around $6 for a

box. free at many clinics.


99% - perfect use

91% - typical use

greater than 99%

98% - perfect use

82% - typical use


a small, flexible ring gets

inserted into your lady

part. it releases hormones

that keep your ovaries

from releasing eggs +

thickens cervical mucus.

gets left in for 3 weeks

+ taken out the 4th week.

for those who can’t take

estrogen, this is an injection

that prevents

pregnancy and keeps you

covered for 3 full months!

a teensy tiny rod that goes

under the skin in your upper

arm. it releases hormones

to prevent pregnancy

for up to 4 years.

a tiny, square band-aid

- esque patch that gives

off hormones to prevent

your ovaries from releasing


easy to use, may lighten

periods, can help with

acne, may reduce cramps

+ PMS.

easy to use, may lighten

periods, private, doesn’t

interrupt heat of the moment,

effective, lasts for

3 months.

private, no effort needed

after getting it inserted,

doesn’t interrupt heat of

the moment, safe for those

with diabetes + hypertension,

fewer/lighter periods,

may improve PMS, depression,

+ endometriosis.

easy to use, may lighten

periods, can help reduce

acne, cramps, + pms, might

help make periods more


tender breasts, nausea,

change in sex drive, increased

vaginal dischage/



irregular bleeding, change

in appetite + potential

weight gain, depression,

change in sex drive,

headaches, nausea, sore


irregular bleeding, acne,

change in appetite + sex

drive, depression, nausea,

tender boobs, headaches,

hair loss, pain/scar at

implant site.

nausea, spotting, tender

breasts, change in sex

drive, irritation where

patch sits.

$30 - 75.

free with medicaid and

most insurances.

$50 - 120.

free with medicaid and

most insurances.

$450 - $848, but can be

paid monthly or yearly.

free with medicaid and

most insurances.

$30 - $44.

free with medicaid and

most insurances.

99% - perfect use

91% - typical use

99% - perfect use

94% - typical use

greater than 99%

99% - perfect use

91% - typical use


sex ed

code red

chime in

the inside scoop on how girls like you take care of their sexual health.

15 - 19

20 - 24

25 - 29+

22% are

not fully


but have


5% of women have

no coverage or


73% of women

have full coverage

+ access.


go to www.plannedparenthood.org to find your

nearest clinic. no insurance necessary.


code red

sex ed

got you covered - here’s what gets us through that time of the month.

illustrated by rita lin



let’s be real, these are the

female edition of a socially

acceptable diaper. not hating

tho, they get the job done.


this is a no-brainer, tampons

are actually a woman’s best

friend. human friendly version

of a cork. may also be used to

stop nosebleeds.

diva cup

another blood absorbing device.

it’s essentially a cup

that goes right inside ya and

catches blood right from the

source. beat that, aquafina.

over the counter painkillers

hello cramps, my old friends.

ibuprofen or tylenol will help

eliminate all of the bad feels

your uterus and ovaries are

bringing about. take in moderation.

heating pad

because who wouldn’t want a

soft blanket pumping warmth

onto the flesh covering your reproductive



anyone who’s ever had their

period will tell you that any

other pair of pants are unnecessary

during this time, period.

no pun intended.

old undies

if you haven’t bled through a

pair of new underwear at some

point in your lifetime, you

haven’t lived. also, you are

probably lying.


hey qt

hey qt


denim daze

spring is here! kinda. time to

retire from your fave puffy coat

and break out that trusty jean

jacket once again. photographed

by ila mindell + madison koster.


by ila mindell

hey qt

model: naomi blakely



naomi is wearing a vintage levi’s jacket, american

apparel button-up blouse, BDG boyfriend jeans,

van’s, and her own belt.

by madison koster

hey qt

model: morgan parker

morgan is wearing a new york yankees jersey shirt and a true religion denim jacket.


arynn is wearing a brandy melville hat,

madewell denim jacket, zara jeans, and a

thrifted t-shirt.

model: arynn hans


take me there

breakfast worth the wait:

jimmy’s diner

577 Union Ave

new york

i love you,

but you’re bringing me down.

photographed by leah wendzinski

bagel spot:

tompkins square bagels

165 Ave A

food for herbivores:


185 Bleecker Street

most legit slice of pizza:

anna maria pizza

179 Bedford Ave

dessert to skip your diet for:


289 Manhattan Ave


dominique ansel bakery

189 Spring St

midnight munchies:

literally any bodega deli

stores we love:

in god we trust

129 Bedford Ave


123 Lafayette St

dashwood books

33 Bond St #A

regular visitors

149 Smith St


museums that inspire us:

whitney museum of american art

99 Gansevoort St; $18*

museum of modern art

11 W 53rd St; $14*

cooper hewitt

2 E 91st St; $5*

the guggenheim

1071 5th Ave; $18*

*with student ID

explore here:


every sat + sun, 11am-6pm;

90 Kent Ave

brooklyn bridge park

334 Furman St

chelsea market

75 9th Ave

the high line

820 Washington St


sorrows & growth

note to self

by nikoleta vatiqi


the first time i met you, i knew you

were something special. after that

day, i hadn’t seen you for a week

but you still sometimes crossed my

mind. all of a sudden i kept seeing

you everywhere and you consumed my

mind even more. i remember the first

time we kissed, our breathes tasted

like red wine and we stood at the

top of a water tower overlooking the

city. it felt sincere, it felt real.

you told me how you had been searching

for something to fill the void

and that i completed you. i felt all

warm and fuzzy inside. that feeling

still lingers on me. they say a fire

that burns twice as bright, burns

half as long. we never wanted to

stop kissing each other, it felt

addictive. sometimes i didn’t want

to do anything besides to be with

you, and i loved it so much because

you felt the same exact way. that

was the first time i felt loved and

it was taken away from me so abruptly.

i will never forget when things

started to slowly crumble right in

front of me. you started to look at me

differently, and i didn’t know why,

but i felt something wasn’t the same.

i wanted everything to stay the way

it was just for a little while longer.

all of a sudden, you completely

disappeared from my life without any

hesitation. it felt like i was taken

into a dark room and had my heart

ripped out of my chest without any

remorse. now we are only strangers

with memories, and every time i pass

you my heart still sinks.


love thyself [work in progress]

i believe depression and loneliness

brings out the best in us, and as we

learn to love our solitude, that is

when we begin to see where we stand as

a humans and our purpose in this life.

throughout all my experiences, if i

had not endured any of them, i would

not be the person

i am today. i was always bitter growing

up because i felt like life always

gave me the shitty end of the stick,

and i wasn’t able to find what was

missing in my life. i wanted to fill

that void at first through finding love

but when that didn’t work to my favor,

i gave up and i turned to drugs to fill

that void instead. being numb was the

only thing that

i was able to latch onto during that

point, and sometimes it still is. i’m

still learning that i don’t need anything

to fill the emptiness besides

learning to love my inner self. the

first step to this process is understanding

and accepting. i’m learning

that my happiness shouldn’t be reflected

off of another person’s undertaking.

all of my life i have been

worried about wanting to find someone

to love and to be accepted, that i

became blinded to it. this is still

a work in progress but i’m learning

to love myself so much more intensely

and learn to fill my emptiness in a

less toxic way.


girls on film


entry by christina stoever






curated and illustrated by shelby seay



“my playlist is for when you have a

place to yourself, so you can play

your music out loud, and let it fill

the space you’re in and you can just

exist with it. it’s called personal

best because that’s the first song on

it, and also because i think it’s a

relevant title for where i’m at right

now in my life, and how the playlist

makes me feel. i’m just trying to figure

out who i am and what i’m doing

and i’m trying to reach my personal

best. even though that’s hard to do

and i think we all are aware of that

fact. idk man it’s just a hodge podge

(is hodge podge a thing idk) of songs

that i kind of relate to and i hope

you can too! it’s got 2 of the 1975’s

songs on it bc i can’t help myself,

some ethereal shit, 2 film scores, and

a breakup song (which i designed the

cover art for and it’s by my friend

jake and i like it check it out) so i

think it’s pretty well rounded and i

hope u like it.”


editor’s note

BFF is a project i created as an

effort to unify girls through a variety of

shared experiences they can relate to and

learn from. growing up as a female has opened

my eyes up to the multitude of ways women have

been undermined by society, and i can’t help

but cringe during this time where females

continue to remain “unequal” to their male

counterparts. in a time where women’s opportunities

and rights continue to be limited

and questioned, it is essential that girls

build each other up, support one another, and

proceed with strength to further make a change

in our world.

as i continue to experience life as

a woman, i’m constantly learning how special

the female experience truly is. while i can’t

fully sum it up in words alone, i strive

to capture it in photographs. with my work

steering away from the male gaze, i’m always

trying to exemplify girlhood in its most honest

and pure states. for me, life as a girl

is more than the color pink and maintaining a

beautiful appearance for the sole purpose of

attracting a man. instead, i would define my

girlhood as a constant learning experience;

it is a never-ending bonding session with my

girlfriends, it is working hard to achieve

every single one of my goals without any fear

of my gender getting in the way, it is wedging

my way into a handful of situations without

having to second guess my self worth, it is

accepting the reality in which i live in, and

relentlessly emphasizing the truth in the art

i produce.

while putting together this first issue,

i was fueled with so much excitement when

i thought about making it an entirely collaborative

platform that would showcase the

outstanding work created by my lady friends.

i’m already flooded with overwhelming inspiration

by my friends and peers on a daily

basis, so i thought, why not share this with

the world? every single person that i’ve met

at art school has influenced the way i see life

around me, not only with their art that speaks

volumes, but also with their unique perspectives

and stories that i’ve been lucky enough

to hear all about.

even though this magazine only includes

the work of females, by no means does

it exclude anyone from reading BFF. in fact,

it is an attempt to provide every person,

no matter what gender you identify as, with

a sincere insight into the remarkable lives

that females lead. no fabrication here. we

want to break away from the expectations that

have been engrained into society for ages.

we aim to progress towards reshaping the existing

assumptions revolving around women,

and simply shift them into enlightened and

refreshed outlooks.

lastly, anyone who identifies as a

female is highly encouraged to submit their

work, as i plan on making this an ongoing

project. it was an absolute blast to delve

into the personal lives of the females in this

issue, and i want to continue to learn from

and inform this growing and loving community.

send any and all words, creations, thoughts

or ideas to christinastoever13@gmail.com.


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