Ruth McEvoy Collection 24 - Genesee County

Ruth McEvoy Collection 24 - Genesee County

Ruth McEvoy Collection 24 - Genesee County


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Sidewalks (cont) The Village is taking up 2' flagstones on State Street - Crelley & Feasted to lay<br />

cement walks. Doing some in front of the Cary residence. 8-<strong>24</strong>-1909<br />

Aldermen order sidewalks laid at once. 8-<strong>24</strong>-1911<br />

New policy: The City will remove snow from city sidewalks, charge residents. 12-30-1926<br />

Petitions circulated by merchants opposing cutting sidewalks.<br />

Past & Present column: Stone sidewalks replaced by wooden walks in 1857<br />

4-9-1937<br />

after a strenuous campaign. 10-8-1938<br />

After street widening sidewalks tilt. 8-26-1940<br />

Picture of work to even up sidewalks, made too high when the street was widened. 9-12-1940<br />

Picture showing sidewalks height on Main Street. 10-2-1940<br />

The City to raise the level of street to accord with sidewalks.<br />

Cutting back sidewalks left a high curb between Bank and Seaver which scrapes<br />

10-8-1940<br />

bumpers - to be cut. 10-7-1941<br />

Redfield residents protest the city plan to lay sidewalks.<br />

First stone sidewalks ready on Christmas Eve 90 years ago. Before that walks<br />

were of wood - first stretch was in front of the Eagle Tavern, Main Street.<br />

6-6-1944<br />

Celebrated with dancing by gaslight. Past & Present column.<br />

The City tries blacktop for sidewalk on East Main east of Trumbull Park - brushed<br />

1-3-1948<br />

with cement for color. 9-2-1948<br />

Order to install sidewalks on Clinton Street rescinded.<br />

Replacement of sidewalks to follow completion of Main Street paving. High curbs<br />

8-3-1948<br />

may present a problem. 8-31-1949<br />

The Mayor says curbs aren't too high - don't scrape car doors. 9-1-1949<br />

The Council debates buying a sidewalk plow. 2-19-1952<br />

Mothers picket for sidewalks on Union Street. 5-7-1954<br />

Six on Union haven't installed sidewalks. Later gravel applied.<br />

The Council decrees in the future sidewalks to be installed at property owner<br />

11-17-1954<br />

expense. 10-4-1955<br />

Sidewalks to be installed. 5-18-1956<br />

The Council approves sidewalk installation with all new building. 3-19-1957<br />

The City is investigating means of clearing sidewalks of snow. 12-9-1958<br />

Rochester clears sidewalks and charges residents. 1-3-1959<br />

The City to have streets plowed using $7,500 contingency fund. 1-28-1959<br />

The City is looking for men to plow. 1-31-1959<br />

The City Engineer finds three men who will plow streets - if it snows again. 2-10-1959<br />

Picture of the sidewalk plow in action. 2-19-1959<br />

Sidewalk plow run into trouble. 2-20-1959<br />

Engineer Kendra says sidewalk plowing is not necessary. 2-25-1959<br />

Police notify business places to keep walks cleared. 12-22-1960<br />

The Council to study snow removal from sidewalks.<br />

The Council approves a measure whereby the city can install sidewalks if the<br />

2-11-1964<br />

homeowner won't. 2-25-1964<br />

On sidewalk replacement - done hit or miss, as owners petition for. 11-25-1964<br />

The city buys a sidewalk plow - picture. 10-5-1966<br />

Sidewalk plow to get a trial. 12-30-1966<br />

The Board of Education protests the decision by the city not to build sidewalks. 5-21-1969<br />

Plan to put in sidewalks halted. The Council gives in to public protest.<br />

The Council orders sidewalks for new streets - on complaint from the Board<br />

2-<strong>24</strong>-1970<br />

of Education - at $4 per front foot. 4-28-1970<br />

Developers protest sidewalks - say they add to the cost of building. 6-14-1970<br />

The Council orders sidewalks on East Avenue. 6-30-1970<br />

Picture of sidewalks on the north side of East Avenue. 7-25-1970<br />

Sidewalks to be built on one side of the street only on new part of North Street. 10-4-1974<br />

Gateway Drive residents vote for sidewalks by one vote majority. 9-16-1975<br />

Naramore residents protest the threat to build sidewalks. 4-8 or 9-1976<br />

Winegar on the history of sidewalks - says mothers wanted them in 1954. 4-12-1976<br />

The Council agrees not to build sidewalks on Naramore, Bogue, and Dewey. 4-13-1976<br />

Naramore sidewalks voted down. 9-14-1976

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