Ruth McEvoy Collection 24 - Genesee County

Ruth McEvoy Collection 24 - Genesee County

Ruth McEvoy Collection 24 - Genesee County


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Sewerage Committee meets with both boards. 8-14-1973<br />

Sewage Plant (cont) The Council votes to update as obligated to do by the State. 8-14-1973<br />

Sewerage from Kings Plaza is flowing directly into the Creek. 8-28-1973<br />

Picture from the air of the Waste Water Treatment Plant.<br />

The water pollution control plant operates partly on methane gas produced in<br />

10-17-1973<br />

plant operation. 1-25-1974<br />

Prestige Acres on Clinton Street a problem. 4-27-1974<br />

Town - City sewer plans revealed - thinking of a joint project. 7-16-1974<br />

The Town of Batavia approves assessment to help expand the sewer plant.<br />

The Town to get $200,000 toward Sewer District 2 from the Office of Housing &<br />

8-3-1976<br />

Urban Development. 10-2-1976<br />

The Town to pay the City $238,838 for sewerage services.<br />

Congress approves $82,000 in Environmental Protection Agency funds for<br />

10-27-1976<br />

improving the sewer. 4-6-1977<br />

Clinton Street getting a sewer system after 10 years. 5-7-1979<br />

Future sewerage plans discussed. 6-5-1979<br />

Sludge from the plant not harmful to the soil. 12-8-1979<br />

Sewer work in 1980 budgeted at $4.5million. 12-11-1979<br />

The Council approves the sewer design by Black & Veatch of Kansas City, MO. 12-18-1979<br />

Cadmium, zinc found in city sludge. 1-30-1980<br />

The City agrees to accept more sewerage from the Town. 4-15-1980<br />

Diagram of Sewerage (proposed) enlargement of plant. 3-10-1981<br />

Storm sewers may be reorganized. 5-5-1981<br />

Bacteria decline causes odor in the sewer plant. 6-13-1981<br />

Wastewater treatment being received by committee dominated by Town residents. 10-26-1984<br />

Price of land hampering plans for sewage lagoons. 12-7-1984<br />

The Council to deliberate on the lagoon plan tonight. 12-17-1984<br />

The City approves the disposal ponds plan. 12-18-1984<br />

The City is studying garbage disposal. 12-18-1984<br />

Angry property owners protest the ponds plans. 12-20-1984<br />

Public meeting on monitoring industrial sewage emission tonight at City Hall. 1-<strong>24</strong>-1985<br />

The Council changes the sewerage law to make the City responsible for breaks 1-<strong>24</strong>-1985<br />

on lateral sewer lines under paved streets. 2-26-1985<br />

A Citizen Group brings suit to stop sewer pond building. 5-29-1985<br />

The City is trying to move the suit on the sewer pond site from Buffalo to Batavia. 6-5-1985<br />

The Council okays $27million for the sewer plant. 9-10-1985<br />

Suit filed against the City for wastewater pond plan.<br />

Judge rules the City can start no work on the sewer until environmental issues<br />

11-1-1985<br />

are settled. 1-27-1986<br />

More suits over ponding threatened.<br />

Town of Batavia engineers study the Attica Sewer Plant - believe a similar one<br />

4-23-1986<br />

would be for Batavia.<br />

New machine being installed next to the Engine House to purify stuff returning to<br />

5-8-1986<br />

the Creek - called a hydronamic separator - picture. 6-2-1986<br />

The Federal Government approves the pond plan for sewerage disposal. 7-21-1986<br />

The EPA allowing until August 14 for comments on the proposed disposal plan. 8-1-1986<br />

The court says the City can build the settlement ponds.<br />

The City authorizes the engineers to start working on the design for the<br />

8-12-1986<br />

treatment project.<br />

The court approves The City sewer plan - contracts signed today: 1. Seacoast<br />

8-13-1986<br />

Construction Co. of Lackawanna; 2. Richard P. Cecere of Batavia. 9-30-1986<br />

Courts approve study of the project - say its adequate. 10-1-1986<br />

The City is installing a machine to reduce odors. 10-28-1986<br />

The President vetoes bill that would have provided funds for the City's sewer project. 11-7-1986<br />

Congressman Slaughter promises to work for sewer funds. 11-8-1986<br />

The Council okays the sewer job.<br />

The State DEC rules the lagoon system is the "most appropriate" solution for<br />

11-25-1986<br />

Batavia. 12-20-1986

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