Jahresbericht 08 - PMOD/WRC

Jahresbericht 08 - PMOD/WRC

Jahresbericht 08 - PMOD/WRC


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26<br />

Scientific Research Activities<br />

Down-Welling Longwave Radiation Comparison Between Models<br />

and Measurements for Clear-Sky and Stratus Conditions<br />

Stefan Wacker and Julian Gröbner<br />

We performed two comprehensive radiative transfer<br />

studies considering clear-sky and stratus conditions<br />

for the Payerne BSRN site.<br />

In the first study, we compared modeled down-welling<br />

longwave radiation to measured down-welling longwavefluxes<br />

for nocturnal clear-sky conditions at Payerne by applying<br />

the Radiative Transfer Models MODTRAN and<br />

libRadtran. Absorption coefficients for libRadtran were generated<br />

using the line-by-line (i.e. highest possible resolution)<br />

ARTS model and the LOWTRAN band parameter<br />

model characterised by a much lower resolution of 20 cm -1 .<br />

The resolution of the MODTRAN band model is 2 cm -1 . We<br />

computed down-welling longwave radiation for the broadband<br />

wavelength range (2 to 300 µm) and for the wavelength<br />

range of the atmospheric window from 8 to 14 µm<br />

for 40 carefully selected nocturnal clear-sky cases at Payerne.<br />

Vertical profiles of pressure, temperature and humidity<br />

obtained from radiosondes launched at Payerne around<br />

23 UTC were incorporated into the models. The calculations<br />

were compared to the corresponding measurements,<br />

i.e. to a standard pyrgeometer and a modified CGR3-pyrgeometer<br />

which is only sensitive in the atmospheric window.<br />

Results revealed good agreement within the<br />

measurement uncertainty of ±2 Wm -2 between model and<br />

observations for both wavelength ranges using ARTS and<br />

MODTRAN (see Fig. 1). The calculations with LOWTRAN<br />

were outside the measurement uncertainty. The excellent<br />

results from this analysis can be also regarded as an independent<br />

validation of CGR3 measurements. Finally, the investigation<br />

revealed that pyrgeometers, sensitive only in<br />

the atmospheric window, are an attractive addition to support<br />

explicit validation of Radiative Transfer Models in the<br />

regime where water vapor spectra in the atmospheric window<br />

are not saturated.<br />

In the second study, we presented down-welling longwavefluxes<br />

and surface cloud radiative forcing results for singlelayered<br />

stratus cases at Payerne by using down-welling<br />

longwave radiation surface measurements and MODTRAN.<br />

Thirty cases with single-layered completely overcast stratus<br />

conditions were selected in fall and winter months between<br />

October and February in the period from 2000 to<br />

2005. Cloud base and cloud extent were determined for<br />

each case using synoptic observations, ceilometer data<br />

and humidity profiles obtained from radiosondes. These<br />

data were incorporated in MODTRAN together with pressure,<br />

temperature and humidity profiles of the radiosonde<br />

launched at 11 UTC at Payerne. The mean difference between<br />

model and measurements was 0.7 Wm -2 ±1.4 Wm -2<br />

for the 30 cases (see Fig. 2). We used these model results<br />

to deduce the surface longwave cloud radiative forcing<br />

which is a quantitative measure of the effect of clouds on<br />

the radiation budget relative to the clear-sky radiation<br />

budget. Cloud radiative forcing can be derived by subtracting<br />

the model results for clear-sky conditions from the<br />

corresponding cloudy computations. The obtained value<br />

of 81 Wm -2 for such single-layered, fully overcast stratus<br />

clouds can be regarded as corresponding to extreme conditions<br />

and will be less for all-sky cases which also include<br />

stratus situations that are not totally overcast as for example<br />

the value of 54 Wm -2 proposed by Dong et al. (2006).<br />

Figure 1. Errorbars indicating mean and standard deviation of observed<br />

minus modeled DLR of 40 clear-sky night situations at Payerne using<br />

various band parameter models. ARTS and MODTRAN calculations are<br />

within the measurement uncertainty of ±2 Wm -2 , whereas LOWTRAN is<br />

outside.<br />

Figure 2. Distribution of the differences between modeled and observed<br />

DLR for the 30 single-layered stratus cases at Payerne.<br />

References: Dong X., Xi B., Minnis P., 2006, A climatology of<br />

midlatitude continental clouds from the ARM SGP<br />

central facility. Part II: Cloud fraction and surface<br />

radiative forcing, J. Climate, 19, 1765-1783.

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