Hitting The Trail

This photo essay illustrates the scenes one can come across when venturing down a simple bike trail, how the feeling of being cramped in a town or city, can be relieved by the natural beauty one may come across on a bike or hiking trail.

This photo essay illustrates the scenes one can come across when venturing down a simple bike trail, how the feeling of being cramped in a town or city, can be relieved by the natural beauty one may come across on a bike or hiking trail.


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Hitting the Trail:

By Andrew



I wish to share with you the peace

found in nature. I am aware that

many of us don’t have the luxury

of owning land, and that makes it

hard for us to get out and smell

the roses. We also can’t afford to

simply go to a campsite whenever

we need some fresh air. Many of

us are cramped in large towns or

cities, with only crowded stores,

crowded roads, noisy neighbors,

construction, and much more. We

smell things we shouldn’t smell;

we hear things we shouldn’t hear,

and frankly, we spend time doing

things that don’t give us the

freedom we naturally desire. My

goal is to show you a way to get

out and enjoy the planet earth,

without breaking the budget, or

traveling too far. I want to show

you the beauty you can find on a

simple bike trail.

It may sound

rude, but

sometimes you

just want to get

away from


Other than hundreds

of people breathing

on you, you may

encounter things like

these, just laying on

the ground. People

do this all too often.

Why is that? I’m

honestly not sure,

but when people

share a place that is

worth something,

they tend to take

care of it.

Take a ride

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