3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />



yEASTS<br />

MARTInA ČARnECKá a , AnDREA HáROnIKOVá a ,<br />


IVAnA MáROVá a and EMíLIA BREIEROVá b<br />

a Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry,<br />

Department of Food Chemistry and Biotechnology, Purkyňova<br />

118, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic,<br />

b Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská<br />

cesta 9, 845 38 Bratislava, Slovak Republic,<br />

carnecka@fch.vutbr.cz<br />

Introduction<br />

During the last decades fast progress has been made<br />

within the field of biochemistry of carotenoid biosynthesis<br />

in bacteria, fungi, and plants. Although more than 600 different<br />

carotenoids have been identified in nature, only a few<br />

are used industrially. There are many yeast strains able to<br />

produce different carotenoids. However, the heterobasidiomycetous<br />

yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous, are the<br />

only microbial systems with commercial potentials for the<br />

production of astaxanthin. Several genes involved in the astaxanthin<br />

biosynthetic pathway of X. dendrorhous have been<br />

cloned and characterized recently. Analysis of DnA in other<br />

red yeast is very complicated and only several genes were<br />

described yet.<br />

There are many yeast strains able to produce different<br />

carotenoids, mainly as a part of stress response. In this work<br />

three different red yeast strains (Sporobolomyces roseus,<br />

Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodotorula rubra) were enrolled into<br />

a comparative study. To increase the yield of carotenoid pigments<br />

at improved biomass production, several types of exogenous<br />

as well as nutrition stress were tested. Each strain was<br />

cultivated at optimal growth conditions and in medium with<br />

modified carbon and nitrogen sources. Synthetic media with<br />

addition of complex substrates (e.g. yeast extract) and vitamin<br />

mixtures as well as some waste materials (whey, potato<br />

extract) were used as nutrient source. Some types of exogenous<br />

stress – peroxide, salt were applied too. The production<br />

of carotene-enriched biomass was carried out in flasks as well<br />

as in laboratory fermentor. Changes in yeast cells on metabolome<br />

level were studied using LC/MS techniques to carotenoid<br />

analysis.<br />

Materials and Methods<br />

S t r a i n s<br />

In the study following red yeast strains were tested: Rhodotorula<br />

glutinis CCY 20-2-26, Sporobolomyces roseus CCY<br />

19-4-8; Rhodotorula rubra CCY 20-7-31; Phaffia rhodozyma<br />

CCY 77-1-1, Sporobolomyces salmonicolor CCY 19-4-10.<br />

C u l t i v a t i o n<br />

Red yeasts were cultivated in a simple glucose medium<br />

aerobically at 28 °C. Physilogical stress was induced by nutri-<br />

s615<br />

tion components (C and n source) and by addition of 5 mM<br />

peroxide and 2% and/or 5 % naCl. Stress cultivations with S.<br />

salmonicolor, R. glutinis and P. rhodozyma were realized in<br />

flasks as well as in 2 L-laboratory fermentor (B.Braun Biotech).<br />

Three series of cultivations were realized with each<br />

strain. Two-step inoculation was done. All strains were firstly<br />

inoculated into a medium containing yeast autolysate (7 g),<br />

(nH 4 ) 2 SO 4 (5 g), glucose (40 g), KH 2 PO 4 (5 g), MgSO 4<br />

(0.34 g) per liter (InO I) and cultivated at 28 °C for 24 hours<br />

at permanent shaking and lighting. Second inoculum (InO II)<br />

was prepared similarly, in 1 st series was used the same<br />

medium as InO I, in 2 nd series lyophilized whey was added<br />

(7 g dm –3 ) and in 3 rd series potato extract (7 g dm –3 ) was<br />

added into InO II. Cultivation in InO II undergo at 28 °C<br />

for 24 hours at permanent shaking and lighting. Production<br />

media contained (nH 4 ) 2 SO 4 (5 g), glucose (40 g), KH 2 PO 4<br />

(5 g), MgSO 4 (0.34 g) per liter. Several waste substrates were<br />

added and cultivation was done for 80 hours at 28 °C under<br />

permanent lighting and shaking. Production media were pre-<br />

pared according to following scheme:<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

1 st series: InO I --- InO II --- production: 1 – control,<br />

2 – 5 mM peroxide, 3 – 2% naCl, 4 – 5% naCl,<br />

5 – lyophillized whey non-processed (7 g dm –3 ), 6<br />

– lyophillized whey processed by deproteination agent<br />

(7 g dm –3 ), 7 – liquid whey (250 ml dm –3 ), 8 – potato<br />

extract (Hi Media; 7 g dm –3 )<br />

2 nd series: InO I --- InO II (whey, 7 g dm –3 ) --- production:<br />

1 – control, 2 – 5 mM peroxide, 3 – 2% naCl,<br />

4 – 5% naCl, 5 – lyophillized whey non-processed<br />

(7 g dm –3 ), 6 – lyophillized whey processed by deproteination<br />

agent (7 g dm –3 ), 7 – liquid whey (250 ml dm –3 )<br />

3 rd series: InO I --- InO II (potato extract 7 g dm –3 ) --<br />

- production: 1 – control, 2 – 5 mM peroxide, 3 – 2%<br />

naCl, 4 – 5% naCl, 5 – potato extract (7 g dm –3 ).<br />

A n a l y z e d P a r a m e t e r s<br />

In all samples biomass and carotenoid content were evaluated.<br />

Biomass was determined gravimetrically. Levels of<br />

carotenoids – lycopene and beta-carotene were analyzed using<br />

HPLC/VIS (450 nm) and verified by HPLC/MS. Ergosterol<br />

and phytoene were analyzed by RP-HPLC (280 nm).<br />

Results<br />

In this work the growth of some red yeasts on waste substrates<br />

and subsequent effect of these substrates on beta-carotene<br />

production was studied. It was observed that addition<br />

of non-processed or deproteined whey or potato extract to<br />

media can increase beta-carotene production.<br />

In Rhodotorula glutinis addition of deproteined whey<br />

into production medium led to <strong>3.</strong>5 × increased production of<br />

beta-carotene without changes in biomass. non-processed<br />

whey or potato extract added to production media led to<br />

about 3 × increase of beta-carotene production but it was<br />

accompanied by lost in biomass. The highest yield was reached<br />

after addition of lyophillized whey to InO II as well as

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