3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />

sample was weighted into the plastic test tube. A volume<br />

of 0.5 ml of an internal standard, 1,7-diaminoheptane, with<br />

concentration 1 mg ml –1 was added to the sample and it was<br />

extracted with 20 ml of 5% trichloroacetic acid for two minutes<br />

using a disintegrator Heidolph Diax 900 (Heidolph Instruments,<br />

Germany). Suspension was then centrifuged for<br />

10 minutes (3,000 rpm, 4 °C). The supernatant was filtered<br />

through paper filter (Filtrak no. 390) and the solid residue<br />

was extracted for the second time (using method described<br />

above). Both extracts were collected into one tube, filled in<br />

50 ml with 5% trichloroacetic acid and filtered through the<br />

nylon membrane filter (13 mm, 0.45 μm, Chromatography<br />

research Supplies, Edison, USA). An aliquot 1 ml of an extract<br />

was mixed with 0.5 ml of saturated sodium carbonate<br />

solution (Sigma-Aldrich, s.r.o, Prague, Czech Republic) and<br />

derivatized with 1 ml of acetonic solution of dansyl chloride<br />

(5 mg ml –1 ) for 1 hour at 40 °C. The excess of unreacted<br />

derivatisation agent was removed by reaction with 250 μl<br />

10mM ammonia solution. Derivatized biogenic amines were<br />

then extracted into diethyl ether (3 × 1 ml); etheric extract<br />

was evaporated to dryness and dissolved in 500 μl of acetonitrile.<br />

The same procedure was applied on standard solution<br />

of biogenic amines (Sigma-Aldrich). Biogenic amines<br />

were determined as described in Burdychova and Komprda 11<br />

and Burdychova and Dohnal 12 by high performance liquid<br />

chromatography with UV detection at 254 nm. The formation<br />

of biogenic amines by starter and probiotic cultures was<br />

screened as described by Burdychova and Dohnal 12 .<br />

Results<br />

M i c r o b i a l C o u n t s<br />

A number of health benefits have been claimed for probiotic<br />

bacteria such as Lactobacillus casei. Because of the<br />

potential health benefits, this organism is increasingly incorporated<br />

into fermented foods. However, studies have shown<br />

low viability of this probiotic in market preparations 13 .<br />

In both bathes with probiotic bacteria, L. casei was detected<br />

at concentration of 10 4 CFU g –1 during ripening period<br />

and stayed at this level during the whole storage period. The<br />

changes in probiotic flora during ripening and storage of sausages<br />

are shown in Fig. 1. Initial LAB counts in probiotic<br />

batches were significantly higher than in the control samples<br />

without probiotics (p < 0.05), due to the inoculation of starter<br />

strains. During first 14 days of ripening LAB numbers<br />

reached levels up to 10 7 CFU g –1 in all batches; thereafter,<br />

during next 14 days of ripening, the counts of LAB significantly<br />

decreased in all batches to the level of 10 6 CFU g –1 .<br />

The total microbial count reached levels up to 10 8 CFU g –1<br />

in all batches during first 14 days of ripening and their counts<br />

gradually decreased to the level of 10 7 CFU g –1 during next<br />

14 days of ripening and 21 days of storage (data not shown).<br />

To provide health benefits, the suggested concentration<br />

for probiotic bacteria is 10 6 CFU g –1 of a product 13 and daily<br />

consummation of 100 g of such product is recommended.<br />

However, the minimal dose is depended on several factors<br />

such as individual person, probiotic strain and type of food<br />

s602<br />

product 14 . On the other hand, dry sausages are products,<br />

which may be suitable carriers for probiotics into the human<br />

gastrointestinal tract. The question still is, if those types of<br />

meat products can be called functional foods and consumed<br />

daily.<br />

Fig. 1. Changes of probiotic l. casei during ripening (0–28)<br />

and storage (28–49) of sausages „Herkules“, ▲ starter + probiotic<br />

l. casei, ♦ starter 2 + probiotic l. casei<br />

B i o g e n i c A m i n e s F o r m a t i o n<br />

Biogenic amines are formed by the microbial decarboxylation<br />

of free amino acids in food 15 and they are generally<br />

present in dry sausages as reviewed by Maijala 16 and eerola<br />

et al. 17 As described by Buckenhüskes 18 , the absence of biogenic<br />

amines formation should be a selection criterion for<br />

strains used as meat starter cultures. In our study was confirmed<br />

that neither starter nor probiotic cultures formed biogenic<br />

amines (results not shown). All sausages were analyzed<br />

for biogenic amines by HPLC. The concentrations of BA in<br />

the raw material were low but during ripening, fermentation<br />

and storage period a sharp rise occurred in both control and<br />

probiotic batches. The only BA which were at low levels<br />

during the whole ripening and storage periods was histamine,<br />

which concentrations varied from 0.5 to 2.5 mg kg –1 in all<br />

batches (data not shown). nout 19 pointed out that histamine<br />

contents should be in the range of 50–100 mg kg –1 in sausages<br />

processed according to „Good Manufacturing Practice“, the<br />

amount of histamine measured in this study is in agreement<br />

with this rule.<br />

Putrescine was the main amine formed in both control<br />

batches, followed by cadaverine and tyramine. The concentration<br />

of putrescine increased from 1.9 to 101.2 mg kg –1<br />

(control batch 1) and from 4.6 to 350.5 mg kg –1 (control<br />

batch 2). The amount of cadaverine increased from 2.0 to<br />

39.9 mg kg –1 (control batch 1) and from 11.7 to 81.6 mg kg –1<br />

(control batch 2). The level of tyramine increased from 6.3 to<br />

204.4 mg kg –1 (control batch 1) and from 10.5 to 300.4 mg kg –1<br />

(control batch 2), respectively. In this study, putrescine, cadaverine<br />

and tyramine accumulation was significantly inhibited<br />

in probiotic sausages when compared with controls without<br />

probiotic L. casei culture. Putrescine concentration increased<br />

gradually during ripening and storage period, reaching levels<br />

5<strong>3.</strong>7 mg kg –1 (probiotic batch 1) and 16<strong>3.</strong>5 mg kg –1 (probio-

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