3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />




ThyROxIN IN RATS<br />


and M. MERCA SARLEA<br />

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine,<br />

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Department of Biochemistry<br />

3–5 Mănăştur Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,<br />

sandrei@usamvcluj.ro<br />

Introduction<br />

Accumulating evidence has suggested that the hyperthyroidism<br />

is associated with increases in radical oxygen<br />

species (ROS) production and lipid peroxidation products in<br />

some tissues of rats. The response of the antioxidant systems<br />

is unclear. The changes in the levels of antioxidant enzymes<br />

in various tissues were found to be imbalanced and often<br />

opposite 1 . Lycopene, the main carotenoids in tomatos, has<br />

been shown to be a potent antioxidant in vitro and in vivo.<br />

Recent interest in lycopene is due to the finding of an inverse<br />

association between dietary lycopene and risk of some types<br />

of cancer and cardiovascular disease 2 .<br />

There are few literature data, which present studies regarding<br />

the effect of nonenzymatic antioxidants administration<br />

on oxidative stress induced by thyroid hyper function. In the<br />

present work, effects of the ingestion of tomatoes powder,<br />

rich in lycopene, on the activities of antioxidant enzymes<br />

(superoxid dismutase – SOD, catalase, and glutathion peroxidase),<br />

the oxidation of lipids and on fatty acids composition<br />

on liver, thyroid and myocardium were examined in rats<br />

intraperitonial injected with L-thyroxin.<br />

Experimental<br />

E x p e r i m e n t a l P r o c e d u r e<br />

Experiments were performed on three groups of male<br />

white Wistar rats: control (C – nontreated animals, normal<br />

diet); H group (treated animals with thyroxin and normal<br />

diet) and HT group (animals treated with thyroxin and tomatoes<br />

powder enriched diet). We induced hyperthyroidism<br />

by intraperitoneal L-thyroxine administration, 10 µg (100 g<br />

bodyweight) –1 , daily for a week. Daily dietary for group HT<br />

diet was supplemented with a natural product, tomato powder,<br />

obtained by Kunding Food Company. These powders contain<br />

62.5 µg lycopene (1 g powder) –1 . Each rats from HT group<br />

received 25 µg lycopene (100 g wet) –1 day –1 corresponding<br />

to 0.4 g tomato powder (100 g wet) –1 day –1 during 7 days.<br />

After 8 days the animals were sacrificed and thyroid, liver<br />

and myocardium tissue were collected.<br />

B i o c h e m i c a l D e t e r m i n a t i o n s<br />

Protein extracts was obtained using potassium phosphate<br />

buffer (pH = 7.35). The activities of SOD, catalase,<br />

glutathion peroxidase and lipids oxidation were estimated in<br />

this protein extract using photometric methods 3 .<br />

s579<br />

Lipids extracts from different tissues was obtained with<br />

methanol and chloroform, based on Folch procedure The<br />

fatty acids analysis was made on total lipids extracts using<br />

gas-chromatography (GC) 4 .<br />

Results<br />

In all biological samples we can observed an increase of<br />

antioxidant enzymes activities in H – rats compared with control.<br />

In the case of rats treated with diet rich tomatoes powder<br />

it can be observed a diminution of antioxidant activities probably<br />

due the antioxidant properties of lycopene (Table I).<br />

The increase of antioxidant enzymes activity in thyroidian<br />

tissue could be explained due to stimulation effect of thyroid<br />

hormones on protein shynthesis.<br />

Table I<br />

Antioxidant enzymes activity<br />

Glutathone Superoxid<br />

Tissue/ Catalase<br />

peroxidase dismutase<br />

Experimental ncat<br />

groups [g wet tissue –1 U GPx U SOD<br />

]<br />

[g wet tissue –1 ] [g wet tissue –1 ]<br />

Liver<br />

C 5068.79 62.93 225.69<br />

H 8499.99 40.30 24<strong>3.</strong>61<br />

HT 5891.08<br />

Thyroid<br />

61.64 206.23<br />

C 410.10 4.66 58.87<br />

H 79<strong>3.</strong>33 7.66 8<strong>3.</strong>99<br />

HT 424.99 5.16 100.96<br />

Myocardium<br />

C 717.64 20.18 5<strong>3.</strong>84<br />

H 835.08 28.55 11.33<br />

HT 690.62 2<strong>3.</strong>67 95.14<br />

Lipid peroxides levels were significantly increased compared<br />

with control group. Oral administration of lycopene<br />

resulted in a significant reduction of lipid peroxides levels<br />

in HT-group compared with rats treated only with thyroxin<br />

(Table II).<br />

Table II<br />

Lipids peroxides level (MDA μmoles g wet tissue –1 )<br />

Experimental<br />

groups<br />

Liver Thyroid Myocardium<br />

C 1239.44 4.98 912.11<br />

H 1750.40 12.91 1201.92<br />

HT 1294.74 7.96 988.24<br />

The results of the analysis of fatty – saturated fatty acids<br />

(SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated<br />

fatty acids (PUFA) – are showed in detail by Table III.<br />

In thyroid gland, compare with the control, we can observed<br />

a decrease of total fatty acids content in experimental<br />

group treated with L-thyroxin. The determination of content

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