3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />



ADhESION<br />

s780<br />

mined by the Surface Energy Evaluation system (Department<br />

of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University,<br />

Czech Republic).<br />




Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Technická 5,<br />

166 28, Praha 6, Czech Republic,<br />

olga.schreiberova@vscht.cz<br />

Introduction<br />

Bacterial cell adhesion is the first step in the formation<br />

of multicellular structure called biofilm. Biofilm is a dynamic<br />

community of cells which display distinct properties from<br />

the planktonic cells. These can be utilized in bioremediation<br />

technologies1 , however the stability of adhesion must be ensured.<br />

For this purpose, the principles of initial adhesion must<br />

be investigated and understood.<br />

Experimental<br />

Microorganism.<br />

Gram-positive pollutant degrading bacteria Rhodococcus<br />

erythropolis CCM 2595 was obtained from the Czech<br />

Collection of Microorganisms (Masaryk University Brno,<br />

Czech Republic).<br />

Cultivation and biomass determination.<br />

Cells were cultivated in 200 ml of medium in shaked Erlenmeyer<br />

flasks. The growth of suspended cells was monitored<br />

as optical density at 400 nm (O.D.). Either a complex medium<br />

nutrient broth (HiMedia, India) or minimal medium was used<br />

(KH2PO4 0.17 g dm –3 , K2HPO4 0.13 g dm –3 , (nH4 ) 2SO4 0.71 g dm –3 , MgCl2 0.34 g dm –3 , MnCl2 1 m g dm –3 , CaCl2 0.26 m g dm –3 , FeSO4 0.6 m g dm –3 , na2MoO4 2 m g dm –3 ,<br />

pH 7). In minimal medium phenol or glucose was used as the<br />

only carbon and energy source.<br />

Cell hydrophobicity.<br />

Hydrophobicity of cells was determined by the<br />

MATH test2 Results<br />

T h e E x t e r n a l C o n d i t i o n s I n f l u e n c e<br />

o n C e l l H y d r o p h o b i c i t y<br />

Cell wall hydrophobicity reflects the cell physiological<br />

state and is one of the most important cell characterictics that<br />

determine the ability to adhere<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

.<br />

• Cell fatty acids.<br />

For fatty acids determination the cells were harvested<br />

by centrifugation, washed and lyophilized. Fatty acids were<br />

esterified to methyl esters, extracted to hexan and analysed<br />

by GC-FID.<br />

• Adhesion monitoring.<br />

The Flow cell 81 (BioSurface Technologies, USA) was<br />

used for assessing the adhesion of cells. Materials with different<br />

hydrophobicity and other properties were evaluated. Three types<br />

of glass were employed: microscope slide (labeled glass in following<br />

text), coated glass and hydrophobized glass. Also polymeric<br />

materials silicone and teflon were evaluated. The glass and<br />

silicone materials were prepared at the Department of Polymers,<br />

Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology,<br />

Prague.<br />

• Material hydrophobicity.<br />

The material hydrophobicity (except teflon) was deter-<br />

3 . Cell hydrophobicity can be<br />

influenced by the type of the source of carbon and energy.<br />

In our study we investigated the effect of medium composition<br />

(complex and minimal media, optimal and stressful<br />

cultivation conditions). We found that the initial phenol concentration<br />

0.3 g dm –3 can be considered as optimal and that<br />

phenol concentration 0.7 g dm –3 partially inhibits the growth<br />

and can be called stressful (data not shown). Concentration<br />

1.0 g dm –3 caused considerable inhibition of the growth. nutrient<br />

broth was chosen as a complex medium. Also glucose<br />

(as a C source) in minimal medium was tested. During the<br />

experiments, hydrophobicity of cells in different growth<br />

phases was determined to ascertain the influence of this factor,<br />

which according to literature, can be considerable4 .<br />

The Rhodococcus erythropolis cells were proven to be<br />

highly hydrophobic in all monitored media (see Fig. 1.). The<br />

medium composition influence on variation of cell hydrophobicity<br />

was significant. The changes in cell hydrophobicity<br />

during the growth (exponential, stationary phase) were not<br />

considerable and therefore the subsequent experiments were<br />

carried out with cells in stationary phase.<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

exponential phase stationary phase<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Fig. 1. The dependence of r. erythropolis cells hydrophobicity<br />

Figure on media 1. composition<br />

The dependence of media composition on R.<br />

erythropolis cells hydrophobicity in two growth phases.<br />

The fatty acid composition of cells cultivated in media<br />

with different phenol concentration is presented in the Table I.<br />

Results indicate that there is dependency of fatty acid composition<br />

on initial phenol concentration.<br />

hydrophobicity [%]<br />

phenol 0,3g/l<br />

phenol 0,7g/l<br />

phenol 1,0g/l<br />

nutrient broth<br />

glucose 0,5<br />


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