3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />





JOSEF JánČář<br />

Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology<br />

Purkyňova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic,<br />

xcprudikova@fch.vutbr.cz<br />

Introduction<br />

The attachment of certain microorganisms to specific<br />

surfaces in the human oral cavity and the resulting formation<br />

of dental plaque on teeth and dental materials are primary<br />

causes for oral diseases such as denture stomatitis, gingival<br />

inflammation, and secondary caries, which may consequently<br />

lead to unhealthy complications 1 . Secondary caries is the<br />

most frequent reason for the replacement of restorative materials<br />

including resin composites. That is reason, why antimicrobial<br />

agents are incorporated and bacterial adhesion has<br />

to be measured.<br />

In the literature, several methods for quantification of<br />

deposited oral microorganisms were described, but a lot of<br />

them could be characterized as time, materials, instruments<br />

and financially – consuming.<br />

The amount of sorbed bacteria could be expressed using<br />

radio-labelled microorganisms. Cells were radio-labelled using<br />

[3H] – thymidine 2–7 , [3H] – uridine or [35S] – methionine.<br />

The amount of adsorbed bacteria was measured in a scintillation<br />

counter and was determined as radioactive counts per<br />

minute (CPM) of the labelled bacteria after washing them<br />

with buffer (KCl) to remove unbound bacteria.<br />

Other tests for microorganisms quantification were carried<br />

on examine dental materials. Discs from this dental materials<br />

were inserted in petri dishes or tubes that contained<br />

cell suspension and than they were incubated for 24 hours.<br />

After incubation discs were removed and rinsed with distilled<br />

water or PBS. Adherent bacteria were fixed with methanol or<br />

glutaraldehyd and stained with acridine orange, crystal violet<br />

or modified Gram stain. Quantitative analysis was performed<br />

using a fluorescence microscope. The number of adherent<br />

cells in several random fields was counted on each sample<br />

and bacterial adhesion was expressed as percentage area coverage<br />

8 .<br />

These methods were used the most often, but except<br />

them, other minor methods were tested. Capopreso at.al. 9 analysed<br />

bacterial adhesion to dental alloys spectrophotometrically<br />

in a microplate reader at 570 nm. The bacterial adhesion<br />

of each specimen was quantified as the ratio between the optical<br />

density at 570 nm and the surface area of the specimen.<br />

Blunden 9 , Duskova 10,11 expressed the amount of deposited<br />

microorganisms as percentage weight gain. Wu-Yuan 12 and<br />

Wilbershausen 13 examined the attachment of oral bacteria<br />

by SEM. For SEM, the samples were fixed in formaldehyd<br />

or glutaraldehyd and dehydrated through a graded series of<br />

aceton or ethanol. Boeckh 14 placed bacterial suspensions<br />

s768<br />

in conical cavities within the material and after incubation,<br />

the suspensions were removed form the restoratives and the<br />

numbers of viable bacteria were counted.<br />

F. Ozer at al. used for testing antibacterial activity Tooth<br />

cavity model. They prepared three cylindrical cavities in the<br />

flat surface of human extracted tooth. Cell suspension and<br />

brain heart infusion (BHI) broth were put in cavities and incubated<br />

for 24 h at 37 ºC. The number of S. mutans recovered<br />

was determined by the classical bacterial counting method<br />

using 5% sheep blood agar 8 .<br />

Experimental<br />

The spectrophotometric Biuret method was used to<br />

quantified amount of bacteria S. mutans adhering to the polymer<br />

surface. In order to optimise Biuret method the composition<br />

of liquid culture medium, the amount of bacteria suspension<br />

used for the samples inoculation, the samples incubation<br />

time and methods for the bacteria releasing from the samples<br />

were tested.<br />

B i u r e t M e t h o d<br />

Under alkaline conditions substances containing two or<br />

more peptide bonds form a purple complex with copper salts<br />

in the reagent. Upon complexation, a violet color is observed.<br />

The absorbance of the Cu 2+ protein complex is measured at<br />

540 nm and compared to a standard curve. Bovine serum albumin<br />

is used as a standard. This method was employed for<br />

the quantification of the S. mutans in both culture medium<br />

and on the discs.<br />

Biuret agent was prepared by dissolving 1.5 g<br />

CuSO 4 . 5H2 O + 6 g C 4 H 4 O 6 Kna . 4H 2 O in 500 ml H 2 O.<br />

300 ml 10% naOH was added to the solution and distilled<br />

water to make 1,000 ml.<br />

When studying the amount of bacteria in the suspension<br />

following procedure was used: 1 ml of the tested suspension<br />

was mixed with 4 ml of Biuret agent and 1 ml distilled water.<br />

Upon 10 seconds shaking period and 30 minute incubation,<br />

absorbance was measured against a blank at 540 nm.<br />

To evaluate the amount of bacteria adhered to the disc,<br />

the bacteria had to be released from the disc. The samples<br />

were placed into 2 ml distilled water and ultrasonic bath were<br />

used. The time of ultrasonic bath was varied up to 8 minutes<br />

(2, 4, 6 and 8 minutes) in order to find out conditions when<br />

both the highest amount of bacteria is released and still no<br />

damage of the disc occurs. Further the procedure is same as<br />

in case of quantification of bacteria in suspension.<br />

D e n t a l M a t e r i a l s a n d P r e p a r e o f<br />

S a m p l e s<br />

The discs were prepared from the commercially available<br />

microhybrid composites (Adoro, Ivoclar Vivadent),<br />

D3MA resin-based materials (Advanced Dental Materials)<br />

and ceramic materials (Ivoclar Vivadent) as reference material.<br />

The material was placed in a metal mold between a layer<br />

of transparent foil and metal. It was cured in the Vectris cur-

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