3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />

case of using the leave-three-out validation. Thus, the remaining<br />

one sample or three samples were not included in the<br />

training procedure but were used for inspecting the quality<br />

of prediction whether the predicted variety of wine matches<br />

the real wine variety. The results achieved by several classification<br />

techniques and different software are summarized<br />

in Table I. The presented Ann results were achieved after<br />

optimising the neural network; the lowest error was obtained<br />

when using a three layer perceptron with 30 input neurons<br />

(areas of the selected best peaks), 3 hidden neurons and<br />

one six-level output neuron (representing the predicted wine<br />

variety).<br />

All wine samples (100 %) were correctly classified into<br />

six classes by variety when the calculated multidimensional<br />

model is considered – no one sample was allocated to a wrong<br />

class. Considering the validation results, the performance in<br />

leave-one-out validation depend on the applied multivariate<br />

technique. The leave-three-out manual technique can be used<br />

also in the case when the automatic leave-one-out validation<br />

is not enabled for the given method and software. All validation<br />

results shown in Table I are above 90 %, which justifies<br />

very good ways of wine variety prediction enabling to confirm<br />

or reject wine authenticity.<br />

C l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f D r i n k i n g W a t e r<br />

Three classification criteria were used for the classification<br />

of drinking waters: (1) by three types of water – potable,<br />

mineral and spring water, (2) by five types of water – potable,<br />

mineral, mineral carbonated, spring and spring carbonated<br />

water, (3) by three countries of origin – Slovenia, Croatia<br />

and Czechia (the category of French waters was not used due<br />

to a very low number of samples). Before the calculations<br />

new categorical variables were created, which correspond to<br />

the first, second and third classification criterion: WType 3,<br />

WType 5 and Country, resp. In addition, a special categorical<br />

variable Carbon was created in order to mark whether the<br />

sample is carbonated or not (c/n). When using the Anns it is<br />

possible to utilize this variable at the input to provide some<br />

Table I<br />

Success in prediction of wine variety using 72 varietal wines,<br />

30 optimally selected chromatographic peaks, 5 classification<br />

and 2 validation techniques<br />

Method Classif. Leave-1- Leave-3- Software<br />

success out out<br />

LDA<br />

Correct/all<br />

%<br />

69/72<br />

95.8<br />

69/72<br />

95.8<br />

QDA<br />

correct/all<br />

%<br />

66/72<br />

91.7<br />

65/72<br />

90.3<br />

Knn<br />

correct/all<br />

%<br />

72/72<br />

100.0<br />

67/72<br />

9<strong>3.</strong>1<br />

LR<br />

correct/all<br />

%<br />

–<br />

–<br />

69/72<br />

95.8<br />

Ann<br />

correct/all<br />

%<br />

–<br />

–<br />

68/72<br />

94.4<br />

SAS<br />

SAS<br />

SAS<br />

SPSS<br />

JMP<br />

s558<br />

additional information about the sample. It is worth noting<br />

that the discriminant analysis techniques, except logistic<br />

regression, do not permit the use of non continuous input<br />

variables. The mentioned additional information cannot be<br />

of course used when the classification by the second criterion<br />

is used.<br />

Table II shows the classification results for five cases<br />

using categorization by water type into 3 and 5 classes, the<br />

same categorization but with the help of additional categorical<br />

variable Carbon, and finally categorization by 3 countries<br />

of origin. Intelligent Problem Solver is an extremely useful<br />

module of Trajan software facilitating the selection of the<br />

optimal neural network. For the sake of place, Table II exhibits<br />

only five best networks, automatically selected by this<br />

module, but a good possibility is to make a choice among<br />

a larger nuber of networks. Moreover, the networks belonging<br />

to different Ann variants can be examined in this way<br />

(e.g. Radial Base Ann). In Table II, the ordinal number of<br />

the network is marked by no, the number of neurons in individual<br />

layers is marked by I (input), H (hidden), and O (output);<br />

Err. indicates the sum of squares error obtained both<br />

for the training and test sets. The most important results are<br />

Table II<br />

Ann – selection of the best network for 5 different criteria of<br />

water classification using Intelligent Problem Solver of software<br />

Trajan 6.0<br />

MLP networks<br />

Categor<br />

neurons<br />

variables<br />

no I H O<br />

Train.<br />

set<br />

Err.<br />

Test<br />

set<br />

Err.<br />

Success<br />

[%]<br />

1 31 6 1(3) 0.009 <strong>3.</strong>759 77.3<br />

2 31 6 1(3) 0.023 4.706 81.8<br />

Country 3 31 5 1(3) 0.023 2.801 77.3<br />

4 31 6 1(3) 0.017 <strong>3.</strong>464 81.8<br />

5 31 6 1(3) 0.0044 5.239 86.4<br />

1 32 5 1(3) 0.0079 <strong>3.</strong>215 86.4<br />

Country<br />

c/n<br />

2 32<br />

3 32<br />

4 32<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

1(3)<br />

1(3)<br />

1(3)<br />

0.001<br />

0.100<br />

0.0032<br />

<strong>3.</strong>921<br />

2.242<br />

1.829<br />

81.8<br />

86.4<br />

86.4<br />

5 32 6 1(3) 0.144 0.480 90.9<br />

6 31 6 1(3) 0.0054 0.0026 100.0<br />

7 31 6 1(3) 0.0008 1.602 86.4<br />

WType3 8 31 6 1(3) 0.0002 0.649 95.5<br />

9 31 6 1(3) 0.0010 0.204 95.5<br />

10 31 6 1(3) 0.0000 0.935 86.4<br />

1 32 6 1(3) 1.4 × 10<br />

WType3<br />

–5 2. × 10 –5 100.0<br />

c/n<br />

2 32 6 1(3) 1.1 × 10 –6 5.8 × 10 –6 3 32 5 1(3)<br />

100.0<br />

5.9 × 10 –6 4 32 6 1(3)<br />

0.0029 100.0<br />

1.2 × 10 –9 8.2 × 10 –6 100.0<br />

5 32 6 1(3) 1.5 × 10 –8 9.1 × 10 –3 100.0<br />

1 31 6 1(5) 0.2946 0.744 90.9<br />

2 31 6 1(5) 0.215 0.599 86.4<br />

WType5 3 31 6 1(5) 0.424 1.154 81.8<br />

4 31 6 1(5) 0.197 0.4498 59.1<br />

5 31 6 1(5) 0.480 0.934 90.9

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