3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />




AureObAsiDiuM PullulANs<br />



Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology,<br />

Purkyňova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic,<br />

xcondruska@fch.vutbr.cz<br />

Introduction<br />

Pullulan is an extracellular water-soluble polysacharid<br />

produced by yeast-like strain Aureobasidium pullulans. It is<br />

a linear homopolysaccharide usually described as an a-(1–6)<br />

lincagen polymer, consisting mainly of maltotriose units 1 .<br />

The regular alternation of alpha-1,4 and alpha-1,6 bonds<br />

results in two distinctive properties, such as structure flexibility,<br />

enhanced water-solubility and excellent film- and fiber<br />

forming properties 2 . Thanks these characteristic pullulan<br />

can be used in low-calorie food aidtives, cosmetic emulsions,<br />

oxygen-impermeable film for packaging, adhesives, and<br />

thickening and extending agents. Recently, pullulan has been<br />

getting renewed attention as an excellent material for pharmaceutical<br />

and biomedical application 3 .<br />

Fermentation can be affected by different types of carbon<br />

and nitrogen source resulted in varying pullulan yields<br />

during the culture growth process, since the philamentous<br />

forms or chlamydospores are less productive than the yeast<br />

or pigment-free blastospores 4 .<br />

Fig. 1. Chemical structure of polysaccharide pullulan<br />

In this work, several media with different type of carbon<br />

and/or nitrogen source were used for A. pullulans cultivation.<br />

PUR foams modified by 10 % of carboxymethyl cellulose,<br />

2-hydroxyethyl cellulose, acetylated starch and acetyl<br />

celulose, respectively were used as immobilization agents.<br />

A. pullulans cells were cultivated in Erlenmeyer flasks at<br />

28° C for 120 to 480 hours. First, all materials were tested<br />

as potential carbon/nitrogen source. Further, microorganisms<br />

s747<br />

were cultivated for 4–6 weeks in presence of PUR under permanent<br />

shaking. Samples were taken in 24-hour intervals,<br />

quantitative changes of biomass and pullulan content were<br />

determined gravimetrically and/or spectrophotometrically.<br />

Additionally, surface microscopy of all degraded polyurethanes<br />

was tested.<br />

Material and methods<br />

M i c r o o r g a n i s m a n d C u l t u r e<br />

C o n d i t i o n s<br />

Strain of A. pullulans, CCM F-148 was purchased from<br />

Czech Collection of Microorganisms. The culture was stored<br />

on medium with malt extract and yeast malt agar, respectively,<br />

at 4° C. For biodegradation experiments 100 ml of<br />

inoculum was prepared in 500 ml Erlenmayer flask. Cultivation<br />

was performed at 28 °C and 150 rpm for 24 hours.<br />

Inoculum as well as production medium contained (g dm –3 ):<br />

yeast extract 7, potassium phosphate 5, ammonium sulphate<br />

5, magnesium sulphate 0.34, glucose 40 was used as carbon<br />

source, distilled water. Initial pH was 6.5 before autoclaving.<br />

All flasks were incubated in an incubator shaker operating at<br />

28–30 °C and 150 rpm for 120 hours.<br />

M a t e r i a l s<br />

General chemicals: polyether polyol, tolylene diisocyanate<br />

80/20 (TDI), tin and amine based catalysts, surfactant<br />

and water. Biodegradable fillers: acetylated starch (AS),<br />

acetylcellulose (AC) Mn = 30,000 Da and 2-hydroxyethylcellulose<br />

(HEC) Mn = 90,000 Da. The foams were prepared<br />

by a three-step reaction process. The chemical composition<br />

of the pulverized BIO-PU foams was proved by an infrared<br />

spectroscopy on the nicolet Impact 400D Fourier Transform<br />

InfraRed (FTIR) spectrometer using the KBr technique.<br />

M e a s u r e m e n d o f D r y C e l l W e i g h t<br />

a n d P u l l u l a n P r o d u c t i o n<br />

Samples for analyses (10 ml) were taken from each flask<br />

in regular 24-hour intervals. Total biomass (summ of mycelial<br />

and yeast cells) was determined after centrifugation of the<br />

culture sample at 12,000 × g for 20 min and washing the sediment<br />

with distilted water gravimetrically (drying at 105 °C<br />

for 2 hours).<br />

To analysis of pullulan production, supernatant was<br />

mixed with 2 volumes of absolute ethanol for 20 min. Precipited<br />

polysaccharide was separated by centrifugation or<br />

filtration and dried at 80 °C. Pullulan precipitate was purified<br />

twice by hot water and by ethanol. Crude pullulan yield was<br />

measured gravimetrically.<br />

Pure polysaccharide content was determined by analysis<br />

of products of its enzymatic hydrolysis (effect of pullulanase<br />

resulted in maltotriose). The content of maltotriose was determined<br />

by Somogyi-nelson method 5 , calibration with maltotriose<br />

was performed.

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