3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />





and VLADIMíR JIRKů<br />

Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Department of<br />

Fermentation Chemistry and Bioengineering<br />

Technicka 5, 166 28 Prague, Czech Republic,<br />

tereza.krulikovska@vscht.cz<br />

Introduction<br />

The unicellular microorganisms naturally form multicellular<br />

communities called biofilm. Bacterial biofilms are generally<br />

described as surface associated community consisting of<br />

microcolonies surrounded by a matrix of exopolymers (EPS)<br />

with varied composition. The characteristics of biofilm which<br />

are in focus of present research are the ability to withstand<br />

and degrade high concentration of various toxic substances.<br />

Phenol and catechol are toxic and persistent pollutants<br />

of the environment. They enter the environment from a number<br />

of industrial sources, namely from the production of pesticides,<br />

herbicides and many others. The method of removal<br />

by bacterial population is one of the possible solutions 1 .<br />

For our experiments gram-positive Rhodococcus erythropolis<br />

was chosen as a bacterium with a broad degradation<br />

potential, owning to its highly versatile metabolism.<br />

Experimental<br />

Rhodococcus erythropolis CCM 2595 was cultivated in<br />

BSM 2 medium at 28 °C. Carbon source was added (phenol or<br />

catechol 0.7 g dm –3 ) after sterilisation.<br />

Phenol and catechol concentration in media were determined<br />

by HPLC: Watrex column 250 × 4 mm, nucleosil<br />

100 C18, acetonitrile/deionized water (40/60), 1.0 ml min –1 ,<br />

UV detection 254 nm.<br />

Changes in biomass concentration were measured by<br />

spectrophotometric method at 595 nm as a total protein concentration<br />

3 .<br />

The cell surface hydrophobicity was assayed using a<br />

procedure according to Rosenberg 4 – BATH test. Polymer<br />

material surface hydrophobicity was measured by a contact<br />

angle measurement method 5 .<br />

For EPS composition analysis the biomass was removed<br />

from carrier by ultrasound and 2% EDTA addition. Saccharides<br />

were assayed according to Dubois 6 , proteins according<br />

to Bradford 3 .<br />

Rate of adhesion during initial period of cultivation was<br />

determined by fluorescent microscopy (Microscope nikon<br />

Eclipse E400). After staining of biofilm by SYTO 13 the part<br />

of colonized area was measured by the method of image analysis<br />

(LUCIA, Laboratory Imaging Ltd., CZ).<br />

s703<br />

Results<br />

S u s p e n d e d C e l l s<br />

Experiments were carried out in shaken flasks (120 rpm)<br />

in medium with phenol or catechol as a sole carbon source.<br />

The concentration of 0.7 dm l –3 of the pollutant was chosen<br />

as a stressed concentration according to previous experiments<br />

(data not shown). The changes of biomass concentration<br />

during cultivation were expressed as a total protein<br />

concentration. The results are presented in the Fig. 1. The<br />

biomass concentrations at the end of both cultivations were<br />

13 mg dm –3 . The phenol (0.7 g dm –3 ) was totally degraded after<br />

49.5 h, catechol (0.7 g dm –3 ) after 119.4 h.<br />

Experiments have shown that catechol biodegradation<br />

is affected by day light. During cultivation catechol was<br />

decomposed to compounds which interacted with glass. The<br />

repeated use of glass vessels was impossible.<br />

Fig. 1. rhodococcus erythopolis suspended cells growth and<br />

pollutant biodegradation. The cells were cultivated in shaken<br />

flasks in BSM medium at 28 °C. The phenol or catechol was used<br />

as sole carbon source (concentration 0.7 g dm –3 ). The phenol/catechol<br />

and biomass (expressed as a total protein) concentration<br />

were monitored.<br />

B i o f i l m<br />

The cell adhesion on solid materials is significantly<br />

affected by cell envelope composition and by hydrophobic/<br />

hydrophilic interactions between cells and carrier materials.<br />

The hydrophobicity and variance in EPS composition were<br />

studied.<br />

Table I<br />

Carrier materials hydrophobocity<br />

Material hydrophobicity Contact angle<br />

[°]<br />

Glass (microscopic slide) 26.4 ± 6.6<br />

Silicone 97.0 ± <strong>3.</strong>6

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