3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />

P52 MONITORING OF ACRyLAMIDE IN <strong>FOOD</strong>S<br />


JAnA KOLářOVá, IREnA řEHůřKOVá and JIří<br />


National Institute of Public Health – Centre for Hygiene of<br />

Food Chains, Palackeho 3a, 612 42 Brno, Czech Republic,<br />

kolarova@chpr.szu.cz<br />

Introduction<br />

Acrylamide is a substance that is produced, first of all<br />

(but not exclusively), in starch foods as a result of high temperature<br />

(> 120 °C) used during culinary processes, particularly<br />

during baking, grilling, frying or microwaving. Acrylamide<br />

can cause cancer in animals and experts assume that<br />

acrylamide can probably cause cancer also in humans 1,2 .<br />

The main mechanism of acrylamide formation in food<br />

is expected via a reaction between the amino acid asparagine<br />

and reducing sugars, e.g. glucose, under high temperature 1,3 .<br />

Methodology<br />

Since 2004, content of acrylamide has been monitored<br />

within the framework of “The Project on Dietary Exposure of<br />

the Czech Population to Selected Chemical Substances”carried<br />

out by the Centre for the Hygiene of Food Chains in Brno<br />

with the objective to describe the dietary exposure of the<br />

Czech population to chemical substances.<br />

Sample collection is designed to cover current diet composition<br />

and also various regions in the country. Important<br />

feature of the monitoring project is a fact that samples are<br />

culinary treated so that they could be analysed in the same<br />

stage as they are consumed 4 .<br />

The determination of acrylamide is conducted in starchrich<br />

foods but also othercomm. commodities, where acrylamide<br />

was previously detected 5 (for example olives, coffee<br />

and so on) within the range of so-called “Food basket for the<br />

Czech population”. Individual commodities were purchased<br />

four times per year.at a retail market of twelve towns in<br />

the CR 6 .<br />

The acrylamide is isolated from a matrix by the extraction<br />

to 100 ml demineralised warm water (60 °C). After 20 min.<br />

mixing the sample is centrifuged at 11,000 rpm for 10 min.<br />

7 ml of supernatant is then transferred into a stoppered flask<br />

containing 2 g anhydrous potassium bromide. Derivatization<br />

(conversion of acrylamide into 2,3-dibromopropionamide)<br />

is a next step. 2.5 ml saturated solution bromine (100 ml<br />

H 2 O + 3 ml bromine) were added into stoppered flask with<br />

sample. A product of bromination (over night reaction) was<br />

extracted with 2.5 ml ethylacetate and converted into stable<br />

2-bromopropenamide by dehydrobromination with triethylamine.<br />

The ethylacetate extract is filtered and analysed by gas<br />

chromatography (HP 5890) coupled with mass spectrometry<br />

(HP 5972) employing 13 C 3 acrylamide as the internal standard.<br />

The m/z 149 and 151 were used in the method of quantification<br />

(SIM) of 2-bromopropenamide and the m/z 152 and<br />

s687<br />

154 for labelled 2-bromopropenamide. The ions separated by<br />

two mass units are due to the contribution of the two isotopes<br />

of bromine. The ratio of 79Br to 81Br is 1 : 1, which enables<br />

us to choose between the above m/z in the process of quantification.<br />

The m/z value, which isn‘t influenced by interference,<br />

is chosen.<br />

The method was validated and accredited according to<br />

CSn En ISO/IEC 17025 (Czech Accreditation Institute). The<br />

quality control was implemented by participating in proficiency<br />

testing organised by Food Analysis Performance Assessment<br />

Scheme (FAPAS).<br />

In addition, FAPAS samples of known acrylamide content<br />

were used as reference materials for internal testing.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

In total 803 various samples were analysed during<br />

2005–2007. The highest content of acrylamide was found in<br />

potato crisps (range 268–3,817 µg kg –1 ), french-fries (range<br />

< 15–705 µg kg –1 ), honey gingerbread (73–429 µg kg –1 ),<br />

cocoa powder (56–567 µg kg –1 ). Relatively high acrylamide<br />

levels were detected in spices (147–1,076 µg kg –1 ).<br />

Table I<br />

Acrylamide content in food samples (2005–2007)<br />

Commodity n µg kg –1<br />

Potato crisps 36 267.88–3817.48<br />

French fries 33 < 15–704.65<br />

Ground paprika 12 147.39–1075.98<br />

Pepper 12 182.06–456.48<br />

Biscuits 36 50.19–1337.24<br />

Savoury biscuits 24 68.70–708.38<br />

Gingerbread 24 7<strong>3.</strong>36–429.18<br />

Cocoa powder 24 55.63–566.91<br />

Wafers 36 22.00–420.94<br />

Plain chocolate 12 61.11–246.86<br />

Cornflakes 24 < 15–299.48<br />

Cake 24 15.59–190.24<br />

Muesli 24 < 15–195.36<br />

Flaky pastry 12 22.54–146.93<br />

Wheat-rye bread 24 19.84–8<strong>3.</strong>58<br />

Rye bread 36 < 15–92.67<br />

Cream cake 26 < 15–97.51<br />

Wholemeal bread 36 < 15–87.09<br />

Wholemeal rolls 36 < 15–98.19<br />

Pizza 12 < 15–66.29<br />

Chocolate sweets 36 < 15–8<strong>3.</strong>01<br />

Chocolate bars 36 < 15–12<strong>3.</strong>22<br />

Wheat rolls 24 17.78–70.26<br />

French loaf 24 16.17–5<strong>3.</strong>67<br />

Milk chocolate 12 28.19–6<strong>3.</strong>49<br />

Coffee (infusion) 12 4.42–21.81<br />

Peanuts 12 < 15–48.97<br />

Sponge biscuits 24 < 15–34.79<br />

Cocoa instant drink 12 < 15–20.84

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