3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />

P36 (1→3)(1→4)-β-D-GLuCAN: VARIABILITY AND<br />


GRAIN<br />


KRAIC<br />

Agricultural Biotechnologies Department, Slovak Agricultural<br />

Research Center – Research Institute of Plant Production<br />

Piešťany, Bratislavská cesta 122, 921 68 Piešťany, Slovak<br />

Republic,<br />

havrlentova@vurv.sk<br />

Introduction<br />

β-D-glucan is major polysaccharide constituent of cell<br />

walls in the Poales, an order that includes cereals as well as<br />

other grass species. It is a linear and partially water-soluble<br />

polysaccharide that consists only of glucose linked through<br />

both β-(1→3)- and β-(1→4)-glykosidic linkages in various<br />

ratios. β-D-glucan plays an important role in cell wall architecture<br />

and plant development 1 . It has a positive impact on<br />

human health in terms of lowering cholesterol and blood glucose<br />

levels 2 , increasing immunity against infection and positive<br />

influencing of bowel function 3 .<br />

Heritability estimates for β-D-glucan content have ranged<br />

from 0.27 to 0.58(ref. 4 ). β-D-glucan content is affected<br />

by environmental factors. Genotype and the environment are<br />

significant sources of variation for its content; the ranking of<br />

genotypes is generally consistent over the environments 5 .<br />

Experimental<br />

Mature grains of 99 oat genotypes were milled and<br />

passed through 0.5 mm sieve. The level of β-D-glucan was<br />

determined using Mixed-linkage Beta-glucan assay procedure,<br />

Megazyme (Ireland) 6 . Samples were suspended and<br />

dissolved in a 0.02M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.5),<br />

incubated with purified lichenase enzyme, and an aliquot of<br />

filtrate was reacted with purified β-glucosidase enzyme. The<br />

glucose product was assayed using an oxidase/peroxidase<br />

reagent. The measurement of the amount of β-D-glucan was<br />

performed in three parallel assays and expressed on a dry<br />

weight basis.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

The β-D-glucan content ranged from 1.73 to 5.70 %,<br />

with <strong>3.</strong>44 % as a mean value. The result is consistent with<br />

the determined values of β-D-glucan content in the set of<br />

European oat genotypes (<strong>3.</strong>90 %, <strong>3.</strong>64 %, respectively) 7,8 .<br />

Our results show, likewise the literature 8 , that naked genotypes<br />

dispose of higher levels of this metabolite (4.38 %<br />

on average) in comparison with the hulled oat, where the<br />

mean content was <strong>3.</strong>26 % (Table I). The majority (90 %) of<br />

naked genotypes contain higher level of β-D-glucan than is<br />

the average in analysed oat set. The increased value of β-<br />

D-glucan is connected with the presence of gene nud for a<br />

hulless type of grain 9 . naked oats are the feed that provide<br />

the largest welfare benefits 10 and their demand as a food<br />

crop is on a world-wide scale increasing 11 . Genotypes Terra,<br />

s649<br />

Avenuda, SV-5, Arnold, neon, Izak, Salomon, Saul, Bandicoot,<br />

and ábel with the highest level (> 4.00 %) observed can<br />

be therefore used as a convenient material in breeding and<br />

food industry.<br />

In our work a relation between the oat glume colour (yellow,<br />

white, black) and the content of β-D-glucan was found.<br />

Our results indicate that the black genotypes show the lowest<br />

standard deviations in the content of evaluated metabolite.<br />

The degree variance of β-D-glucan level expressed as a coefficient<br />

of variation displayed the highest value in white hulled<br />

oat, next in yellow, and the lowest values were calculated<br />

for the genotypes with black glume colour (Table I). Because<br />

higher value of variation coefficient directly correlates with<br />

lower variance of metabolite biosynthesis within a set, we<br />

could state, that black hulled oat with low variation coefficient<br />

are characterized by markedly stable biosynthesis of<br />

β-D-glucan in the comparison with yellow and white types.<br />

Similarly, biosynthesis of other biochemical parameters (proteins,<br />

fatty acids, and lipids) also shows to by more stabile in<br />

black hulled oat 12 .<br />

Analysis of variance suggested that oat morphological<br />

and biochemical parameters depend on the environment and<br />

the genotype variously 13,14 . Test weight, groat percentage and<br />

weight, protein, and β-D-glucan content were about equally<br />

influenced by the environment and genotype 13 , whereas oat<br />

lipids, total starch, and amylose content were more strongly<br />

influenced by genotype.<br />

The content of monitored parameter according to the<br />

year of genotype registration is documented on the Fig. 1.<br />

The mean value of β-D-glucan in oats with the breeding date<br />

before the year 1960 was 2.53 %, moreover a stabilisation<br />

was observed during the period of years 1961–2000. At the<br />

beginning of the 21 st century a gradually raising of β-Dglucan<br />

content in oat seeds was detected.<br />

Table I<br />

Mean values of the β-D-glucan content in naked and hulled<br />

oat and in individual groups according to the glume colour<br />

Group of Mean value Standard Variation<br />

oat [%] deviation coefficient<br />

naked 4.38 *** 0.96 22.03<br />

Hulled <strong>3.</strong>26 0.60 18.34<br />

Yellow <strong>3.</strong>28 0.62 18.97<br />

White <strong>3.</strong>46 0.71 20.55<br />

Black <strong>3.</strong>31 0.46 1<strong>3.</strong>89 ***<br />

*** significant at P ≤ 0.001<br />

Conclusions<br />

naked genotypes dispose of higher β-D-glucan content<br />

in comparison with the hulled. Genotypes Terra, Avenuda,<br />

SV-5, Arnold, neon, Izak, Salomon, Saul, Bandicoot, and<br />

ábel with the highest level of monitored health beneficial<br />

polysaccharide can be used in breeding programs and seed<br />

processing in food industry as its donors. Genotypes with<br />

black colour of the glumes account significantly lower stan-

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