3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures

3. FOOD ChEMISTRy & bIOTEChNOLOGy 3.1. Lectures


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Chem. Listy, 102, s265–s1311 (2008) Food Chemistry & Biotechnology<br />

The occurrence of cadmium in meat and meat products<br />

studied other authors; referred to toxic effects of cadmium 5,6,7 .<br />

The obtained results content of cadmium in meat products are<br />

comparing with the results of other authors 8,9 .<br />

Table I<br />

Basic variance-statistical characteristics of cadmium in meat<br />

products<br />

Parameters x S. D* C. V **<br />

x min<br />

x max<br />

[mg kg –1 ] [mg kg –1 ] [%]<br />

Slovak republic<br />

Sausages 0.0525 0.0583 111.03 0.004 0.241<br />

Hams 0.0583 0.0564 96.77 0.005 0.217<br />

Frankfurters 0.0679 0.0636 9<strong>3.</strong>67 0.008 0.247<br />

Czech republic<br />

Sausages 0.0544 0.0518 95.35 0.002 0.168<br />

Hams 0.0534 0.0427 79.83 0.004 0.146<br />

Frankfurters 0.0547 0.0427 77.99 0.001 0.174<br />

Austria<br />

Sausages 0.0589 0.043 7<strong>3.</strong>0 0.006 0.147<br />

Hams 0.046 0.0424 92.18 0.002 0.156<br />

Frankfurters 0.0513 0.0552 107.5 0.002 0.241<br />

Germany<br />

Sausages 0.034 0.0375 70.28 0.002 0.141<br />

Hams 0.047 0.0353 69.32 0.006 0.144<br />

Frankfurters 0.0562 0.0459 81.63 0.004 0.212<br />

Table II<br />

numbers of samples suitable and unsuitable by Food Codex<br />

in the Slovak Republic<br />

Products<br />

Suitable<br />

samples<br />

Slovak republic<br />

Unsuitable<br />

samples<br />

Sausages 24 6<br />

Hams 25 5<br />

Frankfurters 24<br />

Czech republic<br />

6<br />

Sausages 25 5<br />

Hams 25 5<br />

Frankfurters 25<br />

Austria<br />

5<br />

Sausages 24 6<br />

Hams 26 4<br />

Frankfurters 26<br />

Germany<br />

4<br />

Sausages 27 3<br />

Hams 28 2<br />

Frankfurters 24 6<br />

s644<br />

Conclusions<br />

We found, that meat product were contaminated by<br />

cadmium. From evaluated 360 samples (salami, hams<br />

and sausages) was 15.8 % (57 of samples) evaluated as<br />

over-limit in comparison with the highest allowable value<br />

(0.1 mg kg –1 ) by Food Codex Slovak Republic. The highest<br />

values of cadmium were detected in sausages<br />

made in the Slovak Republic (0.247 mg kg –1 respectively<br />

0.224 mg kg –1 ). As primary source of cadmium in meat products<br />

can be regarding liver, kidney and meat. The high variability<br />

content of cadmium is given mainly thereby, that products<br />

descended from different producers.<br />

This research is supported by a grant from Scientific<br />

Grant Agency of Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic<br />

and Slovak Academy of Sciences, no. of project: VEGA<br />

1/3475/06.<br />


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2. Goyer R. A., in: Metal toxicology (Goyer R. A., Klaassen<br />

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1995.<br />

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5. Miranda M., Lopéz M. A., Castillo C., Hernández<br />

J., Benedito J. L.: Eur. Food Res. Technol. 212, 426<br />

(2001).<br />

6. DPIE/nFA. Sources of cadmium in agricultural products.<br />

(Rayment G. E.). Queesland Department of natural<br />

Resources, Brisbane 1995.<br />

7. Ysart G., Miller P., Croasdale M., Crews H., Robb P.,<br />

Baxter M., De L´Argy Ch., Harrison n.: Food Add.<br />

Contam. 17, 755 (2000).<br />

8. Sola S., Barrio T., Martin A.: Food Add. Conatam. 15,<br />

580 (1998).<br />

9. Lopez A. M., Benedito J. L., Miranda M., Castillo C.,<br />

Hernandez J., Shore R. F.: Food Add. Contam. 17, 477<br />


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