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7 Days<br />

with Jesus<br />

A Spiritual Journey<br />

by Jacqueline Dugas

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7 Days with Jesus is provided by Every Home for Christ<br />

International/Canada for the outreach initiative known as Finding<br />

the Hope.<br />

Every Home for Christ (<strong>EHC</strong>) is a Christian mission that presents<br />

the message of life and hope in Christ to people on every continent,<br />

home by home. Since its beginning in 1946, <strong>EHC</strong> has received<br />

requests for resources like 7 Days with Jesus from more than 230<br />

million people who were introduced to Jesus through a printed<br />

gospel message.<br />

In Canada and in many other nations a <strong>book</strong>let titled Finding the<br />

Hope is helping many hear about Jesus. To find out more about<br />

<strong>EHC</strong> and to order resources visit us at ehc.ca and<br />

findingthehope.com or contact us at:<br />

Every Home for Christ International/Canada<br />

PO Box 3636<br />

Guelph ON N1H 7S2<br />

7 Days With Jesus<br />

An HPI publication<br />

© 2008, HPI<br />

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living<br />

Translation, copyright ©1996. Used by permission of Tyndale<br />

House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.<br />

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL<br />

VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible<br />

Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission<br />

of International Bible Society.

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7 D a y s w i t h J e s u s<br />


7 Days With Jesus<br />

God loves people. His commitment to humanity has never<br />

wavered. The incarnation of Jesus Christ—God entering the<br />

world in human form—is a powerful expression of that love and<br />

commitment. In him you will come face to face with all the good<br />

that God intends for you.<br />

When the birth of Jesus was first predicted—hundreds of<br />

years before he arrived in that Bethlehem stable—the prophecy<br />

came with a promise: that Jesus would literally be God with us.<br />

Every day over the 2,000 years since Jesus came, the evidence<br />

has been building that he was—and is—God with us. People<br />

from all cultures and all eras testify to the transforming presence<br />

of God in their lives through a personal, spiritual relationship with<br />

Jesus.<br />

To listen to the words of Jesus in the Bible is to listen to the<br />

voice of God. It is to listen to the One who knows and understands<br />

our strengths and limitations. It is to listen to the One who<br />

is able to relieve us from the burdens we carry in our hearts and<br />

souls. It is to listen to words of healing, renewal, guidance, encouragement<br />

and hope—words that help us find our way and<br />

discover who we really are.<br />

This little <strong>book</strong> was written to help you listen to the words of<br />

Jesus and to think about them with your mind and with your<br />

heart. Each chapter focuses on one memorable statement of<br />

Jesus. These seven statements h ave a direct tie to our lives—<br />

past, present and future.<br />


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i n t r o D u c t i o n<br />

The title, 7 Days With Jesus, is an invitation to a week of reflection.<br />

It has the potential to become a landmark week, a week<br />

that could change your life forever. But it isn’t necessary to read<br />

7 Days With Jesus in a sequence of exactly 7 days in order to<br />

experience the impact of Jesus’ words on your life. Whether you<br />

take one week or one month, the impact can be life changing.<br />

Jesus said that he came to give us life in all its fullness. This<br />

life begins when we ask him to forgive our sins and deliver us<br />

from the burden of guilt. Our new<br />

life in him is then nurtured by his<br />

word, the Bible.<br />

In the pages of 7 Days With<br />

Jesus you will hear him calling you<br />

to a revolution of the heart. This<br />

revolution does not come about<br />

by human force but by the<br />

strength of his Holy Spirit who illuminates<br />

the word of God and<br />

makes it light in us. Just as natural<br />

light awakens life in nature, the<br />

light of eternal and divine truth in<br />

Jesus gives us spiritual life. It renews<br />

us and leads us to eternal<br />

life after we die.<br />

In Jesus you will find the way<br />

that leads to God, the truth that never changes, the life that never<br />

ends and the full expression of supernatural, enduring love. In<br />

Jesus you will find the HOPE given to the people of the world.<br />

You may have heard many things about Jesus. This <strong>book</strong> is<br />

an invitation to think about what he says and to receive his great<br />

gift of love, peace and lasting hope.<br />


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7 D a y s w i t h J e s u s<br />

DAY ONE<br />

A New Beginning<br />

“I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of<br />

God unless he is born again.”<br />

— Jesus<br />

It was the conversation of a lifetime, one that revealed a remarkable<br />

fact that would change everything—not only for the<br />

man who first heard it, but also for every sincere seeker of truth.<br />

The conversation happened one night between Jesus and<br />

Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. A teacher of<br />

the Jewish law, Nicodemus dealt daily with the larger questions<br />

of life—questions like, How can a person be blameless before<br />

God? How righteous or good does<br />

one have to be to enter the kingdom of<br />

God? How can someone satisfy the<br />

requirements of God’s law? But someone<br />

had come on the scene who<br />

made these questions weigh more<br />

heavily on Nicodemus’ mind. He was<br />

unsettled by this man Jesus, whose<br />

signs and miracles were astonishing<br />

yet deeply troubling. Clearly, no man<br />

could do these things unless God was<br />

with him. The possibility that Jesus<br />

might be the long-promised Messiah—<br />

the saviour of humankind—had made him the most watched<br />

person in all Israel. Nicodemus had been watching closely, too.<br />

One night he could wait no longer.<br />


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on that particular<br />

evening, he stood<br />

face to face with the<br />

man who might hold<br />

the answers he had<br />

been searching for<br />

his entire life.

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On that particular evening, he stood face to face with the<br />

man who might hold the answers he had been searching for his<br />

entire life. The story of their encounter is recorded in the third<br />

chapter of John’s Gospel, one account of the life of Jesus.<br />


Perhaps it was because Jesus knew the questions that were<br />

on Nicodemus’ mind that he quickly made this extraordinary<br />

statement: “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of<br />

God unless he is born again.” 1<br />

Surprised? Nicodemus certainly was. “How can a man be<br />

born when he is old?” he asked. “Surely he cannot enter a second<br />

time into his mother’s womb to be born!” 2<br />

He was right. No one can do that. It’s an impossible feat.<br />

So why would Jesus make such a statement? Jesus’ words to<br />

Nicodemus do not lay down an impossible challenge; in reality,<br />

they offer an extraordinary hope.<br />

The fact of the matter is that we cannot remake ourselves.<br />

Every one of us carries the marks of sin. We have all suffered<br />

some form of injustice, meanness, betrayal, abuse or abandonment.<br />

Our individual hearts bear the painful scars of a broken<br />

world. These wounds have often led us to treat ourselves and<br />

others in ways we can only regret, causing even greater wreckage<br />

in our lives and relationships. How do we erase it all? How<br />

do we cleanse ourselves from the sins we have committed, for<br />

whatever reason? Where do we find healing for our broken<br />

hearts and wounded minds? Is there any hope for a new beginning,<br />

a chance to make a fresh start?<br />

Jesus’ statement to Nicodemus is the answer to this monumental<br />

predicament: We must be born again.<br />

Later in the conversation Jesus explained, “Flesh gives birth<br />

to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” 3 Or, stated differently,<br />


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the new birth that<br />

Jesus speaks about<br />

is nothing less than<br />

the re-birth of the<br />

spirit, the coming to<br />

life of that part of our<br />

being that has been<br />

dead, unaware of and<br />

unresponsive to God.

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“Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives<br />

birth to spiritual life.” 4<br />

If our life were limited to the physical realm, the words of<br />

Jesus would be meaningless. But the reality is that we are not<br />

just flesh and blood but spiritual beings needing spiritual life and<br />

nurture. The new birth that Jesus speaks about is nothing less<br />

than the re-birth of the spirit, the coming to life of that part of our<br />

being that has been dead, unaware of and unresponsive to God.<br />

This new birth is the most significant event that can happen<br />

in a person’s life. It is significant because through its process<br />

God cleanses the stains and wounds of the soul and renews our<br />

spirit with his very own Holy Spirit. The New Testament says that,<br />

“anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The<br />

old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is the gift of<br />

God, who brought us back to himself through Christ.” 5<br />

Implied in the need for this kind of new birth is the fact that<br />

there is no human deed good enough to cleanse or cancel out<br />

the wrongs we have done. Nothing we can do or say can atone<br />

for our past or present. But Jesus places before us a way to turn<br />

the page once and for all—the grace of a new beginning. And<br />

this is God’s doing! In John’s Gospel we read that, “to all who believed<br />

him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children<br />

of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting<br />

from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.” 6<br />

Our part in this extraordinary event is to acknowledge God, to<br />

confess our sins and failures and to ask for His forgiveness so<br />

that our innermost being can receive His spiritual cleansing and<br />

healing. This is the new birth.<br />

It is through this new birth, as we are cleansed, renewed<br />

and made children of God that we are saved from eternal death.<br />

This is the salvation that God prepared in Christ for all people.<br />


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a n e w B e G i n n i n G<br />

It is interesting to note that Jesus connected the new birth<br />

with the kingdom of God. Why is this significant? Do we really<br />

need to be concerned about the kingdom of God? Does this<br />

kingdom have any real relevance for our lives today?<br />

Simply stated, the kingdom of God<br />

means the rule of God. This is a spiritual<br />

rule. In the New Testament, it<br />

specifically refers to the authority and<br />

rule given by God to Jesus the Son.<br />

This rule given to Jesus does not manifest<br />

itself like a human kingdom; rather<br />

it accomplishes God’s divine purpose<br />

of salvation. This is the purpose of<br />

God’s great kingdom—to lavish on<br />

people a love that redeems, that is<br />

pure and that is always giving and<br />

never self-serving. The New Testament<br />

instructs us to seek this kingdom and<br />

to receive it with childlike simplicity,<br />

without struggling.<br />

The object of the kingdom of God<br />

is the salvation of people and their deliverance from all dark spiritual<br />

powers. Jesus has received from the Father the authority to<br />

do this! To be born again into the kingdom of God does make a<br />

remarkable difference. The New Testament is absolutely clear,<br />

“The Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. Those<br />

who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of<br />

sinning, because God’s life is in them.” 7 In other words, their relationship<br />

with the sins that ruled over them is broken. This is<br />

the greatest deliverance of all, to be delivered from the managing<br />


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power of sin and the sway of evil in our lives. Day by day, as we<br />

grow in the knowledge of God through prayer and the thoughtful<br />

reading of Scripture, God’s very nature is being built into us.<br />

Here is one last thought to ponder. The kingdom of God is<br />

not an abstract principle. The kingdom of God comes. This is<br />

why Jesus taught His followers to pray, “Your kingdom come,<br />

your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” 8 This short line of<br />

prayer can have a powerful impact on our lives if we pray it with<br />

sincerity. Every time we do, we lay out the welcome mat for God.<br />

It is like saying, “Lord, come into my life, my circumstance, my<br />

world, and fill it with your love. Deliver me from any and all spiritual<br />

oppression. Mend the broken pieces of my life and make all<br />

things new!”<br />

While the kingdom of God is a present reality, it also has a<br />

future fulfillment. The Bible tells us that one day God will answer<br />

the future dimension of the prayer<br />

“your kingdom come, your will be done<br />

on earth as it is in heaven.” At that time<br />

all creation will be remade, sin and<br />

death will be destroyed once and for<br />

all, and the rule of God’s kingdom of<br />

love and peace will fill the earth. Everything<br />

in creation will be under the loving<br />

lordship of the God of the universe.<br />

This is the kingdom that we enter<br />

by the new birth. No one will coerce<br />

you or me to accept God’s great love<br />

and great gift of new birth. It is a personal<br />

decision. It is the decision of a lifetime. It makes a difference<br />

for now and for eternity. The offer is there. God’s love and<br />

grace are extended to every person.<br />


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a n e w B e G i n n i n G<br />

If this is all new to you, you may want to reread these few<br />

pages. Find a quiet place where you are least likely to be interrupted.<br />

Use a pen or pencil to underline every word or<br />

phrase that is meaningful to you and reflect on each one. If<br />

something is not clear, ask the Lord to make it clear to you<br />

and trust that he will help you understand.<br />

Then ask him to help you recognize your deep need of him.<br />

This realization may come over you like a flood or it may unfold<br />

over several days. Be open and trust God to be with you.<br />

You may want to write down the things for which you want<br />

to receive God’s forgiveness. As you do, remember that there<br />

is no shame in confession, and there is no embarrassment<br />

for tears that lead us to God. You may also want to write<br />

down the things from which you want Jesus to deliver you<br />

and set you free. They may be very private things that no one<br />

else knows about. You can trust him with those things.<br />

Then ask him to forgive you, to cleanse your soul, to come<br />

into your heart, and to make you a child of God. Through this<br />

new birth you will enter into a personal, spiritual relationship<br />

with God. It will be the beginning of a new life and the experience<br />

of God’s kingdom of peace, joy, love, and living HOPE.<br />


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7 D a y s w i t h J e s u s<br />

DAY TWO<br />

Changing Course<br />

“The time has come,” he said. “The Kingdom of God is<br />

near. Repent and believe the good news.”<br />

– Jesus<br />

At the very beginning of his ministry, Jesus said, “The time<br />

has come…. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe<br />

the good news.” 1 Right from the start he was letting everyone<br />

know that an historic opportunity had arrived and that an amazing<br />

invitation was being issued.<br />

You know that something out of<br />

the ordinary is about to happen<br />

when you hear the words, “the time<br />

has come.” How many husbands<br />

have heard their expectant wives<br />

say, “Honey, it’s time.” A man knows<br />

what that means! And he knows that<br />

from that “time” forward, life will be<br />

different.<br />

The first century audience who<br />

heard Jesus say “the time has<br />

come” knew at once that his announcement was monumental.<br />

In one bold statement he was enfolding the promises they had<br />

heard for generations—promises of a Messiah who would come<br />

and set them free. In essence, Jesus was saying...<br />

“The wait is over.”<br />


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“Believe the<br />

good news that<br />

the son of God<br />

has come to<br />

deliver you<br />

from bondage<br />

and to bring<br />

you fullness<br />

of life!”

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7 D a y s w i t h J e s u s<br />

“I am here with the spiritual and supernatural kingdom of<br />

God.”<br />

“I am here to rescue you and to help you!”<br />

“Come to me in faith and repent of your sins.”<br />

“Believe the good news that the Son of God has come to<br />

deliver you from bondage and to bring you fullness of life!”<br />


The coming of Jesus was the hinge of history—the dividing<br />

point for time itself. All history before him forms one era (B.C.)<br />

and all history since his coming forms another (A.D.). B.C. means<br />

“before Christ” and A.D. symbolizes “anno domini”—a Latin<br />

phrase meaning “the year of our Lord.” Perhaps you’ve seen official<br />

documents that carry this wording, such as the diploma in<br />

your physician’s office indicating that the honor was conferred “in<br />

the year of our Lord...” This is not merely a bit of trivia; it is extraordinarily<br />

important—a direct reference to the fact that the<br />

coming of Jesus was the dividing line.<br />

The Jewish people had long cherished the hope that God<br />

communicated to them through the prophet Isaiah: “In the time<br />

of my favour I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will<br />

help you.” 2 Jesus was the fulfillment of that promise, and that’s<br />

why he announced that the time had come—the time of God’s<br />

direct entry into the human race. The prophet Isaiah had said<br />

that Jesus would also be known by the name Immanuel, which<br />

means “God with us.”<br />

Everything changed with the arrival of Jesus Christ 2,000<br />

years ago. In him, God became a human being. He left the glories<br />

of heaven to spend 33 years on earth, all for the purpose of<br />

rescuing lost men and women from the death penalty of sin.<br />

God’s law demanded that a price be paid, that the debt of sin be<br />

cancelled. But only one person could do it. Only God himself in<br />


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the person of Jesus Christ could pay the ransom at the cost of<br />

his own life. So he lived a perfect life and died a cruel death, taking<br />

our place. He, the one who was sinless, became sin for us.<br />

If Jesus had not died on that rugged cross, we would have no<br />

hope. We would be lost for eternity. But because Jesus died in<br />

our place and because he came back to life again, we have<br />

hope—but only if we believe and receive the gift of his salvation.<br />


Jesus also announced that “the kingdom of God is near.”<br />

The kingdom of God is the reign of God in human hearts that are<br />

trusting in him alone. It is a spiritual and supernatural kingdom.<br />

The Jewish people of the first century, however, were expecting<br />

the Messiah to usher in a visible<br />

kingdom, an actual replacement<br />

for the Roman rule under which<br />

they lived. Many clamored to<br />

crown Jesus and install him as<br />

king; but that was not his plan.<br />

His kingdom—the kingdom of<br />

God—would bring a spiritual deliverance;<br />

and it was not just for<br />

the first century, but for all centuries.<br />

We, too, can live under the<br />

blessings and benefits of the<br />

kingdom of God.<br />

Jesus demonstrated his<br />

kingly authority by performing miracles of healing among the sick<br />

and by delivering the demon-possessed from their oppression.<br />

He proved his power over nature—calming a troubled sea, ordering<br />

the winds to cease, walking on water. He showed himself<br />

to be the servant/king, seeking not to be served but to serve.<br />

And he did more to help humanity than could be recorded in a<br />

single <strong>book</strong>. John’s Gospel says that “Jesus did many other<br />


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things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose<br />

that even the whole world would not have room for the<br />

<strong>book</strong>s that would be written.” 3<br />

Jesus came to undo and destroy the works of the devil<br />

against us. He came to offer us forgiveness for our sins and<br />

peace with God. He came to heal and restore the brokenness in<br />

our lives. He came to renew our souls with love, joy, hope and<br />

peace. He came to give us abundant life now and eternal life<br />

after we die. The record of the Gospels and the personal stories<br />

of millions upon millions of people show plainly that the promise<br />

is fulfilled.<br />



How do we connect with this new kingdom? How do we<br />

experience its blessings and benefits? Jesus gives the answer by<br />

emphasizing two essential elements: “Repent and believe the<br />

good news.” Let’s take a closer look at both of these elements.<br />

First, Jesus calls us to repent. Repentance is a change of<br />

mind, convictions and affections that leads to sincere confession.<br />

There is sorrow in repentance. But this sorrow is not the<br />

sorrow of regrets when nothing can be done to change a situation.<br />

The New Testament tells us that, “Godly sorrow brings repentance<br />

that leads to salvation and leaves no regret.” 4<br />

Repentance is a decision that comes from the heart and is settled<br />

by a person’s own will. It cannot be coerced; God does not<br />

force it on us.<br />

In one sense, to repent is to reset our internal compass to<br />

point towards the True North of God’s being. God and his kingdom<br />

become the magnetic pole that gives clear direction to our<br />

lives. Keeping that course, like a well-guided ship, we move forward<br />

with God’s enablement. Whether life takes us through<br />

stormy weather or through blissful and peaceful days, God is<br />


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Living by his<br />

standard renews<br />

life in our<br />

innermost part,<br />

at the very core<br />

of our being.

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with us. He is our companion; he gives us purpose, he guides us<br />

to ultimate joy and fulfillment.<br />

The first step in repentance is to recognize that we have<br />

sinned against God and to confess our sin to him. In the Bible,<br />

God gives humanity a code to live by. First recorded in a list of<br />

10 essential commandments, this code touches every aspect<br />

of our lives—every relationship, every desire, every intention of<br />

our hearts. It deals with our spiritual nature as well as with our<br />

physical experience of life. Do not worship other gods, do not<br />

steal, do not murder, do not lie…<br />

Repentance begins by recognizing that we have failed to live<br />

by God’s standard. As we look at our world, filled as it is with<br />

competing religions and a parade of demanding deities, it is easy<br />

to imagine that God’s standard is just a list of rules. However, it<br />

is far different from that, for the God who created us in his own<br />

image is extravagantly loving. The Bible tells us plainly that, “He<br />

is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone<br />

to come to repentance.” 5<br />


God’s standard is actually meant to preserve our lives and to<br />

make our existence meaningful and peaceful. Living by his standard<br />

renews life in our innermost part, at the very core of our<br />

being. It makes us who we are created to be.<br />

Also included in the act of repentance is the choice to no<br />

longer trust in ourselves or in the principles of this world to guide<br />

our lives. Rather, we are to trust the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s divine<br />

Son. To repent is to commit ourselves with all our hearts to<br />

believe in Jesus and to trust him fully with our lives.<br />

The second element of Jesus statement cannot be separated<br />

from the first. Jesus calls us to repent and also to believe<br />

the good news. This good news is the announcement that he<br />

who gave his life for us, now offers to forgive our sins and make<br />


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us his very own spiritual children. This good news is found only<br />

in Jesus. It is good news about a God who acts in love and with<br />

generosity on behalf of those who trust him!<br />

Repentance and forgiveness go hand in hand in God’s kingdom.<br />

John the Apostle wrote, “But if we confess our sins to him,<br />

he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from<br />

all wickedness.” 6 The good news is that we don’t have to earn<br />

God’s forgiveness. We need only to repent of our sins, to repent<br />

of having disregarded the Lord (even<br />

if it was in ignorance) and to believe<br />

the good news.<br />

Shortly before Jesus came, God<br />

sent a messenger ahead of Him to<br />

prepare people for his arrival. That<br />

messenger’s name was John the<br />

Baptist. He called people to prepare<br />

the way for the Lord and to make<br />

straight paths for him. To repent of<br />

our sins and to believe the good<br />

news of Jesus is the only way to prepare<br />

a straight path for Jesus to come into our lives. And as he<br />

comes, he brings the kingdom of God and plants it in our hearts.<br />


If you haven’t already prepared a straight path for Jesus<br />

to come into your life and plant the kingdom of God in your<br />

heart, I encourage you to take that important step. Ask him to<br />

search your heart and to bring to your mind the ways in which<br />

you have missed God’s standard. Confess these things to him<br />

without fear and without doubt. Ask him for his forgiveness.<br />

Turn to him with faith and determine to trust him with your life.<br />


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Food for the Soul<br />

“Man does not live by bread alone.”<br />

21<br />

– Jesus<br />

Jesus spent three and half years travelling throughout Palestine,<br />

preaching the good news of the kingdom of God and healing<br />

people. But before he began those years of remarkable<br />

ministry, Jesus retreated to a remote wilderness for 40 days. In<br />

that desolate place, he fasted and prayed and encountered the<br />

devil. Matthew’s gospel tells the story: “Jesus was led by the<br />

Spirit into the desert to be tempted<br />

by the devil. After fasting forty days<br />

and forty nights, he was hungry.<br />

The tempter came to Him and<br />

said, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell<br />

these stones to become bread.’<br />

Jesus answered, “It is written:<br />

‘Man does not live by bread alone<br />

but on every word that comes<br />

from the mouth of God.’” 1<br />

To get some sense of the<br />

deeper meaning in Jesus’ words,<br />

let’s go back all the way to the beginning<br />

⎯ the creation itself. The first <strong>book</strong> of the Old Testament,<br />

the first major division of the Bible, tells us that the first human<br />

beings were created by God and put in a place of beauty and<br />

plenty. But in that place they were tempted to doubt God who<br />

gave them life and promised to care for them. Satan had come<br />

to them with a powerful seduction, the suggestion that they<br />

could have even more if only they rid themselves of God and followed<br />

their own path.

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we are also<br />

spiritual beings<br />

with a soul and a<br />

spirit desperately<br />

needing to be<br />


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In the first <strong>book</strong> of the New Testament, the second major<br />

division of the Bible, we read a contrasting story about Jesus.<br />

The first person of God’s new creation, of God’s new kingdom,<br />

is now being tempted in a barren wilderness. Just as the first<br />

image illustrates the fruitfulness of a life nurtured by God’s word<br />

and presence, this second image gives a graphic depiction of<br />

the condition of our soul when life is nurtured along solely by the<br />

words of this fallen and broken world.<br />

In the wilderness temptation Jesus is presented with a lie<br />

that has been peddled to humanity for thousands of years. It is<br />

the powerful suggestion that we are only physical beings and<br />

that we can live without considering God. In essence the tempter<br />

is saying, “Exercise your right to gratify yourself and to satisfy<br />

your appetites!”<br />


Jesus’ immediate and forceful reply to Satan is that as<br />

human beings we cannot live by bread alone (by satisfying our<br />

physical needs and impulses) but by every word that comes<br />

from God. Don’t miss the significance of Jesus’ reply. He draws<br />

attention to the fact that we are not only natural beings in need<br />

of bread and water to sustain life. We are also spiritual beings<br />

with a soul and a spirit desperately needing to be nurtured. This<br />

is why it is vital that we make every effort to receive the word of<br />

God in our lives.<br />

The underlying message in Satan’s lies is that a person’s<br />

highest good comes from satisfying one’s appetites. But in fact,<br />

this is the surest way to empty our hearts of contentment and it<br />

reduces our existence to experiences that eventually end and<br />

leave us in a desperate search for meaning. No generation before<br />

us has ever had as much “stuff” as we have. No generation<br />

before us has ever had more freedom to reach out for individual<br />

satisfaction without regard for the consequences to self or to<br />

others. Yet we hear and read that never has there been a generation<br />

more plagued by depression, fear and loneliness.<br />


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F o o D F o r t h e s o u L<br />

Could it be that we need more than what satisfies the cravings<br />

of our human nature?<br />


The phrase “Word of God” refers both to Jesus and to the<br />

Bible. Jesus is the living Word of God, the absolute expression<br />

of God’s love when he came to earth in human form. The Bible<br />

is the written Word of God, the perfect record of God’s life-giving<br />

truth expressed in timeless writings. But the Bible is not<br />

merely words printed on paper. Jesus himself said that it is alive<br />

and that it has the power to penetrate<br />

deeply into hearts and<br />

minds. And the apostle Paul, in a<br />

letter he wrote to Christians of<br />

the first century, said, “And we<br />

thank God continually because,<br />

when you received the word of<br />

God, which you heard from us,<br />

you accepted it not as the word<br />

of men, but as it actually is, the<br />

word of God, which is at work in<br />

you who believe.” 2<br />

Note a couple of significant<br />

points. First, the sacred texts that<br />

make up the Bible are not the words of men but the words of<br />

God. Although penned by 40 different writers the Bible has only<br />

one Author. All Scripture is inspired by God, breathed out by<br />

God. In a world obsessed with the pursuit of autonomy and independence<br />

it is perhaps difficult to imagine that the best thing<br />

we can do is to reach for a word that is not born from our human<br />

wisdom and experience but from God himself.<br />

Through the technological advances of the past few<br />

decades and a new social consciousness, we have become a<br />

global community. This new togetherness strongly suggests that<br />


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our wisdom is now greater than ever because it is a “collective”<br />

wisdom. But the fact is that no matter how many voices are<br />

added to the chorus of humanity, we are still exchanging human<br />

thoughts and perspectives with all the limitations of flawed<br />

human beings. We are inadequate without the pure, proven,<br />

flawless, enduring, life-giving and life-sustaining word of God.<br />

Only with that source<strong>book</strong> can<br />

we find our way. Only with that<br />

truth will our souls and spirits be<br />

nurtured with eternal life. Only<br />

then will we walk in light. Only<br />

then will we receive a wisdom<br />

that is truly reliable.<br />

The Bible is a central way by<br />

which God makes himself<br />

known. As we read the stories in<br />

this great <strong>book</strong>, its poems, its<br />

prophetic declarations and its<br />

historical information, we come<br />

face to face with the living God.<br />

We discover a God who is lovingly<br />

and creatively involved with<br />

humanity. Nowhere else can we find more accurate and truthful<br />

information about the God who made us. No where else can we<br />

seek for truth and be satisfied.<br />


There’s a second point in that letter from the apostle Paul<br />

quoted previously, and it is every bit as significant as the first. He<br />

tells us that the word of God is “at work” in people who believe.<br />

And how exactly is it at work? It gives spiritual light and understanding<br />

as we allow it to enter into our hearts. It heals our broken<br />

and fractured lives. It brings peace.<br />


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how do we sow<br />

the seed of this<br />

transforming word<br />

in our lives?

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In one of his parables, Jesus illustrated the potential of God’s<br />

word by comparing it to a seed that is sown in soil. When received<br />

humbly and with faith, he promises that it will produce an<br />

abundant harvest. So, a key question is this: How do we sow the<br />

seed of this transforming word in our lives? The answer is clear:<br />

By taking time to read it with attentive minds and open hearts,<br />

prayerfully meditating on its message with the guidance of the<br />

Holy Spirit of God. This simple practice can have an indisputably<br />

transformational impact in our lives if we keep at it faithfully and<br />

with reliance on the Lord’s promise.<br />

As the Word embraced in this way produces a harvest, we<br />

begin to experience true renewal of mind and heart and spirit. A<br />

revolution begins within us and goes on night and day until we<br />

reap all the good that God intends for our lives.<br />


Speaking through the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, the<br />

Lord said, “The rain and snow come down from the heavens<br />

and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain<br />

to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry.<br />

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces<br />

fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere<br />

I send it.” 3<br />

Not only does the word of God renew our lives, it also<br />

teaches us how to live in this difficult, chaotic world. Paul wrote<br />

about the Bible: “For everything that was written in the past was<br />

written to teach us, so that through endurance and encouragement<br />

of the Scriptures we might have hope.” 4 If you are serious<br />

about your relationship with Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God,<br />

you must take his word seriously. When Jesus said, “Man does<br />

not live by bread alone but on every word that comes from the<br />

mouth of God,” he expressed the essential truth that life comes<br />

from God and it must be nurtured and guided by God.<br />


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F o o D F o r t h e s o u L<br />

As you search the Scriptures daily, taking time to reflect on<br />

God’s eternal word, something good and strong and lasting will<br />

be built in your very core. His word is his healing and moulding<br />

hand upon our lives. If we allow it, it will restore the broken pieces<br />

of our lives and give us a future and a hope.<br />


As God by his Holy Spirit stirs your heart and illuminates his<br />

Word, he will renew your life. You will know that he is with you<br />

and will experience the joy, peace, fulfillment and hope that come<br />

from living on every word of God. Every time you open the Bible<br />

you open much more than a <strong>book</strong>. You are opening the lifetransforming<br />

Word of God.<br />


Develop the good habit of spending time in the word<br />

every day. Take even just a few minutes to be silent in God’s<br />

presence. Determine to be attentive to the moment. Find a<br />

quiet place and begin by asking the Lord to guide you. Then<br />

read a passage of Scripture slowly and thoughtfully, opening<br />

your heart to its message. Listen attentively to the words. As<br />

you reflect on those words, allow them to descend from your<br />

mind into your heart. As these words become clearer and<br />

more personal to you, pray a simple prayer in response to<br />

what the word is saying to you. If you keep a journal, write<br />

down these thoughts and prayers. It will help you later to<br />

look back at what the Lord is doing in your life and heart as<br />

you prayerfully read his word.<br />

If you do not have a Bible, you can request one using the<br />

order form at www.findingthehope.com. You may also visit a<br />

Christian <strong>book</strong>store in your community or purchase one online<br />

at www.amazon.ca. You can also read Scripture on-line<br />

at www.biblegateway.com. A church in your community may<br />

also be able to provide you with a Bible.<br />


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“It is finished.”<br />

DAY FOUR<br />

Paid in Full!<br />

29<br />

– Jesus<br />

Images of Christ dying on a cross blanket the history of the<br />

last two thousand years. Historians of all centuries have written<br />

about it. Songs, hymns and great choral masterpieces have<br />

been composed to express its horror<br />

and magnificent mystery. Writers<br />

and poets have awakened in their<br />

readers the most profound emotions<br />

with depictions of the man on a<br />

cross whose passion for God and<br />

broken humanity led to an agonizing<br />

death.<br />

Paintings of the death and resurrection<br />

of Christ by some of the<br />

world’s most celebrated artists appear<br />

in art galleries and chapels all<br />

over the world. The vivid frescoes of 16th century Italian Renaissance<br />

man, Michelangelo, the dramatic paintings of 20th century<br />

Spanish surrealist, Salvador Dali, and innumerable other<br />

works of art all replay this universal drama.<br />

The symbol of the cross itself is one of the best-known religious<br />

symbols in the world. Have you ever worn a little cross on<br />

a chain or know someone who does? Have you ever noticed<br />

profiles of the cross towering over the city or community where<br />

you live? Actually, there was a time when a cross on a steeple<br />

served as a marker in the landscape of many communities.

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For hundreds of millions,<br />

the one we remember as<br />

the crucified son of God<br />

is not a myth and not a<br />

fable. he is saviour and<br />

Friend, and his presence<br />

in their lives makes a<br />

world of difference.

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Regardless of faith and religious beliefs, there is no escaping<br />

the lasting reminders of Jesus’ death on the cross. This story<br />

keeps sweeping over us, whether we are devout followers of<br />

Christ or the least convinced of men and women. The death of<br />

Jesus was a momentous event and people all over the world<br />

continue to remember it, write, sing and talk about it.<br />

Each year hundreds of millions of people around the world<br />

participate in a week of religious services of prayer and remembrance<br />

to reflect on the meaning of Christ’s death as they prepare<br />

to celebrate His resurrection on Easter Sunday. For some,<br />

the symbol of the cross and the devotion of millions remain a<br />

mystery. Many honestly and sincerely wonder if this great story<br />

is simply a religious fable or myth symbolically represented in<br />

icons, paintings, music and in the most popular piece of jewelry<br />

sold worldwide.<br />

However, research on world religions tells us that over one<br />

third of people around the world today believe they have had a<br />

personal, spiritual encounter with the resurrected Jesus. For these<br />

hundreds of millions, the one we remember as the crucified Son<br />

of God is not a myth and not a fable. He is Saviour and Friend, and<br />

his presence in their lives makes a world of difference.<br />


The story of Jesus’ death on the cross appears first in the<br />

four Gospel accounts of the New Testament. John, writer of the<br />

fourth account, tells us that as He was dying, Jesus spoke these<br />

final words: “It is finished.” 1 These were not words of relief at the<br />

end of an excruciating agony but extraordinary words of completion!<br />

Something of eternal significance was completed<br />

through the death of Jesus Christ.<br />

Commonly written at the bottom of tax documents in Jesus’<br />

day, the little phrase “it is finished” simply meant, “Nothing more<br />

is owed, nothing more needs to be done, the account is paid in<br />

full.” Imagine having such a message delivered to you personally,<br />


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“You owe nothing more!” To understand the significance of this<br />

statement, we need to first know something about who we are<br />

as human beings, where we’ve been and what has happened to<br />

our lives.<br />


The first conflict ever recorded in the Bible is not a conflict<br />

between people but between humans and a spiritual power. This<br />

confrontation, set in a place called the Garden of Eden, changed<br />

life forever. It began with a crafty seduction, the suggestion that<br />

we could have so much more if only we could rid ourselves of<br />

God and achieve independence<br />

and autonomy.<br />

When God formed the first<br />

humans, Adam and Eve, male<br />

and female, he filled them with<br />

his breath, his own Spirit. They<br />

became living beings, made in<br />

the image of God, having great<br />

potential, great inner beauty and<br />

great capacity for life and for<br />

love. They were formed with intellect,<br />

emotions and a free will.<br />

The right to choose is fundamentally<br />

a gift from God. In<br />

fact, as some have clearly pointed out, to be authentically human<br />

we must be given the right to choose. We are not things to be<br />

manipulated but persons with the freedom to choose whose<br />

voice we will listen to, whose guidance we will accept and to<br />

whom we will give our hearts and loyalty. At the very beginning,<br />

humans were given this right to choose. But they chose to trust<br />

the words of the tempter who came to them seductively promising<br />

a better life, rather than trust the words of the Creator who<br />

offered to care for them in a covenant relationship.<br />


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The picture given in the Bible is that of a serpent who comes<br />

to the man and the woman as a deceiver to entice them to break<br />

the only command that God has given, “You are free to eat from<br />

any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the<br />

knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely<br />

die.” 2 They were tempted to believe a powerful lie—that God<br />

was withholding something good from them and that ignoring<br />

God’s command and counsel would cost nothing.<br />

There is a spiritual dynamic at work in the life of every human<br />

being. And depending on our choices it will produce life or death,<br />

peace or turmoil, hope or despair, love or hatred. This was the<br />

reason for God’s command. It is like a good parent warning his<br />

child not to play in the middle of a busy street, or not to touch a<br />

hot stove or climb to the highest limb of a tree just to see what<br />

the view is like from up there. Choices can have terribly damaging<br />

consequences; but God’s command was meant to preserve<br />

life, not to restrict its enjoyment.<br />


What happened in the Garden of Eden is not a myth. It was<br />

a moment that fractured the relationship that existed between<br />

God and people. When the first man and the first woman chose<br />

to trust the words of the tempter rather than the words of the<br />

Creator, they handed the human race over to a spiritual slave<br />

master that would rule over us for millennia. Something profoundly<br />

destructive was sown into the human heart and human<br />

spirit. And we have been dealing with it ever since.<br />

Choosing what we want is an expression of free will but it<br />

does not necessarily lead to freedom. Ask the alcoholic or the<br />

drug addict. Ask those who are enslaved by sex and pornography.<br />

Ask any addict if they feel freedom of heart and mind. Ask the<br />

man or woman who struggles with destructive anger or hatred.<br />

Ask any violator of other human beings if they feel free. Ask the<br />

victims of abuse who have suffered the anger and manipulative<br />


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control of others. Ask those who have been victims of sexual<br />

violence and molestation. Choosing without restrictions does not<br />

always result in freedom.<br />

The Bible speaks of sin not only as an act of external wrongdoing<br />

but as a power at work within us, keeping us in a state of<br />

separation from God and in the grip of the powerful influence of<br />

our own corrupted desires. This is why Jesus came—to heal the<br />

fracture in our relationship with God and to deliver us from the<br />

enslaving power of sin in our lives. This is exactly what he did<br />

when he died on the cross.<br />

The fruit of all the sins experienced in humanity had to be<br />

destroyed where it began, in a human life. God in his eternal love<br />

for all humankind chose to spare each of us, if we choose, by<br />

gathering up all sins past, present and future and laying them on<br />

his one and only Son, God in the flesh, Jesus.<br />

This life-transforming event had long been predicted. Hundreds<br />

of years before the birth of Jesus, prophets had spoken of<br />

his coming, laying a foundation of promise and hope for humanity.<br />

The prophet Isaiah wrote, “Yet it was our weaknesses<br />

he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we<br />

thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment<br />

for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for<br />

our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped<br />

so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.<br />

We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on<br />

him the sins of us all.” 3<br />

Jesus willingly took our place and experienced the final consequence<br />

of sin so that we would not have to. The New Testament<br />

states, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so<br />

that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 4 It also<br />

says, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down<br />

His life for us.” 5 On the cross, Jesus destroyed the power of sin<br />

and now we can be free from its energy that works in us and be<br />


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delivered from its destructive power in our lives and its eternal<br />

consequences. This miracle happens when by faith, we accept<br />

what Jesus did for us.<br />

The death of Jesus on the cross was a work of deliverance<br />

for each of us personally. When he spoke his final words, “It is<br />

finished,” he clearly stated that nothing more needed to be done<br />

to give us back the spiritual life<br />

and freedom for which we were<br />

created! Jesus came to break<br />

the deep spiritual oppression that<br />

hung over our hearts and souls.<br />

His sacrifice on the cross made<br />

a way for each of us to be reconciled<br />

to God our maker, to be<br />

healed from the devastation of<br />

sin in our lives, to be renewed internally<br />

in the radiant image of<br />

God, to be delivered from the<br />

power of sin.<br />

Accepting that what he did is<br />

sufficient for our freedom marks<br />

a new beginning. It is a change<br />

of allegiance. It is willfully accepting<br />

God’s leadership in our lives.<br />

Amazingly, this is true freedom. In a fundamental sense, a person’s<br />

freedom does not lie in the ability to direct his or her own<br />

life. It lies in life with God as it was originally intended to be.<br />

The death and resurrection of Christ enables us to come to<br />

God by faith, knowing that our moral debt is completely paid for.<br />

All sins can be forgiven, if we believe and accept that the death<br />

of Christ on the cross was far more than a torturous agony; it<br />

was a deep work of grace and love.<br />

As we trust Him, he works deeply in our lives, restoring broken<br />


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things and making all things new. It is not a work that is done<br />

overnight but a process that continually produces fruit, vibrant<br />

hope, deepening peace and healing love. And as he promised,<br />

he gives us the incomparable gift of eternal life. The New Testament<br />

gives this extraordinary<br />

promise:<br />

“For the wages of sin<br />

is death, but the gift of<br />

God is eternal life in<br />

Christ Jesus our<br />

Lord.” 6<br />

The freedom that<br />

Jesus gives is more<br />

precious than any<br />

worldly possession. It<br />

is a freedom that no<br />

one can take from us<br />

because it is freedom in the mind, heart and soul. It gives peace<br />

and hope now and leads to eternal life.<br />


If you have never considered what relationship you could<br />

possibly have with Jesus Christ, consider this. He is willing to<br />

extend to you right now all the benefits of his complete sacrifice<br />

on the cross, if you will trust him. You can give him all the<br />

wrong you have ever done or said and all the pain you have<br />

ever reaped in this broken world. Speak to him from your<br />

heart and ask him to save you and deliver you from the power<br />

of sin and to reconcile you to God your maker.<br />


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DAY FIVE<br />

Everlasting Life<br />

Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone<br />

who believes in me will live, even after dying.<br />

Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never<br />

ever die. Do you believe this...?”<br />

—Jesus<br />

Imagine actually dying and then coming back to life again.<br />

That’s the meaning of resurrection. It’s a word full of promise—<br />

a term that speaks of the joy of a new beginning and the confidence<br />

of a profound hope. What could be more amazing? After<br />

all, it’s no secret that we want to live—to keep on feeling, discovering,<br />

exploring and experiencing<br />

the fullness of life. And to do that<br />

again after death itself? What could<br />

be greater?<br />

For centuries the idea of eternal<br />

youth and longevity has captivated<br />

poets, writers and musicians. Undoubtedly<br />

you have heard of the legendary<br />

“Fountain of Youth” that is<br />

said to restore youthfulness to anyone<br />

who drinks of its waters. Entirely<br />

imaginary, it appears in the legends<br />

and literature of all cultures. There is of course no Fountain of<br />

Youth; but there is certainly a battle to stay young and live long.<br />

In fact, that battle is more aggressive today than it has ever been.<br />

Multi-national industries, massive ad campaigns and endless<br />

magazine covers are devoted to the war against aging. But for<br />


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to all who put<br />

their trust in him,<br />

he gave the<br />

guarantee of an<br />

unending life<br />

beyond this life.

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each one of us, ultimately the battle is lost. As the Bible says, our<br />

days are numbered, and sooner or later our number comes up.<br />

At that point, no rejuvenating spa treatment or mega-dose of vitamins<br />

will help.<br />


Jesus understood the thirst for life. He experienced every<br />

human emotion, every human longing. And knowing that this<br />

earthly, physical life comes to an end for every person, Jesus<br />

made an extraordinary promise. To all who put their trust in Him,<br />

He gave the guarantee of an unending life beyond this life. He<br />

said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” 1 He spoke those words<br />

to Martha, a heart-broken woman whose brother had just died.<br />

Jesus had a close friendship with<br />

Martha, her sister Mary, and their<br />

brother, Lazarus.<br />

Lazarus became desperately<br />

sick and word was sent to Jesus<br />

to let him know of his friend’s<br />

condition. Wanting to show<br />

God’s glory through the greatest<br />

of all miracles, he waited two<br />

days before going to his friends.<br />

By the time that Jesus arrived in<br />

Bethany, the village where his<br />

friends lived, Lazarus was dead. In fact, he had already been in<br />

the grave for four days. “Lord, if you had been here, my brother<br />

would not have died,” 2 Martha blurted out mournfully to Jesus.<br />

Then Jesus replied, “Your brother will rise again.” 3 Martha answered,<br />

“I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last<br />

day.” 4 And to that Jesus responded with an astounding statement:<br />

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me<br />

will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in<br />

me will never die.” To that great declaration Jesus added, “Do<br />

you believe this?” 5<br />


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e v e r L a s t i n G L i F e<br />

We, too, must answer Jesus’ question. We, too, must either<br />

accept or reject what Jesus said about himself. There is no<br />

middle ground. Believing this truth is central to Christianity itself<br />

because it is a key element of the gospel—the message of<br />

Jesus’ life, death, burial and<br />

resurrection.<br />

After his brief interchange<br />

with Martha, Jesus saw her<br />

sister Mary. And just like<br />

Martha, Mary said tearfully,<br />

“Lord, if you had been here,<br />

my brother would not have<br />

died.” 6 Jesus was moved<br />

with deep compassion for<br />

his grief-stricken friends. He<br />

went to the tomb of Lazarus<br />

and ordered the grave-keepers,<br />

“Take away the stone.” 7<br />

Martha began to protest, arguing<br />

that there would be a<br />

stench because a dead body had been in there for four days.<br />

Jesus then reminded her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed<br />

you would see the glory of God?” 8 The stone was taken away as<br />

the crowd watched and waited. Looking heavenward, Jesus<br />

prayed to the Father and then cried out in a loud voice, “Lazarus,<br />

come out!” 9 Lazarus came out of the tomb like a walking<br />

mummy, still wrapped in cloth from head to toe. He was alive!<br />

This extraordinary miracle confirmed Jesus’ identity as the<br />

Messiah, the long-promised Son of God. In several passages of<br />

the Gospels Jesus says that everything that belongs to the Father<br />

has been given to the Son. His first century Jewish audience<br />

understood what this meant. Like the Father, he had authority to<br />


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rule over life and death. Now they had clear evidence.<br />

The miracles that Jesus performed were not magic tricks or<br />

wonders like those performed by sorcerers. There was no manipulation,<br />

no fakery. The supernatural works of Jesus were of an<br />

entirely different order. They were the fulfillment of ancient<br />

prophecies about the Messiah, predictions of miracles that<br />

would point to the power of God to restore all of creation to its<br />

original beauty and order, to restore the full image of God in people<br />

to its fullest expression and to destroy death once and for all.<br />

In this astounding resurrection of Lazarus we are brought face to<br />

face with the demonstration of Jesus’ supreme authority and his<br />

power to bring the dead back to life.<br />


The promise of the resurrection is stated several times in the<br />

New Testament. Jesus guarantees that at the end of time, he<br />

will raise the dead. Those who have accepted his offer of salvation<br />

in this earthly physical life will enter into an eternal spiritual<br />

life. He said categorically, “For I have come down from heaven<br />

not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. And this<br />

is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he<br />

has given me, but raise them at the last day. For my Father’s will<br />

is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall<br />

have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” 10<br />

What an extraordinary promise! What great hope!<br />

This promise also carries a sober warning, however. As<br />

surely as believing leads to hope, failing to believe leads to catastrophe.<br />

In life we make countless choices. Some are of little<br />

consequence and really don’t have a right or wrong outcome.<br />

They are purely dependent on personal preference. Shall I eat<br />

an apple or an orange? It doesn’t really matter. But other decisions<br />

have more significant consequences. Will I marry or remain<br />

single? Indeed, some choices determine the course of our lives.<br />


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Jesus has done all that is<br />

needed to ensure that<br />

every person can receive<br />

his transformational life<br />

now and eternal life at the<br />

end of our days on earth.

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And the most determinative of all decisions is one’s response to<br />

Jesus’ invitation to believe and receive him and be his follower.<br />

The Bible is clear in stating that to reject Jesus will not only<br />

affect one’s life here on earth; it will determine one’s ultimate destiny.<br />

Jesus warned: “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming<br />

when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come<br />

out—those who have done good will rise to live, and those who<br />

have done evil will rise to be condemned.” 11<br />

Please do not be offended or diminish the weight of these<br />

words. Jesus has done all that is needed to ensure that without<br />

exception, every person can receive his transformational life now<br />

and eternal life at the end of our days on earth.<br />


Resurrection and life are both mysteriously present in Jesus<br />

and are far more than events reserved for the end of time. They<br />

are life-giving realities found only in His person. In a fundamental<br />

sense, when Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life,”<br />

he is telling us that to be in relationship with him is to live in the<br />

power and reality of resurrection.<br />

Jesus supernaturally infuses his life in our spirit when we<br />

turn to him in faith. He gives us new life, and this new life comes<br />

with the constant certainty of our destiny beyond this present<br />

world. In Jesus we find a new quality of life that radiates in our<br />

innermost being. One writer called it “vigor of soul.” This life is<br />

marked by the immediate presence of God who lives in the believer<br />

through his Holy Spirit. It is by the presence of God’s Spirit<br />

in our lives that Jesus gives us peace, joy, hope and the full experience<br />

of God’s great love.<br />

As we live in Jesus—the resurrection and the life—we discover<br />

more and more of our loving God. He is strong, reliable,<br />

merciful, constantly loving and continually forgiving; He is patient<br />

and kind, powerful and compassionate, gracious and generous;<br />


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e v e r L a s t i n G L i F e<br />

He gives, heals, cleanses, delivers, defends and protects. We<br />

experience the presence of the One who has the ability to deliver<br />

into our lives the miracles and blessings that bring progress and<br />

growth, that create opportunities and move us forward into our<br />

destiny!<br />

Truly it is newness of life as<br />

we have never known before.<br />

The life of the resurrected Jesus<br />

becomes our very life. In him our<br />

deepest thirsts for life are satisfied.<br />

Through him we are delivered<br />

from the finality of death.<br />

Jesus says, “I tell you the truth,<br />

whoever hears my word and believes<br />

him who sent me has eternal<br />

life and will not be<br />

condemned; he has crossed<br />

over from death to life.” 12<br />

With this remarkable resurrected<br />

life in Christ comes the<br />

God-given strength to no longer obey the appeal of sinful desires.<br />

To be freed from that pull of sin is indeed to pass from<br />

death to life. Never forget the words of Jesus: “Anyone who believes<br />

in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me<br />

and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this”? 13<br />


Take a moment now to reflect on the words of Jesus “I<br />

am the resurrection and the life.” Then ask him to lead in you<br />

in the path of everlasting life and to refresh your soul with the<br />

same life-giving Spirit that raised Christ from the dead.<br />


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DAY SIX<br />

Encouraged to Pray<br />

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek<br />

and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to<br />

you.”<br />

— Jesus<br />

The impulse to pray is universal. This very moment, in countless<br />

lives and countless places around the world, people are<br />

praying. Whenever you feel prompted to raise your voice or your<br />

thoughts toward heaven, you are not alone! And perhaps you’ve<br />

noticed that when people are in a desperate situation or they<br />

have just witnessed something drastic, they exclaim, “Oh, my<br />

God!” Even self-professed atheists<br />

have been caught saying these words!<br />


Prayer is an instinctive human response.<br />

It doesn’t come from culture<br />

or tradition nor is it specific to any particular<br />

society. Sincere prayer causes<br />

us to reach beyond ourselves, beyond<br />

the human sphere and our natural capabilities.<br />

It asks for supernatural intervention.<br />

Prayer can be prompted by a<br />

broken heart or a wounded spirit, or<br />

simply a recognition of personal inability<br />

to meet a need or face a challenge.<br />


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God has granted<br />

us access to him<br />

through prayer,<br />

and when we<br />

enter his presence<br />

we encounter the<br />

one who makes<br />

everything<br />


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Prayer also takes the form of heartfelt appreciation. Like the<br />

person in a moment of sublime gratitude who tilts back the head<br />

and exclaims to the heavens, “Thank God!” Perhaps you have<br />

done that very thing yourself.<br />

True prayer is an amazing and mysterious thing. It opens the<br />

door to another realm. One author describes Christian prayer as<br />

“the cry wrung from the human spirit that brings us into the presence<br />

of the Holy One.” God has granted us access to him<br />

through prayer, and when we enter his presence we encounter<br />

the one who makes everything possible.<br />


It is striking to note that whenever the New Testament<br />

speaks of prayers addressed to God, it repeatedly emphasizes<br />

the fact that these prayers are heard. In chapter after chapter,<br />

prayer is presented with the language of hope, trust and assurance.<br />

Instructions on prayer are not heavy with methods or patterns.<br />

Primarily, they are a strong encouragement to pray. And<br />

why shouldn’t we be encouraged in knowing that God hears and<br />

answers? What would be the point of praying if no one was there<br />

to receive our pleas for help, our confessions of sinfulness, our<br />

joyful words of gratitude? What would be accomplished if the<br />

one to whom we pray could not respond? Why would Jesus invite<br />

and urge people to pray if God were not able to hear and answer?<br />

God is not a concept; he is a living being. He—the one<br />

whose very word created the universe—is ready and willing to<br />

step into our lives, to break into our circumstances, and to provide<br />

what we need most but cannot produce in spite of our best<br />

efforts. God is moved with compassion by our need of him. His<br />

heart is filled with love for us, and that truth is at the core of<br />

Jesus’ teaching on prayer. He tells us, in fact, to be persistent:<br />

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will<br />

find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” 1<br />


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e n c o u r a G e D t o P r a y<br />


Jesus is not saying that God is a manageable power but<br />

that he is a willing provider. We can’t coerce or manipulate him,<br />

but we can and must call out to him. The clear message of the<br />

Gospel, so succinctly captured in Jesus’ statement, is that God<br />

is real and that he will answer the one who prays to him in faith.<br />

As soon as we turn to God in faith, something good begins to<br />

happen in our lives. God begins to respond. Jesus is saying, in<br />

effect...<br />

Don’t give up!<br />

Don’t hesitate in asking!<br />

Your prayers to the Father will be heard!<br />

Ask with confidence!<br />

Have faith in God, whatever the circumstances!<br />

Prayer has to move from our hearts to our lips with strong<br />

hope. And hope is strong only when it is resting solidly on the<br />

certainty that God is a living being, that he listens to our prayers<br />

and that his goodness, compassion, love and mercy are unchangeable.<br />

This is one of the primary lessons that Jesus gives<br />

on prayer. He is nailing down the constant about prayer. Circumstances<br />

vary, moods go up and down, needs and desires<br />

change constantly. But one thing that will never change is the<br />

goodness of God.<br />


On one occasion while teaching about prayer, Jesus said,<br />

“You fathers, if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a<br />

snake instead?” 2 We look at Jesus’ question and think such a<br />

thing is ludicrous. What kind of father would ever act in such a<br />

way? Only one who is brutally evil and abusive. And that is<br />

Jesus’ point precisely. He continued, “So if you sinful people<br />

know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more<br />

will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask<br />

him.” 3<br />


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The fact is unmistakably clear: God is good and desires to<br />

give good gifts to those who come to him in faith. Typically, when<br />

we ask anything of anyone we have the expectation of being<br />

heard. Jesus assures us, it is no different with the Father. This is<br />

so important because the certainty of being heard keeps prayer<br />

alive. Begin to doubt and prayer<br />

begins to die along with hope.<br />

And when we begin to doubt<br />

God we begin to restrict his involvement<br />

in our lives.<br />

In light of these facts, press<br />

on! Ask! Seek the Lord! Knock at<br />

the door of heaven! Believe that<br />

God will listen to you and respond<br />

to your prayer, somehow,<br />

someway. Take the encouragement<br />

of Jesus to heart and don’t<br />

ever stop asking and trusting.<br />


Throughout life we experience countless moments when<br />

prayer is as spontaneous and natural as breathing. Let these<br />

prayers flow in sincerity because you will never catch God at a<br />

bad time. He is always there, waiting and listening whenever you<br />

turn to him.<br />

As you grow in your faith relationship with Jesus Christ, you<br />

will learn more about prayer. In the process, you’ll become aware<br />

of the value of specific times devoted to prayer. Think of these as<br />

“appointments with God”—intimate opportunities to pour out<br />

your heart to him. These are times to express your deepest needs<br />

and desires, to confess where you’ve gone wrong, to ask God for<br />

his provision, to thank him for his limitless blessings. The benefits<br />

of these “appointments” will be numerous. You’ll receive encouragement,<br />

guidance, help, healing, wisdom and more.<br />


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Find a place where<br />

you will not be<br />

easily disturbed,<br />

distracted or<br />


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Good communication is key to any strong relationship. It’s<br />

true in friendship and in marriage, and it’s certainly the case in<br />

your relationship to God. Prayer is the two-way street where that<br />

communication occurs, and to keep it vibrant there are some<br />

factors to keep in mind. Among the most important are solitude,<br />

silence, time away from other activities, and the words of Scripture.<br />


Jesus said: “When you pray, go into your room, close the<br />

door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father,<br />

who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” 4 Jesus’ illustration<br />

of the room with the closed door is an example, not a requirement.<br />

The essential point is to find a place where you will<br />

not be easily disturbed, distracted or interrupted. In Bible stories<br />

about Jesus we often read of him retreating to pray in remote<br />

places, late at night or early in the morning. What matters is not<br />

the place itself but the minimizing of anything that would interfere<br />

with focused, intentional prayer.<br />

Whenever you have an “appointment with God,” go with<br />

your cares, concerns, fears, worries, dreams and desires. And<br />

don’t forget to take a Bible. It is God’s life<strong>book</strong>, filled with the<br />

promises, guidance and encouragement you need to grow in<br />

faith. Times of prayer are always enriched by reading God’s<br />

Word and meditating on his truths. The words of Scripture are<br />

like the voice of God’s Spirit, speaking to us in a way that is filled<br />

with renewing and refreshing power.<br />

There are two kinds of silence in times that you dedicate to<br />

prayer. One is external silence, the absence of noise and distractions.<br />

The other is internal, a silence of the heart characterized<br />

by humility and a contrite spirit. More than not speaking, it<br />

is an attitude of utter trust, turning to God in faith and abandoning<br />

all feelings of self-sufficiency.<br />


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e n c o u r a G e D t o P r a y<br />

It’s wise to actually plan times for dedicated prayer. The time<br />

may vary from day to day, just as the place may differ. The important<br />

thing is to act. The more<br />

you do, the deeper the habit will<br />

form in your life. Spend enough<br />

time to sense that you have truly<br />

communicated with God, expressing<br />

all that is in your heart<br />

and hearing from him through his<br />

eternal Word. Silence your heart,<br />

quiet your thoughts and hush<br />

your emotions. Let the words that<br />

you read in the Bible penetrate<br />

your life. And when you speak to<br />

God, think of him as your loving<br />

Father, listening to his dearly loved<br />

child. No language is too simple,<br />

for God listens to the one who prays sincerely.<br />

Take Jesus' encouragement to heart: Ask. Seek. Knock. If<br />

you ask, he will answer. If you seek, you will find. If you knock,<br />

the door of blessing will be opened to you.<br />


Take a moment now to speak to Jesus. Tell him as simply<br />

and honestly as you can what is on your heart or what<br />

weighs on your mind. If making a list is helpful to you, take<br />

time to do that. Then ask him for his help. Trust that he will respond<br />

somehow, in some way. As you go on with your day,<br />

hold on to the promise of Jesus: God the Father is good and<br />

desires to give good things to those who turn to him in faith.<br />


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Come to Me<br />

“Come to me. . . and you will find rest for your souls.”<br />

– Jesus<br />

Find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Sit down,<br />

take a deep breath and slowly let it out. Then read the following<br />

words calmly with your voice in a whisper. As you sound the<br />

words one by one, think of them as the words of Jesus spoken<br />

directly to you...<br />

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy<br />

burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you.<br />

Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at<br />

heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is<br />

easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”<br />

— Matthew 11:28-30<br />

These are words of invitation—intimate,<br />

compelling words spoken by<br />

Jesus Christ. Unlike all other religious<br />

leaders, Jesus did not call his listeners<br />

to observe long lists of do’s and don’ts.<br />

Instead, Jesus called people to come<br />

to him. Today, over 2,000 years later,<br />

he is still calling people to himself. And<br />

his call is just as personal to you as it<br />

was to those who first heard his words<br />

centuries ago. He is not inviting you to<br />

embrace a religious system or a life of<br />

endless rituals; he is inviting you to a<br />

deep relationship.<br />


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he is always<br />

there…always<br />

ready to calm<br />

the storms of<br />

your heart

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This is one of the distinguishing marks of Christianity. We<br />

are invited to enter into a personal and spiritual relationship with<br />

the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a relationship lived from the heart, in<br />

truth and sincerity. This relationship begins the moment we accept<br />

his free gift of salvation and place our trust in him alone.<br />

To be in relationship with Jesus is to have a faithful friend, a<br />

wise teacher and a reliable guide. It is to have God himself on<br />

your side and at your side. He is always there, always caring, always<br />

ready to listen and to help, always ready to calm the<br />

storms of your heart and able to repair the damage inflicted by<br />

the blows of life.<br />

Jesus is the heart of Christianity.<br />

He is the promised Messiah, the Savior<br />

of the world. He came to earth two<br />

millennia ago as God in human flesh,<br />

sent by God the Father to bring good<br />

news, to proclaim spiritual freedom, to<br />

be our sacrifice. He, the very Son of<br />

God, paid the price for our sin by giving<br />

his own life. He died a violent<br />

death, was buried in a borrowed tomb,<br />

and then came back to life again on the third day. For 40 days<br />

after his resurrection he met with his disciples and gave indisputable<br />

proof that he had defeated death. Then, in plain sight<br />

before scores of witnesses, he was swept up into the sky and returned<br />

to his glory in heaven. But he has not left us alone: by his<br />

Spirit he is still with all who put their faith in him. He is the one<br />

and only hope of the world.<br />

When you hear his call in your heart, run to him. Let go of<br />

your sense of failure and guilt, let go of your feelings of worthlessness<br />

and insufficiency, let go of your fears and anger and<br />

trust that he will receive you. He gives you a personal invitation.<br />


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c o m e t o m e<br />

If you are weary and carry heavy burdens, Jesus promises<br />

to give you rest. But the rest that he gives is not the physical relief<br />

that comes from a much-needed vacation. It is a rest that<br />

reaches deep into the mind and heart and soul. How do we<br />

enter into this healing and renewing rest? Listen again to his<br />

words of invitation: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and<br />

carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon<br />

you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at<br />

heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” 1<br />


Notice especially that<br />

phrase, “take my yoke upon<br />

you...” The yoke had several<br />

meanings in Jesus’ day. Most<br />

obvious was the literal yoke<br />

used to bind two oxen together<br />

as they worked in the fields.<br />

But the yoke that Jesus refers to in this instance has to do with<br />

something entirely different. In the literature of the Old Testament<br />

the idea of yoke was also used to speak of the relationship between<br />

God’s word and God’s people. It was used to speak of the<br />

law of God and of the connection of people to this law. The idea<br />

of attaching one thing to another is still there, but in this case it<br />

is about tying teaching to the heart. Jesus is picking up on one<br />

of the most fundamental teachings of the Bible. In the Scriptures<br />

God calls people to keep his word and to live by it. He adds, so<br />

that it may go well with you, so that you may enjoy long life. 2 The<br />

fact is that God and his word are so inseparably linked that to live<br />

by his word is to live with him and under his personal care.<br />

Jesus frequently spoke about the “yoke of the law” and how<br />

it had become a heavy burden on people. The religious establishment<br />

had so distorted God’s word that it no longer served to<br />

give them life, peace and guidance. Instead it had become a<br />


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harsh master that ruled over them without mercy. It no longer<br />

revealed God’s heart to them. The teachings of the religious<br />

leaders had led people far from the loving nature and pure character<br />

of God.<br />

In stark contrast, Jesus constantly called people to believe<br />

in God’s mercy and compassion, to believe that God places a<br />

higher value on the human person than on religious forms and<br />

traditions. He spoke powerfully about<br />

the love of God and said in many ways<br />

that his love is greater than the worst of<br />

our sins and failures.<br />

Here we see another distinguishing<br />

mark of Christianity: the full payment<br />

for the debt of our sin. Jesus<br />

paid that debt. He became the complete<br />

fulfillment of God’s law by taking<br />

upon himself the punishment prescribed<br />

by the law for our sins. In other<br />

words, by his death on the cross he absorbed the punishment<br />

that should have been ours. Now we can choose to accept his<br />

sacrifice for us and be free or we can continue to carry the<br />

weight of our guilt now and face an eternity separated from God.<br />

Jesus says, “Come to me…”<br />

This world has no shortage of experiences and disappointments<br />

that wear on us. But the greatest burden we will ever carry<br />

is the weight that sin and guilt places on our conscience and its<br />

tragic consequences in our lives and relationships. Jesus promises<br />

to give our souls rest by relieving us from this heavy load.<br />

He doesn’t coerce us. He doesn’t say, “let me harness you<br />

into my yoke” but rather “take my yoke upon you.” You can hear<br />

in these words the call of a rescuer who pleads with a drowning<br />

person, “take my hand!” In the end it comes down to personal<br />

choice.<br />


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his teaching<br />

produces peace<br />

and hope.<br />

it gives light to<br />

the mind and<br />

stability to the<br />


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“Let me teach you,” says Jesus, “because I am humble and<br />

gentle at heart.” 3 Unlike those who harshly demand and dictate,<br />

Jesus teaches with gentleness of heart. He does not instruct<br />

with a demanding tone but with all the humility of a love that<br />

came to serve.<br />

His teaching produces peace and hope. It gives light to the<br />

mind and stability to the emotions. His word heals the sorrows<br />

we experience in the depth of our souls. And as we learn from<br />

him he develops in us a new confidence towards life, one that is<br />

rooted in his strength.<br />

His teaching develops patience and endurance and equips<br />

for life and all its twists and turns. It frees us from the sense of<br />

powerlessness that can overwhelm us at times and fills our<br />

hearts with courage. We learn from him that we are not alone<br />

and that when we come face to face with our limitations, his<br />

strength and wisdom empower us.<br />

Jesus says that his yoke will bring rest to our souls because<br />

it frees us from the burden of trying to gain our salvation. For the<br />

Christian, life is based on grace and promise, not on rules and<br />

regulations, not on sacrifices and rituals.<br />


One of the tragic and exhausting pursuits of people, generation<br />

after generation, is the striving for salvation apart from<br />

Jesus Christ. But there is simply nothing we can do on our own<br />

that will ever be sufficient to redeem our souls and give us that<br />

inner rest. The good news is that Jesus did the only thing that<br />

could be sufficient. And now if we trust in him our struggle is<br />

over and we find rest for our souls.<br />

As we contemplate the teachings of Jesus and the truths of<br />

the Bible, it is a liberating experience, not a burdensome exercise.<br />


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c o m e t o m e<br />

It produces rest, peace, joy and enduring hope. When we spend<br />

time in God’s word, learning from him, he begins to write his law<br />

in our hearts. The spiritual change that we experience is not one<br />

that we struggle to produce. Rather it<br />

is a new inner desire and impulse that<br />

comes straight from our hearts as we<br />

are transformed day by day. Jesus produces<br />

this inner transformation in us as<br />

we continue to come to him in prayer<br />

and reflective meditation on his word.<br />

For a relationship with God that<br />

brings peace and rest to our souls we<br />

must take his yoke upon us. The Bible<br />

says, “Today, if you hear his voice, do<br />

not harden your hearts.” 4 The yoke of<br />

Jesus is not one of submission to a<br />

code but one of dedication to a Person,<br />

a Person that we learn to love with all our heart, soul and<br />

mind.<br />

There is a rest that is found only in Jesus. This rest is for you.<br />

Don’t miss it.<br />


Nothing will make a greater difference in your life than to<br />

respond to the invitation of Jesus, “Come to me.” As you do,<br />

come as you are and with all that you are, trusting in his unconditional<br />

love.<br />

If you haven’t already done so, come to Jesus in repentance.<br />

By faith, rest in him for all that he is and all that he has<br />

promised. As you do, you will experience the impartation of<br />

New Life! Don’t miss it!<br />


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Where do I go from here?<br />

Jesus is the central figure of history. There is simply no one<br />

else like him. He has held the attention and affection of countless<br />

people for 2000 years. Over two billion people in the world<br />

today are experiencing the life transforming love of Jesus. And<br />

week after week thousands more from all cultures and places in<br />

the world turn to him and discover the lasting peace and hope<br />

only he can give.<br />

If you have decided to place your<br />

trust in Jesus, be encouraged; he will<br />

never disappoint you. His gift of salvation<br />

is complete. The peace and hope<br />

that he brings are solid and lasting.<br />

In the Gospels, Jesus says that to<br />

trust in him is like building a house on<br />

a rock. When the storms of life come,<br />

beating with all their might against our<br />

lives, he enables us to stand until they<br />

pass away. Even when the worst hits, he is there comforting,<br />

helping, guiding, and healing. Building your life on the words of<br />

Jesus is like building a solid house on a solid rock. And it is<br />

something you can do little by little, day by day.<br />

Try to take time everyday to be alone just thinking about<br />

Jesus. Get away from everything that crowds your day, even if it<br />

is just for a few minutes. Shut out the noise, the distractions, the<br />

demands. Take a deep breath and whisper a prayer, inviting the<br />

Lord to be with you and to speak to you.<br />

Open the Bible and read a short passage slowly and atten-<br />


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c o n c L u s i o n<br />

tively. Whenever you sense God’s Word speaking to you, stop.<br />

Meditate on those words and ask the Lord to illuminate their<br />

meaning for you. Trust that the word of God will become Light<br />

and New Life in you.<br />

If you are not familiar with the Bible, begin by reading the<br />

four gospel accounts. Through them you will be able to take a<br />

closer look at Jesus as you watch him live among people and listen<br />

to him teach. When you read stories of his involvement in<br />

people’s lives, remember that he<br />

wants to participate just as much in<br />

your own life.<br />

Another great <strong>book</strong> to read if you<br />

are just becoming familiar with the<br />

Scriptures is the poetic <strong>book</strong> of<br />

Psalms. This is actually the prayer<br />

<strong>book</strong> of the Bible. In it you will find a<br />

collection of human emotions and<br />

experiences so familiar to our modern<br />

life. Reading the Psalms you will<br />

learn to turn your cares, sorrows,<br />

hopes and joys into prayers of trust<br />

and faith. The prayers of the Psalms<br />

help us pour our hearts out to the<br />

Lord and fill our thoughts with his<br />

great words of comfort and promise.<br />

Make prayer a part of your life. Plan times to be alone with<br />

God in prayer but also learn to turn to him in prayer throughout<br />

the day. He wants to hear from you. He waits for you to come to<br />

him with the big and small things. He promised that he would listen<br />

and respond to all sincere prayer. Pray with absolute confidence<br />

in him. He is there and he is willing to be a part of your life.<br />

So pray in faith, without hesitation. Don’t search for perfect<br />

words; speak to him as you would to your best and closest<br />

friend.<br />


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Being a part of a faith community is important for spiritual<br />

growth and integration into the Body of Christ. It is in the local<br />

church community that we receive guidance and support and<br />

develop friendships with other followers of Christ.<br />

Take time to prayerfully consider finding a fellowship of<br />

Christians near you where you can worship, pray and study the<br />

Scriptures with others who walk with Jesus. Many local congregations<br />

offer series of Bible studies and courses that address life<br />

issues. These can greatly enrich your spiritual development. In<br />

these groups you can also connect with a new circle of friends,<br />

people who can stand with you and be an encouragement to<br />

you as you continue in your journey.<br />

You can find additional resources to help you in your exploration<br />

of the Christian faith by visiting www.findingthehope.com.<br />

This site will be updated regularly with new resources, articles<br />

and more. Everything on that site is designed to be of help to<br />

anyone who wants to learn more about Jesus and grow as a<br />

disciple. On that site you will also be able to read the little <strong>book</strong>let,<br />

Finding the Hope. Now that you have read 7 Days With<br />

Jesus, I encourage you to read and re-read the Finding the Hope<br />

<strong>book</strong>let and to allow its profound message of hope to settle in<br />

your heart.<br />

If you would like to order additional copies of either 7 Days<br />

With Jesus or the small <strong>book</strong>let Finding the Hope, please visit<br />

www.findingthehope.com and complete the order form.<br />

May your life be filled with many “7 Days With Jesus.” Then<br />

you will know the overwhelming, lasting love of God for you; you<br />

will experience new life, peace, joy and hope. This is the great gift<br />

that God has prepared for you!<br />

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you<br />

trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the<br />

power of the Holy Spirit.” [Romans 15:13 NIV]<br />


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NOTES<br />

DAY ONE<br />

1 John 3:3 NIV<br />

2 John 3:4 NIV<br />

3 John 3:6 NIV<br />

4 John 3:6 NLT<br />

5 2 Corinthians 5:17-18b NLT<br />

6 John 1:12-13 NLT<br />

7 1 John 3:8b-9a NLT<br />

8 Matthew 6:10 NIV<br />

DAY TWO<br />

1 Mark 1:15 NIV<br />

2 Isaiah 49:8a NIV<br />

3 John 21:25 NIV<br />

4 2 Corinthians 7:10a NIV<br />

5 2 Peter 3:9b NIV<br />

6 1 John 1:9 NLT<br />


1 Matthew 4:1-4 NIV<br />

2 1 Thessalonians 2:13 NIV<br />

3 Isaiah 55:10-11 NLT<br />

4 Romans 15:4 NIV<br />

DAY FOUR<br />

1 John 19:30 NIV<br />

2 Genesis 2:16-17 NIV<br />

3 Isaiah 53:4-6 NLT<br />

4 2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV<br />

5 1 John 3:16a NIV<br />

6 Romans 6:23 NIV<br />

64<br />

DAY FIVE<br />

1 John 11:25 NIV<br />

2 John 11:21 NIV<br />

3 John 11:23 NIV<br />

4 John 11:24 NIV<br />

5 John 11:25-26 NIV<br />

6 John 11:32 NIV<br />

7 John 11:38 NIV<br />

8 John 11:40 NIV<br />

9 John 11:43 NIV<br />

10 John 6:38-40 NIV<br />

11 John 5:28-29 NIV<br />

12 John 5:24 NIV<br />

13 John 11:25-26 NLT<br />

DAY SIX<br />

1 Luke 11:9 NIV<br />

2 Luke 11:11 NLT<br />

3 Luke 11:13 NLT<br />

4 Matthew 6:6 NIV<br />


1 Matthew 11:28-30 NLT<br />

2 Deuteronomy 4:40 NIV<br />

3 Matthew 11:29 NLT<br />

4 Hebrews 4:47 NIV<br />

NOTE:<br />

“NIV” is an acronym for the Holy Bible,<br />

New International Version ®<br />

“NLT” is an acronym for the Holy Bible,<br />

New Living Translation

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7 Days<br />

with Jesus<br />

A Spiritual Journey<br />


7 Days With Jesus is an invitation to reflect on 7 statements of<br />

Jesus as recorded in the Bible. Jesus says that to trust in him is like<br />

building a house on a rock. Building our lives on the words of Jesus is<br />

like building a solid house on a solid rock. When the storms of life<br />

come, beating with all their might against our lives, he enables us to<br />

stand until they pass away.<br />

You may have heard many things about Jesus. This <strong>book</strong> is an<br />

invitation to think about what he says. His message could change your<br />

life.<br />


Jacqueline Dugas is one person among millions of others who<br />

has experienced the life-giving impact of the words of Jesus. For more<br />

than 25 years she has proven in her own life that the word of God is<br />

reliable and renewing. Jacqueline came to faith in Jesus in the early<br />

80’s while a university student. Although she grew up in a religious<br />

home she came to doubt the very existence of God. As a young adult<br />

she deeply felt the loss of hope that comes from the loss of faith. Her<br />

life was powerfully transformed as she met Jesus Christ in the pages<br />

of Scripture.<br />

Finding the Hope<br />

Box 42<br />

Guelph, ON N1H 6J6<br />

www.findingthehope.com<br />

ISBN 978-0-9811231-0-3 Can $ 6.95<br />

6 0 6 9 5<br />

9 7 8 0 9 8 1 1 2 3 1 0 3

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