Annual Impact Report 2019-20

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Impact Report

1 April 2019 - 31st March 2020

Cwm Taf


1 Welcome from Clive Jones


2 Foreword from Julian John


4 2019/2020 Snapshot

5 Primary Care & Prevention



8 Housing Related Support


11 Resilience & Recovery Services

15 #ItTakesBallsToTalk

16 Hardship Fund

17 Social Media Insights

18 Fundraising & Money

20 Thank You & Acknowledgments

We won’t give up until everyone

experiencing a mental health

problem gets support and


Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Welcome from Clive Jones


You’ll notice that Cwm Taf Morgannwg Mind

has changed its name, the charity was known

as Merthyr and the Valleys Mind for over

thirty years, but change was needed. Our

new name now reflects the communities

we serve including Merthyr Tydfil, Rhondda

Cynon Taf and Bridgend.

This year has been one of the most successful

years in our history, we have continued to

grow and we continue to work with more

people than ever. This is testament to my

Trustee colleagues, our Director and his

team, our volunteers and of course our

funders, including Cwm Taf Morgannwg

University Health Board, Rhondda Cynon Taf

and Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Councils

together with many other grant funders,

without whom we couldn’t do what we do.

The economic position across the UK has

been challenging, we’ve set the course for

leaving the European Union and that leaves

many unanswered questions, this can be

particularly concerning for the Public, Private

and Charity Sectors across Wales, and more

importantly the impact this has on our most

vulnerable communities and citizens.

We will need to remain vigilant, take notice

of our business environment, continue to

plan and develop strategic approaches for

managing risks and opportunities. We will

continue to work in partnership and ensure

that we remain sustainable for the future and

continue to make a difference with people

experiencing poor mental health.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg Mind will do everything

that it can to continue to serve its population

by reaching out to anyone who needs us.


Clive Jones



Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Foreword from Julian John


This year has seen us develop our reputation

for being the most recognised mental health

charity in Cwm Taf Morgannwg, we are

reaching more people through our innovation

and growth, and we are able to demonstrate

the difference we make with people

experiencing mental health needs.

The charity continues to work with our Mind

family, extending our engagement with Mind,

Mind Cymru and the Mind Network in Wales

by ensuring our commitment to the federation,

the Mind Quality Mark and developing and

sharing best practice across Wales.

We continue to work in partnership with many

other organisations and communities so that

we continuously improve our responses to

those who need us.

Our focus remains on contributing to the

delivery of the Together for Mental Health

and Talk To Me 2 strategies in Wales whilst

maintaining our independence and ability to

lobby and campaign for improvements to

mental health services for everyone – we will

never give up!

I want to thank my team for all their efforts,

everyone has contributed to our growth,

reach and impact this year and it’s testament

to everyone that we have achieved such

success! I am honoured and proud to lead

such a dedicated and committed bunch

of people who always live by our values



I very much look forward to the year ahead

and doing what we do best – ‘for better

mental health’.


Julian John – Director.

Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Thank you to

everyone who

supported us

in 2019/20

3 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

2019/2020 Snapshot

Total number of

people worked with:


Number of new business

partnerships made


Income generated

during 2019/2020:

£1 million


of people rated our

services as excellent

4 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Primary Care & Prevention Services

Our prevention services are targeting people with mild-to-moderate mental

health conditions such as anxiety, depression and self-esteem. These services

are available in selected GP Practices, Dewi Sant Hospital and across Primary

Care Mental Health Support Services.

User Experience of our Primary Care Services





of people

rated our

services as


of people



us to family

or a friend

of people

feel more


about their


of people

feel they

received all

the support

they need

from us

Output Measures for Primary Care Services




service sessions

were delivered

across our

communities this

financial year

of people

benefited from

our Primary

Care Services


engaged in our

Primary Care


5 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Primary Care Project Breakdown

Active Monitoring

Talk to Me (Adult

Talking Treatment)


Output target referrals

by GPs:

new referrals

achieved via



Output target referrals

by GPs:

new referrals

achieved via


Talk to Me (Children &

Young People)

Social Prescribing


Output target referrals

by GPs:

new referrals

achieved via



Output target referrals

by GPs:

new referrals

achieved via


6 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Sarah’s Story

I was referred to Mind’s Active Monitoring

Programme through my GP. I spoke with her

about my anxiety as it was getting in the way

of family life and had had a negative impact on

previous employments.

My anxiety was starting to result in a low

mood; I did not want it to get out of control. I

spoke with my family who encouraged me to

undertake the Programme as my anxiety was

starting to impact on them too.

I have always been shy and struggled in social

situations. Over the years I have managed

to avoid many interactions as I have chosen

jobs that have allowed for this. I have also

relied on family members and friends to do

the talking for me. I now realise this made me

want to avoid even more. I got around many

things by sending emails and shopping on

line – these allowed me to avoid contact with

people to a large degree. However, in recent

months I noticed my mood had started to drop

– I started to realise avoiding people eased my

anxiety in the short-term but was not good for

my well-being.

On the Programme I was encouraged to

challenge myself. At first, the thought of this

was really scary. I feared conversations

becoming awkward and felt I would freeze

and not have anything to say. I was also

worried about conversations going on for too

long and I would not be able to end them.

During the weekly telephone sessions I came

to realise that I had been over thinking and

the thought of speaking to people was worse

than the reality of it. I started to speak with a

few people about something I was interested

in as I thought it was more likely I would be

able to maintain the conversation. Often

conversations naturally came to an end and so

this was not awkward. During the telephone

sessions we also talked about some of the

un-helpful thinking patterns I had. I became

aware I assumed the worst was going to

happen and also put a lot of pressure on

myself. I am now aware of my un-helpful

thinking patterns and this enables me to better

manage them. I’m learning to be kinder to


During the weekly sessions we also worked

in line with the ‘Five Ways to Well-being’.

My low mood had improved as I am now

connecting more with others as I don’t dread

the thought of interacting with others and don’t

panic about people starting a conversation

with me.

I am more able to be in the moment as I am

not worrying about people speaking to me. I

recently helped out at my children’s school. I

would not have been able to do this before

as my anxiety would have prevented this. I

enjoyed giving something back to the local


I now feel less anxious as I no longer dread

the thought of someone talking to me. I feel

more positive about my future. I am starting

to enjoy interacting with my friends again. My

family have noticed a difference in me and

they also feel more positive.

7 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Housing Related Support Services

Our housing services ultimately seek to prevent

homelessness, access housing and enable people to

develop personal resilience.

User Experience of our Housing Services





of people

rated our

services as


of people



us to family

or a friend

of people

feel more


about their


of people

feel they

received all

the support

they need

from us

User Comments

"Thank you for

getting me off the


"Very friendly, very


"Support was really


"Thank you so much"

8 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Housing Services Project Breakdown

Residential Resilience

(Rhondda Cynon Taf)


one-to-one sessions

Residential Resilience



one-to-one sessions



people attending

group sessions

Talking Treatment





people attending

group sessions



Residential Resilience







people were helped

to secure alternative


9 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Patricia’s Story

I was initially referred to Mind’s Resilience

Project due to my feelings of low mood and

anger after being arrested and presented with

court charges after escaping my domestically

abusive relationship. Following an agreement

with the court I was to leave the family

home; leaving me homeless with decreasing

low mood from stress and new feelings of


The stress of moving into my new home and

living on my own for the first time in years

was keeping me awake most nights and I was

experiencing overwhelming feelings of anger

and low mood.

From this I began lacking in confidence due

to my conviction and felt like I didn’t belong

in the community as I previously did. Weekly

sessions were introduced into my new routine

by my Resilience officer, who helped guide me

to learn new techniques and strategies that

combine my unique 5 ways to Wellbeing;

An example of these includes:

I have attended multiple over the phone

sessions with my Resilience Officer and on a

weekly basis we discussed new techniques as

I was encouraged to try additional strategies

that would enhance my already existing coping

skills. My Resilience officer also referred me

into other Mind projects and classes that I

could attend in the future, such as The Social

Prescribing team.

At the end of the sessions, I believe that I

have begun to feel brighter now and that I am

able to keep my anger under control. I have

set myself goals to engage more within the

community and I am enjoying understanding

myself better through Mindfulness.

At the start, I expressed how I was feeling

trapped by my anger and low mood, and now

I have learnt to feel good about connecting

with others through online classes, anger

programmes and breathing exercises. I

have found that Relaxation and Mindfulness

techniques have helped me become a more

peaceful individual.

• Building up my self-esteem

• Connecting with others within my


• Learning to deal with my anger

• Helping me deal with the stages of grief

and loss

10 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Resilience & Recovery Services

Our Resilience & Recovery Services enable people to

return to their normal state of health, mind or strength.

We have a variety of services available to everyone

seeking help and support.

User Experience of our Resilience

& Recovery Services





of people

rated our

services as


of people



us to family

or a friend

of people

feel more


about their


of people

feel they

received all

the support

they need

from us

Output Measures for Resilience & Recovery Services




service sessions

were delivered

across our

communities this

financial year

of people

benefited from

our Resilience

& Recovery




were created

by this service


11 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Resilience & Recovery Services Project


Advocacy (Community)


people accessed this



Advocacy (Your

Money Matters)

people accessed

this service


new partnerships

created with other



in additional client

money was secured

Whole School Approach

(Big Umbrella)


pupils engaged

with this project


Carers Star

Adult & Young

Carers engaged




work-based workshops

were delivered

new partnerships

were created


new partnerships

were created

12 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

My Generation

Peer Support


engaged with this

project across RCT &



organisations were

engaged with


new partnerships

created with other



new partnerships


Project 5

Recovery College


people engaged with

this project


people engaged

with this project


new partnerships

created with other


Social Forum


people engaged

with this project

13 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Jayne’s Story

I was referred to the Mind advocacy project

from one of the Well-being Coordinators at my

GP’s surgery. I had been finding the period

of lockdown really stressful and I was feeling

particularly lonely and isolated because I was

unable to see my family.

I was having problems with my neighbour

who was keeping me awake at night with loud

music and banging and he was leaving a mess

in the shared garden which I have always

strived to keep clean and tidy. I had contacted

the Police and my housing provider but I felt

that they were slow to respond.

I was also having issues with my GP’s surgery

who had refused to administer my regular

treatment due to the coronavirus restrictions.

I found that communication with the practice

was poor and I was given little information

about the reasons why the treatment was

postponed. I also felt that my physical health

had suffered as a result and I was feeling

increasingly tired and drained. I was struggling

to cope and I felt that with everything I had

going on, my mental health has suffered.

It was good to have someone who I felt really

listened to me. I was referred to the Mind

counselling service which was great. The

advocate contacted my Housing Officer and

the Practice Manager at my GP’s surgery. She

helped me to put in a letter of complaint to my

surgery and she talked to my Housing Officer

about how upset I was about my neighbour’s

behaviour. We talked regularly on the phone

and I was updated and kept informed about

what was going on throughout.

My neighbour eventually moved out which

was a great relief. I was not happy with the

response I had from the Practice Manager

at my surgery but I did manage to get my

treatment eventually.

I found the support that I received from Mind

was brilliant. I have found the process really

helpful and worthwhile. I would not hesitate

to contact Mind should I need support in the

future. I would thoroughly recommend the

service to others.

The advocate contacted me by telephone

to carry out an assessment. We spent time

talking about how I was feeling and the issues

that were causing me distress. We talked

about the options that were available to me

and we agreed on a plan to move forward.

14 Annual Impact Report 2019/20


Throughout 2019-2020 we continued to deliver our male suicide awareness

campaign #ItTakesBallsToTalk. The campaign targets men under the age of 50

(this group is at the biggest risk of suicide) by signposting them to free telephone

support and access to free counselling.





By reinvesting money from

unrestricted income, we

have been able to:

Attend a range of

community events,

providing support,

advice and signposting;

Attend a number of rugby

clubs on match day to

offer advice to spectators

and players;

Present mental health

awareness sessions at

rugby clubs across the


Teamed up with corporate

partners Gallagher

Insurance and EE (Merthyr)

who have specifically

raised funds for the

This is Allison McCarthy

pictured at the Great Wall

of China raising funds for


Allison work’s for EE

(Merthyr) - one of our

corporate partners

throughout 2019/2020.

Pictured here are members of our staff team

alongside staff from Gallagher Insurance,

raising awareness of #ItTakesBallsToTalk at

a community event.

In 2019/2020 we welcomed Alex Jehu to the

Mind team. Alex has been tasked with helping

us to develop and measure the impact of our

#ItTakesBallsToTalk campaign.

15 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Hardship Fund - Our Response to Storm Dennis

On 15th and 16th February 2020, Storm Dennis hit the UK and brought a month’s worth of rain

in just 48 hours. Parts of Wales experienced multiple floods and landslides with many people

evacuated from their homes. Homes were flooded, causing great physical damage to household

items, and great emotional distress to residents.

Following the devastation caused by Storm Dennis to people’s homes across Rhondda Cynon

Taf, we teamed up with ‘toogoodtowaste’ a local re-use charity, to provide essential household

items to people who’s homes had been affected - using our Hardship Fund (money set aside

each year from commerical activities).

21 Families accessed

a total of £3,840

Items purchased included:

14 electrical appliances

3 three piece suites

4 furniture packages

3 washing machines/tumble dryers

2 whites goods packages

Cupboards, armchairs and other items

were also purchased.

“Thank you so much for your

support, I really don’t know what

we would have done without it”

“Thank you ever so much for

helping me and my children out it means so

much. There are people and charities like

yourself out there and I really can’t thank you


16 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Social Media Insights

We operate two social media profiles - Facebook and Twitter.

Our main priorities for both profiles are:

- To promote our services and commercial activities

- To use our profiles as awareness raising tools

- To promote positive mental health and wellbeing

- To support the work of our peers

- To consult with followers, users and supporters on service developments

- To build followers and engage with and support people

Overview of our activity April 2019 - March 2020



3327 2867

total followers


total followers

........................................................................ ...............................................................

Our Top Posts of 2019/20

Coronavirus &

Your Wellbeing

Reach: 10.5k

Clicks: 235

Likes: 166

8 things to

remember when

going through tough


Reach: 56.2k

Clicks: 1.7k

Likes: 2.3k

Coronavirus & Your Wellbeing



Online Counselling

For an appointment, please call:

Wendy Mahoney

O7399 347 745


Telephone Support

For an appointment, please contact:

Primary Care Services

Rhiannon - 07399 347 744

Recovery Services

Shian - 07495 525 656

Housing Services

Kath - 07494 688 715

For online advice about coronavirus and your wellbeing, go to:


Cwm Taf



total impressions

(total tally of all times tweets have been seen)


Post likes:

Link clicks:






17 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Fundraising & Money

Total Income

generated during


£1 million

Through our fundraising activities and

donations we generated a total of:


Included in this were generous donations from

corporate partners and sponsors, which


Oak Foundation

Gallagher Insurance

White Collar Boxing


Marks and Spencer (Merthyr)

GEA Engineering Services

EE (Merthyr)

18 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Mathew Costigan took part in

the Cardiff Half Marathon to

raise funds for us!

Lee Pearson & Tom James

hosted a rugby match

raising over £3K!

Rhondda Runners raised a brilliant

£1190 for our #ItTakesBallsToTalk

suicide awareness campaign

Neil Ridley raised over £1300 for us

running the Snowdonia Marathon &

Swansea Half Marathon!

19 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

Thank You & Acknowledgments

So many people helped to make the progress outlined in this review possible –

from the funders listed below to everyone who has donated time and money to

us. Your support made it possible for us to reach more people in more ways -

and we can only do what we do because of you. We can’t thank you enough.

Our Funders

• Mind

• Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board

• Primary Care cluster (CTMUHB)

• Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council

• Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council

• ICF (Integrated Care Fund)

• Lloyds Bank Foundation

• Oak Foundation

• Merthyr Valleys Homes

• Cynon Taf Housing Association

Our Consultants

Leslie Richards - HR

Jon Mathews - Funding Eye

Mari Arthur - Mari Arthur Marketing

Richard Knoyle - BTP Associates

Bernadette Davies - Leadership Coach

20 Annual Impact Report 2019/20

We won’t give up until everyone

experiencing a mental health problem

gets both support and respect

Cwm Taf Morgannwg Mind

115 High Street

Merthyr Tydfil

CF47 8AP

T: 01685 707480

E: info@ctmmind.org.uk

W: ctmmind.org.uk

Facebook: @ctmmind

Twitter: @ctmmind

Company Registered Number: 6541083

Charity Registered Number: 1123615

Cwm Taf


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