Newsletter 1 19.09.20


What’s General... been going on... COVID-19 Protocols As guidance changes and staff, children and parents become used to the systems in place, we are able to modify and improve our COVID-19 protocols. The following are our most recent updates: • Water bottles can be taken between home and school as often as needed to be washed. However, please be reminded that if your child does not have their bottle with them each day, we are unable to provide shared drinking facilities like we would have in the past. • If you would prefer your child to wear their PE kit to school and for the whole day on days they have PE to prevent the need to transport PE kit and change, this is now fine. Breakfast Club Thank you to those of you who are using breakfast club, it’s great to see that the increased opening hours are helpful to many of our working parents. However, please ensure you book in online through the school money portal as due to the popularity of the provision, we need to use pre-booking to ensure we have adequate staffing. If you are unable to login to your schoolmoney account, please let me know or contact Mrs Badcock in the office. Out of hours We have always been committed to offering a place for children in our community to socialise and so have always kept our school site open during evenings and weekends. Unfortunately, we have been coming into school in the mornings to litter strewn across our site. If your children, of primary school age or older, use our school site outside of school hours, please remind them to treat it with respect so that we can continue to keep it open. Entry from the Community Centre If your Y3, Y4 or Y5 child accesses the school site from the Community Centre in the morning, they are able to enter their classroom directly through the outside classroom door rather than having to come around to the main entrance. Can you help our Early Years Class? They are looking for some old telephones. If you have any at home that you could donate, they would be very grateful. Thank you. Rock River You will have seen how fantastic our Rock River is now looking. We would like to extend it further, so please send in any further painted pebbles and stones. Thank you. Disable Parking Space? Unless you are a Blue Badge Holder, please do not park in our disabled parking space under any circumstances. We appreciate on-site parking is limited, but this space needs to be available throughout the day. Thank you.

Coronavirus related absences – a quick reference guide What to do if… Action needed by family Action taken by school Return to school when… My child has coronavirus symptoms My child tests positive for coronavirus Someone in my household has coronavirus symptoms Someone in my household has tested positive for coronavirus NHS Test and Trace have identified my child as a ‘close contact’ of somebody with coronavirus We/my child has travelled and has to selfisolate as part of a period of quarantine We have received medical advice that my child must resume shielding • Do not come to school • Contact school • Keep any siblings home • Self-isolate • Get your child tested by ordering a test • Inform school immediately about the test result • Do not come to school • Contact school • Inform school immediately about the test result • Self-isolate for at least 10 days • Do not come to school • Contact school • Self-isolate for 14 days • Household member to get a test • Inform school immediately about the test • Do not come to school • Contact school • Self-isolate for 14 days • Do not come to school • Contact school • Self-isolate for 14 days • Do not take unauthorised leave in term time • Consider quarantine requirements and FCO advice when booking travel • Provide information to school as per attendance policy Returning from a destination where quarantine is needed: • Do not come to school • Contact school • Self-isolate for 14 days • Do not come to school • Contact the Headteacher • Shield until you are informed that restrictions are lifted and shielding is paused To get a test visit Bubble to continue as normal Letter to be emailed and sent home to children from the class bubble. This group instructed to self isolate for 10 days, school to provide home learning Home learning to be provided if isolating for 14 days. If FSM (not universal) School to provide lunch provision Home learning to be provided if isolating for 14 days. If FSM (not universal) School to provide lunch provision Home learning to be provided if isolating for 14 days. If FSM (not universal) School to provide lunch provision Home learning to be provided if isolating for 14 days. If FSM (not universal) School to provide lunch provision Learning at home to be supported by school. If FSM (not universal) School to provide lunch provision The test comes back negative After 10 days, providing they are feeling better The household member test is negative The child has completed 14 days of self-isolation The child has completed 14 days of self-isolation The quarantine period of 14 days has been completed When you have received notification that it is safe to return to school

What’s General... been going on...<br />

COVID-19 Protocols<br />

As guidance changes and staff, children and parents become used to the systems in place,<br />

we are able to modify and improve our COVID-19 protocols. The following are our most recent<br />

updates:<br />

• Water bottles can be taken between home and school as often as needed to be washed.<br />

However, please be reminded that if your child does not have their bottle with them each<br />

day, we are unable to provide shared drinking facilities like we would have in the past.<br />

• If you would prefer your child to wear their PE kit to school and for the whole day on days<br />

they have PE to prevent the need to transport PE kit and change, this is now fine.<br />

Breakfast Club<br />

Thank you to those of you who are using breakfast club, it’s great to see that the increased<br />

opening hours are helpful to many of our working parents. However, please ensure you book<br />

in online through the school money portal as due to the popularity of the provision, we need<br />

to use pre-booking to ensure we have adequate staffing. If you are unable to login to your<br />

schoolmoney account, please let me know or contact Mrs Badcock in the office.<br />

Out of hours<br />

We have always been committed to offering a place for children in our community to socialise<br />

and so have always kept our school site open during evenings and weekends. Unfortunately,<br />

we have been coming into school in the mornings to litter strewn across our site. If your<br />

children, of primary school age or older, use our school site outside of school hours, please<br />

remind them to treat it with respect so that we can continue to keep it open.<br />

Entry from the Community Centre<br />

If your Y3, Y4 or Y5 child accesses the school site from the Community Centre in the morning,<br />

they are able to enter their classroom directly through the outside classroom door rather<br />

than having to come around to the main entrance.<br />

Can you help our Early Years Class?<br />

They are looking for some old telephones. If you have any at home that you could donate,<br />

they would be very grateful.<br />

Thank you.<br />

Rock River<br />

You will have seen how fantastic our Rock River is now looking. We would like to extend it<br />

further, so please send in any further painted pebbles and stones. Thank you.<br />

Disable Parking Space?<br />

Unless you are a Blue Badge Holder, please do not park in our disabled parking space under<br />

any circumstances. We appreciate on-site parking is limited, but this space needs to be available<br />

throughout the day. Thank you.

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