6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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2.4 Identification 39<br />

in view of a data collection to be used for identification by fragment length<br />

comparison, the limited ITS size of only 600–700 bases prevents a separation of<br />

all relevant fungi in a certain biotope by specific digest pattern. Third, the great<br />

number of possible fungi in a biotope is much greater than the few fragment<br />

patterns that would be present in data collections, that is, a not yet analyzed<br />

species may feign another fungus by exhibiting identical fragments.<br />

RFLP analysis of a 5.8S rDNA/ITS II/28S rDNA fragment was used to characterize<br />

five species of the Phellinus igniarius group (Fischer 1995) and 13 species<br />

of the Phellinus pini group (Fischer 1996). Corresponding DNA digestion of<br />

52 lignicolous European species with HpaII resulted in 44 distinct phenotypes<br />

and additional application of Hin6 IandHinf I in 48 species-specific and<br />

two genera-specific phenotypes (Fischer and Wagner 1999). RFLP patterns<br />

obtained from seven restriction enzymes assigned 34 Pleurotus strains to 11<br />

RFLP types, of which ten corresponded to biological species (Bao et al. 2004b).<br />

The intergenic spacer, either the IGS I alone or both IGS parts, has often<br />

been used for RFLP studies of Armillaria species (e.g., Harrington and Wingfield<br />

1995; Frontz et al. 1998; White et al. 1998; Terashima et al. 1998a; Kim<br />

et al. 2001). IGS I-RFLPs were also used to assign isolates of Heterobasidion<br />

annosum to intersterility groups (Kasuga and Mitchelson 2000) and to investigate<br />

the population structure of five Fennoscandian geographic populations<br />

of Phellinus nigrolimitatus (Kauserud and Schumacher 2002).<br />

rDNA Sequencing<br />

PCR-amplification and subsequent sequencing of parts of the ribosomal DNA<br />

avoid the main limitations of RFLPs because the whole information of hundreds<br />

of nucleotides of the target DNA is used. rDNA sequences may be used for diagnosis<br />

and for phylogenetic analyses (dendrograms) on relationships among<br />

fungi. Sequencing is nowadays the most important tool for molecular systematics<br />

and led to taxonomic rearrangements and changes in nomenclature.<br />

TheITSsequencesofagreatnumberofwoodfungiareknown,e.g.,from<br />

mycorrhizal fungi like Hebeloma velutipes (Aanen et al. 2001), from parasites<br />

like Armillaria species (Chillali et al. 1998) and Laetiporus sulphureus<br />

(Rogers et al. 1999), and from the red streaks producing Trichaptum abietinum<br />

(Kauserud and Schumacher 2003). Regarding wood decay fungi, a data set of<br />

rDNA-ITS sequences of 18 house-rot fungi is shown in Table 2.8 (Schmidt and<br />

Moreth 2002/2003) complemented by the 18S and 28S rDNA sequences of some<br />

important species (Moreth and Schmidt 2005). The ITS of some brown-rot and<br />

white-rot fungi was sequenced by Jellison et al. (2003).<br />

It is normal to deposit sequences in the international electronic databases<br />

for everyone’s use (European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL: www.ebi.<br />

ac.uk/embl; American GenBank: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank; DNA Data<br />

Bank of Japan DDBJ: www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp).<br />


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