6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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2.4 Identification 37<br />

RAPD analysis does not require information of the target DNA and is fast<br />

when starting from pure cultures. However, at least four primers should be used<br />

to avoid spurious results, because the short primers imply a great sensitivity to<br />

contamination. In addition, the technique is unsuitable for the identification<br />

of unknown samples by comparison, because other not yet investigated fungi<br />

by chance may share a similar banding pattern.<br />

Use of ribosomal DNA<br />

The investigation of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) has become popular, because<br />

the rRNA genes and spacers are assumed to evolve cohesively within a single<br />

species, to exhibit only very little sequence divergence between rDNA copies<br />

within single individuals, but to show normal levels of sequence divergence between<br />

species. The repetitive units of the nuclear rDNA of Eukaryotes consists<br />

of the conserved coding domains 18S and 28S rDNA. The conserved domains<br />

are interrupted by the non-coding variable internal transcribed spacer ITS I<br />

(between 18S and 5.8S) and ITS II (between 5.8S and 28S) which are informative<br />

for differentiation. The intergenic spacer IGS is located between the 28S<br />

andthe18SofthenextrDNAunit.Inthecaseofapresent5SrRNAgene,<br />

the IGS consists of two parts, IGS I and IGS II (Fig. 2.20). The conserved<br />

regions are preferentially used for phylogenetic analyses of genera, families,<br />

and orders. The rapidly evolving ITS spacers have become a popular choice<br />

for closely related species and at the subspecies level. After amplification by<br />

PCR, the amplicons are either restricted by endonucleases providing restriction<br />

fragments (RFLPs) which are subsequently separated according to size<br />

using agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, or the DNA sequence is<br />

determined (“sequencing”).<br />

In addition to the nuclear rDNA, also mitochondrial rDNA was used for<br />

Basidiomycetes, e.g., by Bao et al. (2005a) in view of phylogenetic relationships<br />

among closely related Pleurotus species.<br />

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of rDNA<br />

RFLP analysis based on the rDNA was also called amplified ribosomal DNA<br />

restriction analysis (ARDRA). Depending on the intension, the RNA genes or<br />

the spacers are used. For RFLP analysis of the ITS, the ITS is first amplified,<br />

often using the “universal primers” ITS 1 and ITS 4 (White et al. 1990), which<br />

anneal to the evolutionary stable 18S and 28S rRNA genes. This attachment<br />

Fig.2.20. Schematic diagram of one rDNA unit. The number in the boxes is the size in base<br />

pairs for Serpula lacrymans (supplemented from Moreth and Schmidt 2005)<br />


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