6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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28 2 Biology<br />

some nuclear fusions and after haploidization new combinations occur. Usually,<br />

the diploid nuclei are unstable, and their ploidy number is regulated to the<br />

haploid stage by elimination of chromosomes or discharge of sections (Müller<br />

and Loeffler 1992).<br />

Illustrated by the tetrapolar heterothallic Serpula lacrymans,interstockmating<br />

of ten isolates is demonstrated in Table 2.6 (Schmidt and Moreth-Kebernik<br />

1991c). First, the four different mating type monokaryons of each isolate were<br />

obtained after fruit body stimulation (Schmidt and Moreth-Kebernik 1991b)<br />

and subsequent inbreeding according to Table 2.5. Then the 10×4 monokaryons<br />

were paired one with another in all possible combinations on agar. As in S.<br />

lacrymans, like in many Basidiomycetes, only the dikaryon forms clamps, it<br />

can be detected in the light microscope. In contrast, only the monokaryons of<br />

the fungus show abundant arthrospores. The heterokaryons of the type A=B#<br />

and the “false clamps” mycelia (A# B=) can be recognized from the mating<br />

diagram by calculation or by further pairings. The mating types of the isolate<br />

monokaryonsareshownintheuppertablepart.<br />

The mycelium of the F1-dikaryons of S. lacrymans grew faster at about 20 ◦ C<br />

than that of the two parental monokaryons (Schmidt and Moreth-Kebernik<br />

1991a), like this applies also to Lentinula edodes (Schmidt and Kebernik 1987)<br />

and Stereum hirsutum (Rayner and Boddy 1988). Thus, dikaryotic mycelium,<br />

which grows out from compatible monokaryons, looks like a bow tie (Fig. 2.18),<br />

that is, dikaryons can usually be detected macroscopically.<br />

In a sample of ten isolates, theoretically 20 different A and B factors can<br />

occur. In the S. lacrymans sample, there were however only four A and five<br />

B factors. This limited number of mating alleles contrasts with the regular<br />

observation of a high number of mating alleles in other Basidiomycetes (May<br />

et al. 1999) and indicated that S. lacrymans has a narrow genetic base.<br />

Fig.2.18. Bow tie-like outgrowth of the<br />

faster growing dikaryon (D) ofSerpula<br />

lacrymans from the slowly growing<br />

monokaryons (M)<br />


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