6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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2.3 Sexuality 27<br />

the basidiospores have one allele and half the other. Compatible matings occur<br />

between monokaryons with different mating type factors. The inbreeding level<br />

is 50%. The outbreeding level in populations of bipolar polypores is over 90%.<br />

In tetrapolar (bifactorial) species, incompatibility is controlled by two series<br />

of multiple alleles at two loci on different chromosomes. The two pairs<br />

segregate independently at meiosis. Four different mating types rise from one<br />

dikaryon. In a fruit body of an isolate, basidiospores of the mating type AxBx,<br />

AxBy,AyBx and AyBy develop. These spores germinate to monokaryons. Fully<br />

compatible matings of monokaryons (+ in Table 2.5) occur when both factors<br />

are heterozygous (A#B#): AxBx and AyBy as well as AxBy and AyBx. In addition,<br />

there are hemicompatible matings, in which only one factor is different: AxBx<br />

and AxBy as well as AyBy and AxBy.<br />

The inbreeding level is 25%. The outbreeding level is very high. In Schizophyllum<br />

commune 450 A factors and 90 B factors can combine to over 40,000<br />

mating types (Raper and Miles 1958). Many Ascomycetes and about 25% of<br />

the examined Basidiomycetes are bipolar heterothallic (e.g., Oligoporus placenta).<br />

About 65% Basidiomycetes are tetrapolar (Raper 1966). Bipolar mating<br />

predominates among brown-rot fungi and tetrapolar mating among white-rot<br />

fungi (Rayner and Boddy 1988). Of 25 investigated brown-rot polypores, 17<br />

were bipolar, three were tetrapolar, three were heterothallic with type of mating<br />

system undetermined, one was homothallic, and one was reported by different<br />

authors as bipolar and tetrapolar (Ryvarden and Gilbertson 1993). The biological<br />

significance of heterothallism is that inbreeding is limited and outbreeding<br />

is enhanced, promoting gene flow between populations and decreasing the rate<br />

of speciation.<br />

Combination and recombination of the genetic material with plasmogamy,<br />

karyogamy, and haploidization, but without sexual organs, gamets and changes<br />

of generations, can take place by parasexuality, particularly in Deuteromycetes<br />

(Jennings and Lysek 1999). Nuclei of a hypha migrate by anastomosis into<br />

another hypha and multiply and spread there. In the case of a heterokaryon,<br />

Table 2.5. Mating scheme of tetrapolar heterothallic fungi<br />

AxBx AxBy AyBx AyBy<br />

AxBx − A B +<br />

AxBy A − + B<br />

AyBx B + − A<br />

AyBy + B A −<br />

− incompatible (A=B=), + compatible (A#B#)<br />

A common-A heterokaryon (A=B#): conjugate nuclear division and clamp formation<br />

blocked, variable nucleus content per hypha,<br />

B common-B heterokaryon (A#B=): nuclear migration and clamp cell fusion blocked (“false<br />

clamps”)<br />


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