6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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2.2 Growth and Spreading 23<br />

surface enlargement the hymenium may be e.g., net-like arranged (merulioid,<br />

S. lacrymans), warted (C. puteana), porous (A. vaillantii), or lamellate (Armillaria<br />

mellea). In the young basidium (Fig. 2.15H), karyogamy (I) and meiosis<br />

(J)occur.Fourhaploidnucleimigrateintooutgrowths(sterigmata)atthetop<br />

of the basidium (K) and are discharged as basidiospores.<br />

The spore size (5–20µm), shape (globose, cylindric, ellipsoid etc.), surface<br />

sculpturing (“ornamentation”: warted, crested, etc.), wall-thickness (thinwalled,<br />

double wall) (Ryvarden and Gilbertson 1993) and color (colorless or<br />

pigmented: white, yellow, orange, ochre, pink, brown, green, violet, black)<br />

are taxonomic characteristics. In the microscope, spores appear frequently<br />

bright to colorless (hyaline), e.g., in Daedalea quercina, Fomes fomentarius,<br />

H. annosum, Laetiporus sulphureus, Piptoporus betulinus and Trametes versicolor.<br />

Brownish spores separate e.g., the genus Serpula from other fungi with<br />

merulioid hymenium (Pegler 1991). Further characteristics are the violetstaining<br />

of amyloid spores (e.g., Stereum sanguinolentum)andthebrown-red<br />

staining of dextrinoid spores by JJK as well as the blue-staining of cyanophilic<br />

spores (C. puteana, H. annosum, Oligoporus placenta) by aniline blue (e.g., Erb<br />

and Matheis 1983).<br />

For the differentiation of the various fruit body types serve, e.g., the occurrence<br />

of sterile cells (cystidia) between the basidia (e.g., Antrodia spp.<br />

and Gloeophyllum spp.) and the construction of basidiocarps consisting of<br />

vegetative hyphae (monomitic), additionally of either skeletal or binding hyphae<br />

(dimitic) or of all three hyphal types (trimitic). Monomitic genera are<br />

Coniophora, Meripilus and Phaeolus, dimitic are Antrodia, Heterobasidion,<br />

Hirschioporus, Laetiporus and Phellinus, and trimitic are Daedalea, Fomes and<br />

Trametes.<br />

Most wood-inhabiting Basidiomycetes belong to the Homobasidiomycetes<br />

(formerly Holobasidiomycetes: single-celled basidium) and there to the Aphyllophorales<br />

with gymnocarpous (hymenium exposed while spores are still im-<br />

Fig.2.17. Common types of fruit bodies of wood-inhabiting Basidiomycetes. a Pileate with<br />

central stipe (Lentinula edodes cultured on wood by J. Liese in 1935). b Bracket-like (Piptoporus<br />

betulinus on a birch tree, photo T. Huckfeldt). c Resupinate (Serpula lacrymans in<br />

a building)<br />


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