6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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Appendix 1 257<br />

22(13,17)<br />

recognizable; vegetative hyphae hyaline, 2–4 µm in diameter, thin-walled,<br />

with clamps; ‘dark fruit bodies’ also antlers-shaped, often with brighter<br />

tips; often in shakes; only on wood (softwoods and hardwoods)<br />

Gloeophyllum trabeum<br />

vegetative hyphae without clamps 23<br />

22∗ vegetative hyphae with clamps, partly with swellings, 1–2 µmindiameter;<br />

fibers and vessels only in older strands; fibers 0.5–2 (−3) µm, hyaline,<br />

straight-lined, thick-walled, septa not visible, no clamps, no reaction in<br />

KOH; vessels 6–40 µm in diameter, thin-walled or slightly thick-walled,<br />

hyaline, vessels in strands surrounded and interwoven by fine hyphae<br />

(0.5–1.5 µm in diameter); mycelium pure white or pink, if being undisturbed<br />

lasting so, easily removable, but sensitive; strands often sunk in<br />

mycelium; on softwoods, rarely on hardwoods; brown rot; genus Oligoporus<br />

and similar fungi (species indistinguishable by strands/mycelia)<br />

e.g., Oligoporus placenta<br />

23(22) arthrospores thin-walled, cylindrical 1.5−2.5 × 5−12 µm; vegetative hyphae<br />

hyaline, thin-walled or slightly thick-walled, 2–3 (−4) µmindiameter,<br />

without clamps, but with primordial clamps; vessels indifferent, septa<br />

present, thin-walled, to 12 µm in diameter; in older parts sometimes small<br />

fibers(comparewith12);myceliumwhitetoyellow,easilyremovable,but<br />

sensitive; strands often sunk in mycelium<br />

monokaryon of Serpula lacrymans<br />

23∗ arthrospores absent or different 34<br />

24(2) setae present, simple setae or stellar setae, within white to cream 25<br />

mycelium, partly only very small nests of setae (search)<br />

24 ∗ setae absent 28<br />

25(24) stellar setae present; vegetative hyphae without clamps 27<br />

25 ∗ setae not clearly stellar-shaped or simply branched, partly rooted 26<br />

26(25) simple, dark-brown, to 180 µm long setae within mycelium, strand and<br />

fruit body; fibers pale yellow, thin-walled, 2–3 µm in diameter, rarely<br />

branched; vegetative hyphae hyaline, 1.5 µm in diameter; mycelium<br />

downy, loam-yellow to brown, also white when young; strand-like structures<br />

up to 4 mm wide and 0.5 mm thick, firmly attached, often fingershaped<br />

branched; usually on hardwoods (often on framework), very rare<br />

on softwoods; so far proven for oak, ash, false acacia, elm, beech, fir and<br />

spruce; white rot Phellinus contiguus<br />

26 ∗ simple, dark-brown setae in fruit bodies and mycelium, under 100 µm;<br />

other species of the genus Phellinus known to occur in buildings (species<br />

not surely distinguishable on the basis of strands/mycelia)<br />

Phellinus nigrolimitatus, P. pini, P. robustus<br />

27(25) stellar setae dichotomously branched, to 90 µm in diameter, in fruit body,<br />

mycelium and strand, partly rare; vegetative hyphae with septa, 2–4 µmin<br />

diameter; strands cream to red-brown, fibrous surface; partly embedded<br />

in white mycelium or fruit body; spores subglobose, smooth; strands on<br />

and in masonry; white rot Asterostroma laxum<br />

27 ∗ stellar setae only rarely branched, up to 190 µm in diameter, in fruit body,<br />

mycelium and strand; vegetative hyphae with septa, 1.5–3 µm indiameter;<br />

strands cream-brown, up to 1 mm in diameter; surface mycelium<br />


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