6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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8.5 Damage to Structural Timber Indoors 223<br />

comparable with that one of the Dry rot fungus and can even exceed it. A fresh<br />

floorboard can be completely destroyed in 1 year, so the danger exists that<br />

furniture or persons can fall through. These types of damages occurred in<br />

Germany frequently during the building boom in the postwar years, if insufficiently<br />

dried wood were used, or the homes had not sufficiently dried before<br />

they were moved into and drying was prevented by humidity-impermeable<br />

painting, linoleum, or carpet.<br />

The cellar fungi belong to the fast-growing house-rot fungi and reached on<br />

agar at 23 ◦ C up to 11 mm radial increase per day (Table 3.11). The optimum<br />

temperature (Table 3.8) was between 20 and 27.5 ◦ C, whereby C. marmorata<br />

preferred the warmer range, and the maximum was between 25 and about<br />

37.5 ◦ C. Isolate Ebw. 1 of C. puteana survived 15 min. at 60 ◦ C(Miričand<br />

Willeitner 1984) and 3 h at 55 ◦ C (Table 3.8). In slowly dried wood samples,<br />

even 4 h at about 70 ◦ C were withstood (Huckfeldt 2003). The data concerning<br />

a possible dryness resistance of the fungus vary: after observations from practice,<br />

it dies when drying; up to 7 years were however survived in dry wood in<br />

the laboratory (Theden 1972). There was isolate variation with regard to the<br />

sensitivity to wood preservatives (Gersonde 1958).<br />

Recognition characteristics (Fig. 8.20): The diagnosis is not always easy,<br />

since fruit bodies are rare and colonized wood shows frequently no or only meager<br />

surface mycelium (Käärik 1981). The few centimeters to several decimeters<br />

wide, resupinate, brownish fruit bodies resemble those of the Dry rot fungus,<br />

are however thinner. The species C. puteana is easy to recognize of the warty<br />

knots on the hymenophore (name: “carrying cones”). Characteristic on agar<br />

are double and multiple clamps. The initial stages of the rot are frequently<br />

ignored, since hardly infection signs become visible on exposed wood exterior<br />

surfaces, e.g., on baseboards, while the wood at the backside is already<br />

completely rotten and overgrown by thread-thin, radiate to root-like, brown<br />

to black strands (Fig. 8.20d,e). Early signs of rot are often dark discolorations<br />

under the paints.<br /><br />

Dry-rot fungi: Serpula species, Leucogyrophana species, Meruliporia incrassata<br />

This chapter deals with the brown-rot causing dry-rot fungi, namely Serpula<br />

lacrymans and S. himantioides,andtheLeucogyrophana species, L. mollusca,<br />

L. pinastri and L. pulverulenta (Fig. 8.21). Due to its economic relevance in<br />

Europe, emphasis is laid on S. lacrymans, however, the American pendant, the<br />

American dry rot fungus, Meruliporia incrassata,isconsidered.<br />

The way of spelling of the epithet “lacrimans”, which can be attributed to<br />

Fries (1821), is linguistically correct, however illegal, since the original spelling<br />

by Wulfen in 1781 was with “y” (Pegler 1991).<br />


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