6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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8.1 Fungal Damage to Living Trees 167<br />

pathogen if both belong to the same vegetative compatibility group (Haller-<br />

Brem 2001). There are biotechnological attempts for transgenic chestnut trees<br />

(Gartland and Gartland 2004).<br /><br />

Plane Canker Stain Disease<br />

The Plane canker stain disease (plane tree canker) (Fig. 8.3) is caused by the<br />

ascomycete Ceratocystis fimbriata f. sp. platani (Wulf 1995). The disease was<br />

for the first time observed on Platanus species in 1926 in the eastern USA<br />

and occurred in the 1940s in Europe [France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey;<br />

Clerivet and El Modafar (1994)]. About 80% of the city-trees along motorways<br />

became destroyed until 1950 in the USA. Marseille lost over 1,500 100-year-old<br />

plane trees in 12 years. The fungus penetrates through wounds predominantly<br />

after pruning, more rarely by insects, into the bark of the stem and the branches<br />

and leads to cambium dying and elliptical bark necroses. Later, it colonizes<br />

the outer sapwood with bluish-brown discoloration. Excretion of toxins by<br />

the fungus and tyloses effect wilting of individual crown portions. Thus, the<br />

fungus both produces a bark and a wilt disease (Butin 1995). The trees die<br />

usually within 3–6 years. Reproduction organs are predominantly found on<br />

Fig.8.3. Plane canker stain disease. a Symptoms on plane, b stem cross section showing<br />

stained wood, c tangential stem section showing the stain as streaks, d phialide with conidia<br />

of the Chalara anamorph, e conidiophore with chlamydospores, f perithecium, g ascospores<br />

(from Butin 1995, by permission of Oxford University Press)<br />


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