6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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7.2 White Rot 139<br />

tarius, T. versicolor and some other fungi shows black demarcation lines (zone<br />

lines) (Fig. 7.2a), by which different species, or incompatible mycelia of the<br />

same species separate themselves from each other, or mycelia dissociate themselves<br />

from not yet colonized wood (“marble rot”, in German: “Marmorfäule”).<br />

The lines result from fungal phenol oxidases, whereby fungal compounds or<br />

also host-own substances are transformed to melanin (Li 1981; Butin 1995).<br />

As a function of the moisture distribution in wood, or between different fungal<br />

species or incompatible genotypes, a compartmentalization of individual<br />

decay centers can result from black pseudosclerotic layers of firmly structured<br />

mycelium (Rayner and Boddy 1988; Eriksson et al. 1990).<br />

Cell wall decay can start by microhyphae producing holes in the secondary<br />

wall (Schmid and Liese 1966), which flow together to larger wall openings with<br />

advancingdecay.Usually,however,thehyphaegrowinsidethelumenwithclose<br />

contact to the tertiary wall. The hypha surrounded by a slime layer (Table 2.1)<br />

excretes the degrading agents, which are active only in direct proximity of the<br />

hypha. Thus, a lysis zone develops under the hypha, and the hypha produces<br />

groovesinthewallwhichisgraduallyreducedinthickness,likearivererodes<br />

the ground (Schmid and Liese 1964; Liese 1970; Fig. 7.2b).<br />

Fig.7.2. White rot. a Simultaneous white rot by Trametes versicolor in beech wood with black<br />

demarcation lines. b Clamped hypha of T. versicolor digging into the cell wall (TEM, from<br />

Schmid and Liese 1964). c Successive white rot by Ganoderma adspersum in the Chilean<br />

“palo podrido” (photo J. Grinbergs). d White pocket rot (photo W. Liese)<br />


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