6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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6.4 Protection 131<br />

often A. areolatum and S. sanguinolentum compared to samples from healthy<br />

forests (Schmidt et al. 1986).<br />

Stereum sanguinolentum Bleeding Stereum<br />

small, thin, resupinate to semipileate fruit body, soft-leathery-crusty, bowlshaped,<br />

upper surface: felty, concentrically zonate, yellow-brown, whitish-wavy<br />

margin (Fig. 6.4a); bright to grey-brown hymenium blood-red after injury;<br />

dimitic (Breitenbach and Kränzlin 1986); amphithallic (Calderoni et al. 2003);<br />

apart from the saprobic way of life also parasitic after penetration through<br />

wounds and thus the most important species of “wound rot of spruce” (Butin<br />

1995); stacked wood not attacked; genus Stereum with multiple clamps (Kreisel<br />

1969).<br />

Trichaptum abietinum Fir Polystictus<br />

fruit body: annual, resupinate to semipileate and pileate, singly and roofing<br />

tile-like; upper surface: white-grey-brown, thin, felty, hirsute, zonate, leathery;<br />

pore surface: young net-shaped to porous, old: labyrinthine; young hymenium<br />

reddish with angular violet pores, later brown-violet; dimitic (Breitenbach and<br />

Kränzlin 1986); tetrapolar heterothallic (Nobles 1965); saprobic on stumps,<br />

stored logs and finished wood; severe white rot at high wood moisture; rarely<br />

on living trees (Kreisel 1961).<br />

6.4<br />

Protection<br />

To avoid microbial wood discoloration, the generally suitable measures against<br />

fungi (e.g., Liese et al. 1973; Liese and Peek 1987; Groß et al. 1991; Yang and<br />

Beauregard 2001) are listed in Table 6.2.<br />

Felling in the cold season and fast processing of the stems through well<br />

coordination between forestry and wood industry reduces microbial activity<br />

during storage of the stems in the forest. Cool, shady, and ventilated storage<br />

without ground contact and with unhurt bark to maintain high wood moisture<br />

content and to prevent lateral infections are favorable. Lumber discoloration<br />

can be prevented by prompt air-drying in well-ventilated stacks protected<br />

against rain by a roof, or by kiln-drying. Wet storage of stemwood by sprinkling<br />

or ponding protects against fungi and insects. Currently, stem storage<br />

Table 6.2. Preventive measures to avoid microbial wood discolorations and decay<br />

– felling in the cold season<br />

– appropriate storage of fresh wood<br />

– coordination between forestry and wood industry<br />

– drying<br />

– wet storage<br />

– storage in N2/CO2 atmosphere<br />

– chemical preservation<br />


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