6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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124 6 <strong>Wood</strong> <strong>Discoloration</strong><br />

bark. Pulpwood handler’s disease is caused by Alternaria species growing on<br />

paper pulp. Farmers inhale spores of Aspergillus fumigatus when damp hay<br />

is worked. Dustmen and compost makers may be exposed to molds when<br />

kitchen waste is stocked in closed containers for too long. Mushroom growers<br />

may be exposed to huge quantities of spores released by the basidiomycete<br />

they cultivate, and the culture substrate is sometimes contaminated by molds<br />

(mushroom grower’s disease) (Nolard 2004).<br />

Superficial mycoses occur on mucous membranes (fingernail bed, lips) and<br />

profound mycoses after wounding the skin or inner body (ear, eye, lung, blood<br />

vessels). Deuteromycetes are also significant in view of immunodepression in<br />

cases of transplants and of diminished defense mechanisms of AIDS sufferers.<br />

With regard to indoor environments (Frössel 2003; Hankammer and Lorenz<br />

2003) only a few molds are considered as producers of important toxic compounds<br />

which can be released in the environment and which may cause severe<br />

health problems (Samson and Hoekstra 2004). These are Alternaria alternata,<br />

Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. versicolor, Chaetomium globosum, Emericella<br />

nidulans, Memnoniella echinata, andStachybotrys chartarum, whereby<br />

the latter is considered the most important toxic fungus in buildings producing<br />

the cytotoxic satratoxins. A questionnaire study among U.S. homebuilders,<br />

new homeowners, and real estate agents indicated that overall, respondents<br />

did not have a strong understanding of how mold forms in new constructions.<br />

Ten percent of homeowners believed that mold was an issue in their neighborhoods<br />

while 35% of home builders and 19% of real estate agents believed<br />

that this was an issue in the homes they built (Vlosky and Shupe 2004). The<br />

aspect of molds on indoor piled chips was treated by Feicht et al. (2002). Air<br />

sampling is performed to quantify and identify contamination. Measurement<br />

of microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) in houses serves as note<br />

for contamination, especially for hidden contaminations (Keller 2002). Stachybotrys<br />

chartarum and Chaetomium globosum emitted ketones and alcohols<br />

(Korpi et al. 1999). There are also dogs trained to detect molds by sniffing.<br />

For remediation, first of all the cause of the damage (dampness) has to be<br />

removed continuingly (Neubrand 2004). In view of allergies, the spores may<br />

be taken away. There are primers and paints with prophylactic anti-molding<br />

substances, like organic sulfur-nitrogen compounds (thiocarbamate) and organic<br />

tin compounds (tributyltin oxide). Yang et al. (2004b) proposed that<br />

incorporating tree bark (white spruce), which inhibited mold growth in vitro,<br />

into the production of composite boards may increase the resistance of panels<br />

to fungi.<br />

Particularly several Trichoderma species are antagonistic against other organisms<br />

and also destroy (mycoparasitisms) fungal parasites and saprobionts<br />

(v. Aufseß 1976; Highley and Ricard 1988; Murmanis et al. 1988; Giron and Morrell<br />

1989; Doi and Yamada 1991; Dumas and Boyonoski 1992; Phillips-Laing<br />

et al. 2003).<br />


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