6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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70 3 Physiology<br />

more thermotolerant than the corresponding mycelium. The basidiospores of<br />

S. lacrymans were killed by 32 h at 60 ◦ Cor1hat100 ◦ C (Hegarty et al. 1986).<br />

However, 4 h at 65 ◦ C reduced the germination rate from 30 to 8% (Hegarty<br />

et al. 1987). The heat resistance of basidiospores has also to be considered in<br />

view of eradication of indoor wood-decay fungi by heat treatment.<br />

As spore forming bacteria may survive 100 ◦ C, nutrient media for laboratory<br />

experiments are sterilized at 121 ◦ C and 210 kPa pressure in autoclaves.<br />

Alternatively, fractionated sterilization at 100 ◦ C (tyndallization) may be used<br />

(heating at 100 ◦ C on three successive days for 30 min to destroy vegetative<br />

cells; between the three heat phases incubation at room temperature to allow<br />

germination of survived spores). Heat-sensitive nutritives can by sterilized by<br />

membrane filtration using filter membranes with a pore size of 0.1–0.45µm.<br />

Insensitive laboratory equipment like glass material becomes sterile by 1 h of<br />

dry heat at 180 ◦ C. <strong>Wood</strong> samples for decay experiments may be sterilized by<br />

ethylene oxide in special devices.<br />

In many fungi, spores and also mycelia are resistant to cold. Thus, fungal<br />

cultures in international strain collections are conserved, except by lyophilization,alsoinliquidnitrogenat−196<br />

◦ C and not like it is usually done in small<br />

laboratories in the refrigerator on agar (or also on small wood pieces: Delatour<br />

1991).<br />

3.5<br />

pH Value and Acid Production by Fungi<br />

The pH value influences germination of spores, mycelial growth, enzyme activity<br />

(wood degradation), and fruit body formation. The optimum for wood<br />

fungi is often in slightly acid environment of pH 5–6 and for wood bacteria at<br />

pH 7. Basidiomycetes have an optimum range of pH 4–6 and a total span of<br />

about 2.5–9 (Thörnqvist et al. 1987). Ascomycetes, particularly soft-rot fungi,<br />

may tolerate more alkaline substrates to about pH 11. Thus, the pH values from<br />

3.3–6.4 in the wood capillary water of living trees and in aqueous extracts of<br />

wood and bark samples from trees of the temperate zones and from trading<br />

timbers (Sandermann and Rothkamm 1959; Rayner and Boddy 1988; Fengel<br />

and Wegener 1989; Landi and Staccioli 1992; Roffael et al. 1992a, 1992b) correspond<br />

with the pH demands of wood fungi. Over the tree cross section, pH<br />

differences can occur, that is for example the heartwood of oaks and Douglas<br />

fir is more acid than the sapwood. Furthermore, an initial pH value can be<br />

changed in the context of microbial succession, because bacteria may acidify<br />

or alkalize the substrate by their metabolites (fatty acid production in acid<br />

wetwood or methane or ammonia formation in alkaline wetwood; Chap. 5.2).<br />

Outside about pH 2 and 12, respectively, microbial activity is commonly prevented.<br />

The acid pH-extreme of Aspergillus niger is 1.5 (Reiß 1997). There<br />


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