6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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68 3 Physiology<br />

Table 3.8. Cardinal points of temperature ( ◦ C) for fungal growth and survival (mainly from<br />

Humphrey and Siggers 1933; Cartwright and Findlay 1958; Ammer 1964; Cockcroft 1981;<br />

Mirič and Willeitner 1984; Thörnqvist et al. 1987; Viitanen and Ritschkoff 1991; data of<br />

house-rot fungi from Schmidt and Huckfeldt 2005)<br />

Species lethal minimum optimum maximum lethal lethal lethal<br />

on agar on agar 4 h<br />

in 2 weeks (h) in wood<br />

Armillaria mellea 25–26 33<br />

Aspergillus niger 35–37 45–47<br />

Aureobasidium pullulans 25 35<br />

Daedalea quercina 5 23–30 30–44<br />

Fomes fomentarius 27–30 34–38<br />

Heterobasidion annosum 2–4 22–25 30–34<br />

Laetiporus sulphureus 28–30 36<br />

Lentinus lepideus 3–8 25–33 37–40 60 (0.5)<br />

Paxillus panuoides 5 22–25 29<br />

Phellinus pini 20–27 30–35 55 (0.5)<br />

Piptoporus betulinus 26–30 32–36<br />

Polyporus squamosus 24–25 30–38 60 (0.5)<br />

Schizophyllum commune 28–36 44 60 (0.5)<br />

Stereum sanguinolentum < 4 20–22<br />

Trametes versicolor 24–33 34–40 55 (0.5)<br />

Trichaptum abietinum 22–28 35–40<br />

Serpula lacrymans −6 0–5 20 26–27 30 55 (3) 50–70<br />

Serpula himantioides 25–27.5 32.5 > 35 65<br />

Leucogyrophana mollusca 25–27.5 32.5 30 ≥ 35 75<br />

Leucogyrophana pinastri 20–27.5 32.5 > 35<br />

Coniophora puteana −20/−30 0–5 22.5–25 27.5 ≥ 37.5 32.5 ≥ 37.5 60 (3) 70–75<br />

Coniophora marmorata 20–27.5 25 ≥ 37.5 35 ≥ 37.5<br />

Coniophora arida 25 27.5 35<br />

Coniophora olivacea 22.5–25 32.5–35 35 ≥ 37.5<br />

White polypores (old data) 3–5 25–31 35–38 80 (0.5)<br />

Antrodia vaillantii 27.5–31 35 37–40 65 (24) > 80<br />

Antrodia sinuosa 25–30 35 37–42.5 65 (3)<br />

Antrodia xantha 5 27.5–30 35 40–42.5<br />

Antrodia serialis 22.5–25 32.5–35 37.5–42.5<br />

Oligoporus placenta 3 25 35 40–45 65 (24) > 80<br />

Gloeophyllum abietinum 0–4 25–27.5 37.5–42.5 40–42.5 > 95<br />

Gloeophyllum sepiarium 5 27.5–32.5 ≥ 45 ≥ 45 60 (3) > 95<br />

Gloeophyllum trabeum 5 30–37.5 ≥ 45 ≥ 45 80 (1) > 95<br />

Donkioporia expansa 28 34 > 40 65 (24) > 95<br />

monokaryons tolerated 28 ◦ C (Schmidt and Moreth-Kebernik 1990), so that<br />

probably some data in the literature concerning growth of the fungus above<br />

27 ◦ C (Wälchli 1977) were based on monokaryons. Last, dikaryons of S. lacrymans<br />

(and some further fungi) can be reverted to the monokaryotic stage by<br />

cultivation at relatively high temperature and thus these cultures then also<br />

grew above 27 ◦ C.<br />

From the cultivation of edible mushrooms on wood (Chap. 9.2) it is known<br />

that the optimal temperature can be lower for fruit body formation than for<br />


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