6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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62 3 Physiology<br />

of the water vapor pressure in the substrate (p) and the pressure of pure water<br />

(p0)(aw=p/p 0 ) (Siau 1984; Rayner and Boddy 1988; Reiß 1997; Table 3.5).<br />

The minimum water activity (Table 3.5) is for most bacteria with 0.98 aw<br />

higher than for many molds, which grow still at 0.80 aw. The minimum for<br />

growth of wood-decay Basidiomycetes on agar is 0.97 aw. Xerotolerant and<br />

xerophilic molds like some Aspergillus species still grow at 0.62 aw. Those<br />

fungi grow in solutions of sodium chloride around 5–6 M (Jennings and Lysek<br />

1999) and tolerate an 80% saccharose solution (Schlegel 1992; Reiß 1997),<br />

generating the appropriate osmotic pressure within their protoplasm e.g., by<br />

the synthesis of glycerol. Below 0.6 aw usually no microbial growth occurs.<br />

The situation of high salt concentrations (sodium chloride) applies also<br />

to marine fungi. Various “lower fungi”, Deuteromycetes, Ascomycetes, and<br />

a few Basidiomycetes colonize wood in the sea (Kohlmeyer 1959; Volkmann-<br />

Kohlmeyer and Kohlmeyer 1993). As in marine fungi vacuoles constitute no<br />

more than about 20% of the volume of the protoplasm, there is no preferential<br />

accumulation of sodium chloride in the vacuoles. Marine fungi synthesize glycerol<br />

and other polyols (mannitol, arabitol) which contribute to their osmotic<br />

potential (Jennings and Lysek 1999).<br />

For growth and wood degradation by fungi, particularly at low water contents,<br />

the water potential (MPa) is the most important factor for water availability.<br />

It is defined as free energy of water in a system relative to pure water,<br />

and because in the relevant range all values are negative, it can be defined<br />

as that negative pressure (“subpressure”), which is necessary to extract water<br />

from the substrate (Griffin 1977). The water potential is affected by different<br />

factors (Siau 1984; Jennings 1991). These are particularly the size and form of<br />

the boundary surfaces both between water and firm matrix and between water<br />

and air (matrix potential), and the osmotic potential due to the occurrence<br />

of solved substances. The influence of the water potential on growth of wood<br />

fungi was first examined with simple substrates, like agar plates in Petri dishes,<br />

in controlled air humidity (Bavendamm and Reichelt 1938). The observed values<br />

of mycelial growth still at −14.5 MPa (aw 0.9), however, were later classified<br />

as too low. Instead, as lower limit about −4 MPa were determined (Griffin 1977;<br />

Griffith and Boddy 1991; Table 3.5). Serpula lacrymans did not grow on agar<br />

below −0.6 MPa (Clarke et al. 1980).<br />

Due to the occurrence of pores of different size (porosity of wood: Kollmann<br />

1987), the special significance of the matrix potential becomes obvious with<br />

increasing drying of wood tissue. In water-saturated wood, all cavities are<br />

filled, and a neglectably small pressure difference is sufficient for dehydration.<br />

With progressive drying, increasingly smaller openings become free from<br />

water (Table 3.5). Large openings in wood tissue with radii over 5µm like<br />

all cell lumens are free from water, if the matrix potential amounts to less<br />

than about −0.03 MPa. Between −0.03 and −14.5 MPa, pores from 5–0.01µm<br />

radius become empty (pits, boreholes by microhyphae). Below about −14 MPa,<br />


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