6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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56 3 Physiology<br />

1987, 1991). Translocation of nutrients is predominantly by water flow. Water<br />

flow is generated by the uptake of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, by<br />

the mycelium such that the hyphae have a lower water potential than the<br />

substrate. In consequence, water flows into the hyphae and the hydrostatic<br />

pressure so generated drives a flow of solution towards the mycelial growth<br />

front.Thevolumeflowisdissipatedatthegrowthfrontbytheincreasein<br />

volume of the hyphae and the production of droplets at the hyphal apices.<br />

The droplets have a lower osmotic potential than the hyphae or that of the<br />

substrate from which the mycelium grows. This means that the water leaves<br />

the cytoplasm ultrafiltered by the plasmalemma of many of the nutrients<br />

in the translocation stream. Pressure-driven flow of solution has been studied<br />

particularly in Serpula lacrymans(Jennings 1991). It must occur in a wide range<br />

of fungi because droplets (guttation) are common among fungi. Guttation<br />

often occurs in white-rot fungi, like during growth of Donkioporia expansa<br />

in buildings and in the edible mushrooms Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus<br />

ostreatus when the colonization phase of the substrate is completed and the<br />

fungi start fruiting. In S. lacrymans, the droplets at the hyphal tips are slightly<br />

acidic (pH 3–4), which was related to the ability of the fungus to colonize<br />

alkaline substrates (Bech-Andersen 1987a).<br />

The dry weight of fungal mycelium consists of about 5% of nitrogen (% N<br />

of the Kjeldahl method ×4.4 corresponds to the protein content of fungi. Additional<br />

nitrogen is included, e.g., in the chitin). <strong>Wood</strong> typically has a very low<br />

nitrogen content. The average nitrogen for healthy hardwoods and softwoods<br />

was 0.09% of the dry weight of wood and reached to about 0.2% N (Rayner and<br />

Boddy 1988; Fengel and Wegener 1989; Reading et al. 2003) with an average<br />

carbon to nitrogen ration of 500 to 600:1. Nitrogen content changes over the<br />

wood cross section and is lower in wounded or decayed tissue. With regard to<br />

lignocelluloses, it has to be considered, however, that the majority of carbon<br />

is present as a cell wall component and thus enzymatically difficulty accessible,<br />

while the nitrogen compounds are more easily degradable. Altogether<br />

nitrogen, however, is a limiting factor. Fungi do not fix atmospheric nitrogen,<br />

how this some bacteria are able to do. Instead, fungi use nitrogen rationally,<br />

as nitrogen compounds are translocated to the growth front at the hyphal tips<br />

due to different turgor pressure in the mycelium (Watkinson et al. 1981; Jennings<br />

1987). Protein-rich woods, e.g., Pycnanthus angolensis, are colonized by<br />

bacteria after felling and during the drying process, which leads to undesirable<br />

discolorations (Chap. 5.2) (Bauch et al. 1985). For wood fungi, ammonium is<br />

a suitable inorganic source of nitrogen in vitro, while nitrate is usually not<br />

used. Organic nitrogen from amino acid mixtures in pepton or malt extract<br />

results in good growth on agar.<br />

There are several minerals in wood. The main inorganic components found<br />

in wood ash are K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, silica, phosphate, chloride, and carbonate<br />

(e.g., Fengel and Wegener 1989; also Wa˙zny and Wa˙zny 1964). By SEM-EDXA,<br />


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