6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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2.5 Classification 49<br />

with about 120,000 species may be grouped into three divisions and a form<br />

division: Zygomycota, Ascomycota with the classes Endomycetes (yeasts) and<br />

Ascomycetes, Basidiomycota including the Basidiomycetes, and Deuteromycota<br />

(Deuteromycetes).<br />

The important fungi that inhabit or destroy wood belong to the Ascomycetes,<br />

Basidiomycetes, or Deuteromycetes. Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes have in<br />

common a dikaryotic phase and a haploid phase as mycelium, which does not<br />

sprout yeast-like.<br />

About 30,000 Ascomycetes (additionally about 16,000 lichen fungi) are characterized<br />

by the development of the meiospores in asci, the restriction of the<br />

dikaryon to the ascogenic hyphae in the fruit body, and the predominant<br />

gametangiogamy. In the Basidiomycetes (about 30,000 species), the mature<br />

meiospores are located in the sterigmata, and after somatogamy the dikaryotic<br />

phaseisextendedtothemycelium.<br />

As the third artificial group, the Deuteromycetes (30,000 species) are added<br />

whose vegetative characteristics correspond to the Ascomycetes or Basidiomycetes,<br />

in which, however, a teleomorph is not yet known or is either<br />

temporarily or generally not present.<br />

The term “microfungi” covers the Deuteromycetes and some Ascomycetes<br />

with microscopic structures. “Macrofungi (macromycetes)” means Basidiomycetes<br />

and Ascomycetes with large fruit bodies.<br />

There are different classifications of the Ascomycetes. A traditional way<br />

considers the appearance of the fruit bodies (ascomata): Hemiascomycetes<br />

(Protoascomycetes) do not form fruit bodies, Plectomycetes have protothecia<br />

or cleistothecia, Discomycetes show apothecia, Pyrenomycetes own perithecia,<br />

and Loculoascomycetes form pseudothecia (Schwantes 1996; Fig. 2.14).<br />

Another differentiation groups the Ascomycetes according to the time of development<br />

of the fruit bodies in the two groups, euascohymenial Euascomycetes<br />

and ascolocular Loculoascomycetes. In the first, the fruit body develops after<br />

the gametangiogamy, and in the latter, the primordia develop before the<br />

gametangiogamy. With priorization of the wall structure of the ascus, the<br />

Lecanoromycetidae show ascohymenial ascomata and a primitive archaeascus,<br />

the Euascomycetidae comprise ascohymenial fungi with a prototunicate<br />

Table 2.11. General classification of fungi<br />

Protista (2,000 species): Six divisions (e.g., slime fungi and “lower fungi”)<br />

Fungi (“higher fungi”), 120,000, three divisions and one form division:<br />

1. Zygomycota<br />

2. Ascomycota: yeasts and Ascomycetes, 46,000 (lichens included)<br />

3. Basidiomycota: rust fungi, smut fungi and Basidiomycetes, 30,000<br />

Deuteromycota: Deuteromycetes (imperfect fungi), 30,000<br />

with relevance to wood: Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes<br />


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