6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration

6 Wood Discoloration


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44 2 Biology<br />

Table 2.9. Species-specific ITS-PCR primers (reverse) with target area (bp) in the ITS II if the<br />

ITS 1 primer of White et al. (1990) is used as forward primer (complemented from Moreth<br />

and Schmidt 2000)<br />

Species Specific primer (5 ′ → 3 ′ ) Target<br />

area (bp)<br />

Serpula lacrymans ATG TTT CTT GCG ACA ACG AC 567–587<br />

CAG AGG AGC CGA TGA ACA AG 459–478<br />

Serpula himantioides TCC CAC AAC CGA AAC AAA TC 410–429<br />

Coniophora puteana AGT AGC AAG TAA GGC ATA GA 614–633<br />

Antrodia vaillantii CAC CGA TAA GCC GAC TCA TT 498–517<br />

ACT GAC TAC AAA ATG GCG CG 445–464<br />

Oligoporus placenta TTA CAA GCC AGC ATA AAC CT 431–450<br />

Donkioporia expansa TCG CCA AAA CGC TTC ACG GT 525–544<br />

Gloeophyllum sepiarium GTT AAT AAA AAC CGG GTG AG 379–398<br />

Fig.2.23. Electrophoresis gel demonstrating species-specific priming PCR. L–A codes of<br />

specific primers which detected isolates of Serpula lacrymans (L), S. himantioides (H),<br />

Coniophora puteana (C), Donkioporia expansa (D), andAntrodia vaillantii (A). M marker<br />

(200–900 bp) (from Moreth and Schmidt 2000)<br />

closely related annulate European Armillaria species A. borealis, A. cepistipes,<br />

A. gallica, and A. ostoyae, exhibited rather similar ITS sequences and also<br />

intraspecific variation, that is a specific primer was only obtained for A. mellea<br />

(Potyralska et al. 2002; also Chillali et al. 1998). In addition, intraspecific<br />

variation may also occur with regard to the geographic origin of isolates<br />

(Kauserud et al. 2004b). The main limitation is, however, comparable to ITS-<br />

RFLPs, that the limited ITS size of only 600–700 nucleotides prevents the design<br />

of a specific primer for all relevant fungi of a certain biotope. In a practical<br />

view, also the technical effort becomes big on that score that a great number of<br />

specific primer has to be used for the diagnosis of an unknown sample.<br />

Microsatellites<br />

Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSR) are hypervariable genomic<br />

regions characterized by short tandem repeat sequences of up to seven nu-<br />


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