Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog 2020-2021

Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog


Mr. Ura SchrockDean of MenMrs. Eric RamosDean of WomenDr. Jeremiah MitchellRegistrar7

Doctrinal StatementWe believe in THE HOLY SCRIPTURE: accepting the writings of theOld and New Testaments as the very Word of God, verbally inspired inall parts and, therefore, wholly without error and altogether sufficientin themselves as our only infallible and authoritative rule of faith andpractice. We believe God has preserved His Word for the Englishspeakingpeoples in the King James Version.We believe in THE ONE TRUE GOD: Who is an intelligent, sovereign,spiritual and personal Being; perfect, infinite, and eternal in His being,holiness and love, wisdom and power; absolutely separate from andabove the world as its Creator, yet everywhere present in the worldas the Upholder of all things. He is revealed to us as Father, Son, andHoly Spirit, three distinct Persons but without division of nature, essenceor being, and each having a distinct ministry in God’s relationto His creation and people.We believe in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: Who is the second Personof the Triune God the eternal Word and Only Begotten Son; thatwithout any change in His Divine Person, He became man by miracleof the virgin birth, thus to continue forever as both true God and trueMan, one Person with two natures; that as Man He was tempted inall points as we are, yet without sin; that as the perfect Lamb of GodHe gave Himself in death upon the cross, bearing there the sin of theworld, and suffering its full penalty of divine wrath in our stead; thatHe arose from the grave in a glorified body; that as our great HighPriest He ascended into Heaven, there to appear before the face of Godas our Advocate and Intercessor.We believe in THE HOLY SPIRIT: Who is the third Person of the Trinityand the Divine Agent in nature, revelation, and redemption; that Heconvicts the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment; thatHe regenerates, indwells, seals, and anoints all who become childrenof God through Christ; that He further empowers, guides, teaches,sanctifies, and fills believers who daily surrender to Him. Using Acts1:8 as our criteria for evaluation, we believe that the evidence of thefullness of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is boldness to witnessfor our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.8

Mr. Ura Schrock

Dean of Men

Mrs. Eric Ramos

Dean of Women

Dr. Jeremiah Mitchell



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