Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog 2020-2021

Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog


SP 402 Telling Stories Through ProgramsA study applying the skills of storytelling to programs. After an introduction to the basicsof storytelling, students will gain practical experience in the use of dialog and programs ina variety of ministry settings.Fall semester, two hours.EN 402 Advanced English GrammarThe course is designed as an intensive study of the grammatical structure of the Englishlanguage with a general view of the development of modern English, and of the influenceswhich have brought it to its present linguistic state. At the midterm, secondary educationmajors will study high school teaching methods.Fall semester, odd years, three hours.EN 403 Teaching LiteratureTeaching literature is a secondary education course that focuses on establishing a purelyBiblical philosophy of literature and teaches students to interpret great works using thoseprinciples. Students will learn how to teach the literary elements by identifying their usagein works of literature and by creating original examples of various literary techniques.Spring semester, even years, three hours.DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND GOVERNMENTStudents who are majoring in History are expected to have a conservativephilosophy of both history and government prior to acceptance.HI 103 American History IThis course is a survey of American history from the colonial to the Civil War eras. It willinclude the Providential work throughout ancient and European history that led to Americanliberty.Fall semester, three hours.HI 104 American History IIThis course is a survey of American history from the Civil War to the modern eras.Spring semester, three hours.HI 201 Church HistoryThe history of the church, its founding, development, and growth to the present. Specialemphasis will be given to the great religious leaders of each period. Identical to BI 209,MI 204, and CE 207.Fall semester, three hours.HI 202 Baptist HistoryBaptist principles and distinctives in early church history. The student will study variousseparatist groups in the Dark Ages: the Anabaptists, and Baptists in England and America.Time will also be spent on the Baptist movement through present times. Identical to BI210, MI 205, and CE 208.Spring semester, three hours.GV 203 U.S. ConstitutionThis class looks at some of the Biblical and political theories behind the Constitution. Theentire text of the Constitution is examined and discussed. Identical to BI 206.Fall semester, three hours.GV 204 GovernmentThis course is designed to teach the student the basics of our government and how it runs.Special care is taken to develop a Biblical philosophy about the operation of our government.Also, a brief look at economics will be taken. Identical to BI 207.Spring semester, three hours.63

GV 205 EconomicsThe science of economics. Time will be spent on the American private enterprise systemand how it compares with others.Fall semester, even years, three hours.HI 303 Age of the ReformationEuropean history from 1300 to 1648 with emphasis on the Renaissance in Italy and NorthernEurope, and period of the Reformation.One semester, two hours.HI 304 Great AmericansFrom the Pilgrims to the Revolutionary War to current times, this course studies theindividuals and groups whose determination and sacrifice as well as the courage and faiththat helped to make America great. Extensive outside reading will be required.One semester, three hours.HI 305 History of the 20th CenturyA survey of world events from the Progressive era to the present with a focus upon theUnited States. Emphasis also will be placed upon the World Wars, the Cold War, and thesocial, economic, and political elements which have contributed to the degradation of ourAmerican institutions.Spring semester, odd years, three hours.HI 306 Hebrew History IA careful study of the history of God’s chosen people, the Jews, beginning in Genesis andending with Judges. Identical to BI 303.Fall semester, odd years, three hours.HI 307 Universal History IA survey of the history of the world from ancient times to the end of the Middle Ages.Particular emphasis will be laid on the history of Western Civilization and developing asolid understanding of the philosophy of Providential history. Also, there is an emphasison preparing the student to teach history.Fall semester, odd years, three hours.HI 308 Universal History IIA survey of the history of the world from the Middle Ages to modern times. Also, there issome emphasis on preparing the students to teach history.Spring semester, even years, three hours.HI 309 Bible GeographyA study of the geographical and historical background of Bible lands as related to Scripture.Identical to BI 305.Spring semester, three hours.HI 310 Hebrew History IIBeginning in Ruth and ending with the book of Esther, this study will give a chronologicalview of the major periods in Jewish history. Identical to BI 304.Spring semester, even years, three hours.64

SP 402 Telling Stories Through Programs

A study applying the skills of storytelling to programs. After an introduction to the basics

of storytelling, students will gain practical experience in the use of dialog and programs in

a variety of ministry settings.

Fall semester, two hours.

EN 402 Advanced English Grammar

The course is designed as an intensive study of the grammatical structure of the English

language with a general view of the development of modern English, and of the influences

which have brought it to its present linguistic state. At the midterm, secondary education

majors will study high school teaching methods.

Fall semester, odd years, three hours.

EN 403 Teaching Literature

Teaching literature is a secondary education course that focuses on establishing a purely

Biblical philosophy of literature and teaches students to interpret great works using those

principles. Students will learn how to teach the literary elements by identifying their usage

in works of literature and by creating original examples of various literary techniques.

Spring semester, even years, three hours.


Students who are majoring in History are expected to have a conservative

philosophy of both history and government prior to acceptance.

HI 103 American History I

This course is a survey of American history from the colonial to the Civil War eras. It will

include the Providential work throughout ancient and European history that led to American


Fall semester, three hours.

HI 104 American History II

This course is a survey of American history from the Civil War to the modern eras.

Spring semester, three hours.

HI 201 Church History

The history of the church, its founding, development, and growth to the present. Special

emphasis will be given to the great religious leaders of each period. Identical to BI 209,

MI 204, and CE 207.

Fall semester, three hours.

HI 202 Baptist History

Baptist principles and distinctives in early church history. The student will study various

separatist groups in the Dark Ages: the Anabaptists, and Baptists in England and America.

Time will also be spent on the Baptist movement through present times. Identical to BI

210, MI 205, and CE 208.

Spring semester, three hours.

GV 203 U.S. Constitution

This class looks at some of the Biblical and political theories behind the Constitution. The

entire text of the Constitution is examined and discussed. Identical to BI 206.

Fall semester, three hours.

GV 204 Government

This course is designed to teach the student the basics of our government and how it runs.

Special care is taken to develop a Biblical philosophy about the operation of our government.

Also, a brief look at economics will be taken. Identical to BI 207.

Spring semester, three hours.


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