Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog 2020-2021

Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog


Associates in Bible DegreeUpon completion of this course of study, the student will be granted an Associateof Arts in Bible degree.BI 101 Old Testament Survey I..................2 BI 102 Old Testament Survey II.................2CE 302 Personal and Church Finances..........2 CE 220 Defining Biblical Leadership ............2BI 103 Creation Science............................3 BI 104 Biological Issues............................3CE 109 Ministry Essentials.........................2 CE 311 Philosophy of Missions....................2BI 206 U.S. Constitution ..........................3 BI 207 Government..................................3BI 205 Fundamentals of Education.............3 CE 312 The Christian School......................3BI 201 New Testament Survey I.................2 BI 202 New Testament Survey II................2CE 202 The Great Commission: Personal CE 201 Decently and In Order ...................2Evangelism and Discipleship.........2 CE 208 Baptist History..............................3CE 315 Church Music Materials/Methods......3 BI 306 Cults............................................2BI 307 Denominations..............................2 Theology Class............................................3Theology Class............................................3Life of Christ Rotation..................................3Life of Christ Rotation..................................3Hebrew History Rotation ..............................3Hebrew History Rotation...............................337

Master of Divinity DegreeThis program is a resident only study. Master of Divinity Degree is availableto students with a secular bachelor’s degree. Students planning to take theMaster of Divinity Degree will be required to complete the courses listed below.BI 501 Priesthood, Feasts, Offerings.........3BI 502 Hebrews.....................................3BI 503 Advanced Biblical Studies..............3BI 504 Hermeneutics..............................3BI 509 Contemporary Theological Issues...3BI 511 Daniel........................................3BI 512 Revelation...................................3CE 101 Christian Education......................1CE 102 Christian Education......................1CE 201 Christian Education......................2CE 202 Christian Education .....................1BI 544 Elementary Greek.......................... 3BI 545 Elementary Greek.......................... 3BI 568 Intermediate Greek....................... 3BI 569 Intermediate Greek....................... 3BI 570 Beginning Hebrew......................... 3BI 571 Beginning Hebrew......................... 3BI 505 Greek Exegesis............................. 3CE Credits.............................................. 20Graduate Bible Courses............................ 26Thesis ................................................ 3Master of Education DegreeThis program can be taken in residence or as a non-resident. Students planningto take the Master of Education Degree will be required to complete thecourses listed below.*Nine credit hours must be selected from thefollowing foundational courses:ED 501 Research in Education .................... 3ED 502 History of Education....................... 3...........ED 503 Philosophy of Education.................. 3ED 517 Teaching Strategies........................ 3*Six credit hours must be selected from thefollowing practical courses:ED 506 Library Science............................... 3ED 507 Office Methods............................... 3ED 508 Children’s Programs........................ 3ED 516 Computer Applications for Educators. 3Master of Arts in Bible*The remaining 15 credit hours can be selectedfrom the foundational or practical courses, orfrom the following teaching courses:ED 504 Teaching Children’s P. E.......... 3ED 505 Teaching Children’s Music........ 3ED 509 Teaching Reading Strategies.... 3ED 510 Teaching Primary Math............ 3ED 511 Teaching Elementary Math....... 3ED 512 Teaching Intermediate Math.... 3ED 513 Teaching Elementary Science... 3ED 514 Teaching Intermediate Science.3ED 515 Teaching Reading................... 3This program is a non-residency study taken in summer modules. Studentsplanning to take the Master of Arts in Bible will be required to complete thecourses listed below.BI 501 Priesthood, Feasts, Offerings...........3BI 502 Hebrews.......................................3BI 503 Advanced Biblical Studies................3BI 504 Hermeneutics................................3BI 509 Contemporary Theological Issues ....3BI 511 Daniel..........................................3BI 512 Revelation....................................3Graduate Electives.......................................938

Master of Divinity Degree

This program is a resident only study. Master of Divinity Degree is available

to students with a secular bachelor’s degree. Students planning to take the

Master of Divinity Degree will be required to complete the courses listed below.

BI 501 Priesthood, Feasts, Offerings.........3

BI 502 Hebrews.....................................3

BI 503 Advanced Biblical Studies..............3

BI 504 Hermeneutics..............................3

BI 509 Contemporary Theological Issues...3

BI 511 Daniel........................................3

BI 512 Revelation...................................3

CE 101 Christian Education......................1

CE 102 Christian Education......................1

CE 201 Christian Education......................2

CE 202 Christian Education .....................1

BI 544 Elementary Greek.......................... 3

BI 545 Elementary Greek.......................... 3

BI 568 Intermediate Greek....................... 3

BI 569 Intermediate Greek....................... 3

BI 570 Beginning Hebrew......................... 3

BI 571 Beginning Hebrew......................... 3

BI 505 Greek Exegesis............................. 3

CE Credits.............................................. 20

Graduate Bible Courses............................ 26

Thesis ................................................ 3

Master of Education Degree

This program can be taken in residence or as a non-resident. Students planning

to take the Master of Education Degree will be required to complete the

courses listed below.

*Nine credit hours must be selected from the

following foundational courses:

ED 501 Research in Education .................... 3

ED 502 History of Education....................... 3...........

ED 503 Philosophy of Education.................. 3

ED 517 Teaching Strategies........................ 3

*Six credit hours must be selected from the

following practical courses:

ED 506 Library Science............................... 3

ED 507 Office Methods............................... 3

ED 508 Children’s Programs........................ 3

ED 516 Computer Applications for Educators. 3

Master of Arts in Bible

*The remaining 15 credit hours can be selected

from the foundational or practical courses, or

from the following teaching courses:

ED 504 Teaching Children’s P. E.......... 3

ED 505 Teaching Children’s Music........ 3

ED 509 Teaching Reading Strategies.... 3

ED 510 Teaching Primary Math............ 3

ED 511 Teaching Elementary Math....... 3

ED 512 Teaching Intermediate Math.... 3

ED 513 Teaching Elementary Science... 3

ED 514 Teaching Intermediate Science.3

ED 515 Teaching Reading................... 3

This program is a non-residency study taken in summer modules. Students

planning to take the Master of Arts in Bible will be required to complete the

courses listed below.

BI 501 Priesthood, Feasts, Offerings...........3

BI 502 Hebrews.......................................3

BI 503 Advanced Biblical Studies................3

BI 504 Hermeneutics................................3

BI 509 Contemporary Theological Issues ....3

BI 511 Daniel..........................................3

BI 512 Revelation....................................3

Graduate Electives.......................................9


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