Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog 2020-2021

Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog


MissionsUpon completion of his course of study, the student will be granted a Bachelorof Arts degree with a major in Missions.BI 101 Old Testament Survey I.............. 2 BI 102 Old Testament Survey II ..............2CE 113 History and Philosophy of Ed....... 3 CE 114 Teaching and Learning Process......3CE 109 Ministry Essentials..................... 2 SP 103 Fundamentals of Speech...............3CE 315 Church Music............................ 3 Elective/Church Music Material & Methods .2/3CE 207 Church History.......................... 3 CE 208 Baptist History ...........................3CE 115 Ministry Practicum..................... 2 CE 116 Ministry Practicum.......................2CE 111 Helps for Christian Young................. Christian Education Rotation.....................2People................................... 2 Missions Class .......................................2HI 103 American History I..................... 3 HI 104 American History II.....................3BI 215 Science from a Biblical Persp. ..... 3 EN 103 Principles of Composition ............3BI 201 New Testament Survey I ............ 2 BI 202 New Testament Survey II.............2Christian Education Rotation................... 2 Christian Education rotation ....................2CE 115 Ministry Practicum .................... 1 CE 116 .Ministry Practicum ......................1PE 201 Physical Education .................... 1 PE 202 Physical Education.......................1*Beginning Language Rotation ................ 3 *Beginning Language Rotation .................3**BU 105 Keyboarding ........................... 3 **BU 209 Computer Applications ..............3..**ED 204 Materials & Methods ................ 3 *Missions Class ......................................2................................................ **ED 306 General Teaching Methods .........3**BI 206 U.S. Constitution .................... 3 **BI 207 Government ............................3Christian Education Rotation................... 2 Christian Education Rotation ....................2Life of Christ Rotation ........................... 3 Life of Christ Rotation .............................3Hebrew History Rotation ........................ 3 Hebrew History Rotation .........................3Theology Class...................................... 3 *Missions Class ......................................2*Beginning Language Rotation ................ 3 Theology Class ......................................3**ED 304 Teaching Reading .................... 3 *Beginning Language Rotation .................3**ED 310 Teaching Elementary Math ....... 3 **ED 205 Early Childhood Education .........3*BI 326 Pastoral Theology I.................... 3 **ED 311 Teaching Intermediate Math ......3.......................................................... *BI 327.Pastoral Theology II ...................3Christian Education Rotation................... 2 *CE 305.The Youth Ministry .....................2*Hebrew History Rotation ...................... 3 **ED 316 Teaching Intermediate Science....3*Independent Study............................... 3 Missions Class........................................2Life of Christ Rotation............................ 3 Theology Class ......................................3Theology Class ..................................... 3 Life of Christ Rotation .............................3**ED 315 Teaching Elementary Science..... 3 *Hebrew History Rotation ........................3**MI 314 Partial Student Teaching............ 6 **The Christian Home............................. 2*Basic Arts........................................... 3 *Basic Arts ............................................3*BI 206 U.S. Constitution....................... 3 *BI 207.Government ...............................3*Men only**Ladies only33

Elementary EducationUpon completion of his course of study, the student will be granted a Bachelorof Science degree with a major in Elementary Education.BI 101 Old Testament Survey I............... 2 BI 102 Old Testament Survey II ..............2ED 101 History and Philosophy of Ed........ 3 ED 102 Teaching and Learning Process.......3CE 109 Ministry Essentials...................... 2 SP 103 Fundamentals of Speech................3CE 315 Church Music............................. 3 Elective/Church Music Material & Methods .2/3CE 207 Church History........................... 3 CE 208 Baptist History .............................3CE 115 Ministry Practicum...................... 2 CE 116 Ministry Practicum.........................2CE 111 Helps for Christian Young.................. Christian Education Rotation.......................2People.................................... 2HI 103 American History I.................... 3 HI 104 American History II ......................3BI 215 Science from a Biblical Persp. .... 3 EN 103 Principles of Composition ..............3BI 201 New Testament Survey I ........... 2 BI 202 New Testament Survey II...............2ED 310 Teaching Elementary Math......... 3 Christian Education Rotation........................2Christian Education Rotation.................... 2 PE 202 Physical Education ........................1PE 201 Physical Education.................... 1 ED 401 Teaching Art ................................2ED 204 Materials and Methods .............. 3 ED 311 Teaching Inter./Prim. Math .............3CE 115 Ministry Practicum ................... 1 CE 116 Ministry Practicum ........................1........................................................... ............................................................BI 206 U.S. Constitution ..................... 3 BI 207 Government .................................3Christian Education Rotation ................... 2 Christian Education Rotation........................2ED 315 Teaching Elementary Science ..... 3 ED 316 Teaching Science Methods .............3Theology Class ...................................... 3 Theology Class ..........................................3BI 305 Bible Geography....................... 3 Life of Christ/Hebrew History Rotation...........3ED 304 Teaching Reading ..................... 3 ED 205 Early Childhood Education .............3........................................................... Missions Class............................................2...........................................................Christian Education Rotation.................... 1 ED 407 Student Teaching ...................... 12Theology Class....................................... 3 CE 215 Denominations .............................2BI 306 Cults ...................................... 2 *CE 305 The Youth Ministry........................2Life of Christ/Hebrew History Rotation....... 3 **CE 405 The Christian Home ......................2*Men only**Ladies only34


Upon completion of his course of study, the student will be granted a Bachelor

of Arts degree with a major in Missions.

BI 101 Old Testament Survey I.............. 2 BI 102 Old Testament Survey II ..............2

CE 113 History and Philosophy of Ed....... 3 CE 114 Teaching and Learning Process......3

CE 109 Ministry Essentials..................... 2 SP 103 Fundamentals of Speech...............3

CE 315 Church Music............................ 3 Elective/Church Music Material & Methods .2/3

CE 207 Church History.......................... 3 CE 208 Baptist History ...........................3

CE 115 Ministry Practicum..................... 2 CE 116 Ministry Practicum.......................2

CE 111 Helps for Christian Young................. Christian Education Rotation.....................2

People................................... 2 Missions Class .......................................2

HI 103 American History I..................... 3 HI 104 American History II.....................3

BI 215 Science from a Biblical Persp. ..... 3 EN 103 Principles of Composition ............3

BI 201 New Testament Survey I ............ 2 BI 202 New Testament Survey II.............2

Christian Education Rotation................... 2 Christian Education rotation ....................2

CE 115 Ministry Practicum .................... 1 CE 116 .Ministry Practicum ......................1

PE 201 Physical Education .................... 1 PE 202 Physical Education.......................1

*Beginning Language Rotation ................ 3 *Beginning Language Rotation .................3

**BU 105 Keyboarding ........................... 3 **BU 209 Computer Applications ..............3..

**ED 204 Materials & Methods ................ 3 *Missions Class ......................................2..

.............................................. **ED 306 General Teaching Methods .........3

**BI 206 U.S. Constitution .................... 3 **BI 207 Government ............................3

Christian Education Rotation................... 2 Christian Education Rotation ....................2

Life of Christ Rotation ........................... 3 Life of Christ Rotation .............................3

Hebrew History Rotation ........................ 3 Hebrew History Rotation .........................3

Theology Class...................................... 3 *Missions Class ......................................2

*Beginning Language Rotation ................ 3 Theology Class ......................................3

**ED 304 Teaching Reading .................... 3 *Beginning Language Rotation .................3

**ED 310 Teaching Elementary Math ....... 3 **ED 205 Early Childhood Education .........3

*BI 326 Pastoral Theology I.................... 3 **ED 311 Teaching Intermediate Math ......3

.......................................................... *BI 327.Pastoral Theology II ...................3

Christian Education Rotation................... 2 *CE 305.The Youth Ministry .....................2

*Hebrew History Rotation ...................... 3 **ED 316 Teaching Intermediate Science....3

*Independent Study............................... 3 Missions Class........................................2

Life of Christ Rotation............................ 3 Theology Class ......................................3

Theology Class ..................................... 3 Life of Christ Rotation .............................3

**ED 315 Teaching Elementary Science..... 3 *Hebrew History Rotation ........................3

**MI 314 Partial Student Teaching............ 6 **The Christian Home............................. 2

*Basic Arts........................................... 3 *Basic Arts ............................................3

*BI 206 U.S. Constitution....................... 3 *BI 207.Government ...............................3

*Men only

**Ladies only


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