Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog 2020-2021

Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog


The Record· FAIRHAVEN BAPTIST CHURCH was founded in October of1970 by Pastor Roger Voegtlin with 14 people attending the firstservice. After struggling through the first year, the church blossomedinto one of America’s fastest growing ministries. At fouryears old, the church was running a solid 500 in attendance, hadbeautiful new facilities including a 500-seat auditorium, 40 acresof land, and an academy with over 350 students in kindergartenthrough eighth grade.It was at this time that Pastor Voegtlin and Fairhaven BaptistChurch began to battle the government over rights to train childrenfor God. The church’s bus attendance fell drastically. Over$100,000 was spent for the fight, but God blessed. There was greatvictory, and the church was nationally acclaimed for its stand.The third chapter of Fairhaven’s history began at the time of thisvictory. A 2,000-seat auditorium was built, and then another largeclassroom wing was added. In the next four years, the attendancejumped by 1,500 to average 2,000 per Sunday. By the 8 th anniversary,Fairhaven was recognized as America’s largest and fastestgrowing young church with a high attendance of over 5,600.· FAIRHAVEN BAPTIST COLLEGE was founded in 1977 asa small, personal college with strong academics and practical trainingfor those entering full-time Christian service. The students atFairhaven Baptist College enjoy facilities that are normally foundonly at larger institutions. This is part of Fairhaven’s philosophyof “doing things right.” The classroom wing includes a computerlab, chemistry lab, spacious classrooms, and a shop area for themission students.Because of God’s blessing on the church, college students enjoybeautiful, expansive facilities. A 58,000 square foot all-purposebuilding was completed in 2006, which houses a modern library,large indoor pool, a gymnasium, workout rooms with extensiveaerobic equipment including ellipticals and treadmills, freeweights and Nautilus-type equipment, a racquetball court, and15

an ice cream parlor. This brings our total square footage to over260,000.The girl’s dormitory is a three-floor, Tudor-style building with awood-beamed cathedral ceiling. The men’s dormitory is a threefloor,western-style building with stuffed wild game and westernsculptures throughout. Both dormitories overlook our picturesque20-acre lake. At the present time, Fairhaven’s property is valuedat over 25 million dollars.· FAIRHAVEN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY is known throughoutthe nation for its high academics and discipline. It is not unusualfor the average student to grow 2-3 years academically during theschool year. The students are taught character, patriotism, andrespect for authority.The teachers in the academy enjoy spacious classrooms withmodern equipment. All of the teachers are soulwinners and havevarious ministries in the church.· CAMP FAIRHAVEN was started in the summer of 1973.During the 40 years of this exciting ministry, hundreds of childrenhave been saved, and many of these children have enrolled in theacademy.Camp activities include canoeing and fishing in a lake stockedwith trout and bass, swimming, archery, horseback riding, andfield trips.16

an ice cream parlor. This brings our total square footage to over


The girl’s dormitory is a three-floor, Tudor-style building with a

wood-beamed cathedral ceiling. The men’s dormitory is a threefloor,

western-style building with stuffed wild game and western

sculptures throughout. Both dormitories overlook our picturesque

20-acre lake. At the present time, Fairhaven’s property is valued

at over 25 million dollars.


the nation for its high academics and discipline. It is not unusual

for the average student to grow 2-3 years academically during the

school year. The students are taught character, patriotism, and

respect for authority.

The teachers in the academy enjoy spacious classrooms with

modern equipment. All of the teachers are soulwinners and have

various ministries in the church.

· CAMP FAIRHAVEN was started in the summer of 1973.

During the 40 years of this exciting ministry, hundreds of children

have been saved, and many of these children have enrolled in the


Camp activities include canoeing and fishing in a lake stocked

with trout and bass, swimming, archery, horseback riding, and

field trips.


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