Meet the Storytellers Part 3

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openly and honestly claim they are. They are not history, though they contain

history. They are not biography, though they contain biography. They are

gospel—that is, good news. Good indicates that the news is seen from

somebody’s point of view—from, for example, the Christian rather than the

imperial interpretation.”

Have we taught the gospels properly in the past?

Why does it matter? Where lie the advantages of a clearer view?

[ and a postscript from Crossan - “If an audience kept complete silence

during a challenge parable from Jesus and if an audience filed past him

afterward saying, 'Lovely parable, this morning, Rabbi,' Jesus would have

failed utterly.”]. Just for fun!



The religious groups Jesus met with.

How they each developed after Jesus’ time

A mini bible study on Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the


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