

The kids headed for the bathrooms first and the water fountain second. Harry the night watchman waited patiently, pad and pen in hand. “Names?” he asked firmly, when they all returned. “Are we in trouble?” Christina asked fearfully. How could they help Alex’s dad not get arrested if they got arrested first, she wondered. “Not with me, you’re not,” Harry answered. “But Boy, Howdy, I can’t say about with your parents, you know.” The kids were quiet. They had a bad feeling that they would certainly be in trouble and grounded or put on restriction or in “time out,” or worse— probably for the entire summer, or maybe even the rest of their lives? Harry took their names and the cell phone numbers of their “next of kin.” Then he disappeared into a small office while the kids just stood there and prepared for the worst. It seemed like he would never come out. And, he didn’t before there was a great knocking and banging on the door. Flashlights spun through the night. Shouts of the children’s names could be heard. Harry hurried out of the office and opened the door. 75

“CHRISTINA! GRANT!” “ALEX!” “COURTNEY!” Each child’s name was called followed by each child running to the matching “next of kin.” But instead of being in trouble, Mimi and Papa, Joe, and Amy seemed tearfully thrilled to see them, and, full of questions. “What were you thinking?” “Where have you been?” “Why didn’t you call?” The kids simultaneously tried to answer all these questions and more all at once, when Harry suddenly blew a loud whistle, startling kids and adults alike into silence. “Listen up!” he said. “It’s after midnight. Maybe you guys should all go home now so I can lock back up. We open again at 9:00 in the morning, if you’re interested.” The kids looked at Harry like he was crazy. The adults agreed and grabbed “their” child or children and hauled them out to Jeeps or cars. The kids hardly had a chance to say, “Goodnight,” or “See you tomorrow.” 76

The kids headed for the bathrooms first and<br />

the water fountain second. Harry the night<br />

watchman waited patiently, pad and pen in hand.<br />

“Names?” he asked firmly, when they all<br />

returned.<br />

“Are we in trouble?” Christina asked<br />

fearfully. How could they help Alex’s dad not get<br />

arrested if they got arrested first, she wondered.<br />

“Not with me, you’re not,” Harry answered.<br />

“But Boy, Howdy, I can’t say about with your<br />

parents, you know.”<br />

The kids were quiet. They had a bad feeling<br />

that they would certainly be in trouble and grounded<br />

or put on restriction or in “time out,” or worse—<br />

probably for the entire summer, or maybe even the<br />

rest of their lives?<br />

Harry took their names and the cell phone<br />

numbers of their “next of kin.” Then he disappeared<br />

into a small office while the kids just stood there and<br />

prepared for the worst.<br />

It seemed like he would never come out.<br />

And, he didn’t before there was a great knocking and<br />

banging on the door. Flashlights spun through the<br />

night. Shouts of the children’s names could be<br />

heard. Harry hurried out of the office and opened<br />

the door.<br />


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