

Want to know more about Pocahontas? Check out: http://www.apva.org/history/pocahont.html You can read more about Captain John Smith at: http://www.apva.org/history/jsmith.html Mysteries of Jamestown and amazing “secrets of the dead” unfold at the Public Broadcasting System website: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/case_jamestown/ Learn all about Colonial Williamsburg at: http://www.history.org/ Want to make your own tricorn hat? Find directions at: www.cvesd.k12.ca.us/finney/paulvm/PR3_TricornHat .pdf Visit www.bloodhound.org to learn more about this pretty amazing breed! Visit www.carolemarshmysteries.com for lots of fun activities! At the time of publication, all websites referenced in this book were valid. However, due to the changing nature of the Internet, some addresses may change or the content become less relevant. 149



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