Eastlife Autumn 2020

Dear Reader, we’re back! There’s been a few changes at eastlife during lockdown. We have a new publisher, new team members and a fantastic newly designed website! I hope you enjoy! Dear Reader, we’re back! There’s been a few changes at eastlife during lockdown. We have a new publisher, new team members and a fantastic newly designed website!

I hope you enjoy!


Business Accountants forBusiness People● Accounting and Bookkeeping● Tax and Tax Planning● Regulation and Compliance● Advice and Support● Fixed Fees● Straight and Direct Communication● Local Presence and National Strength● We Do Not Charge By The HourGood Accounting isGood BusinessMIKE BARNES ACAT: 01 485 521 756M: 07969 163021E: mike.barnes@aims.co.ukwww.aims.co.ukThe Private Wealth Law FirmWe’ve had the privilege of providing private wealth services to individuals,families, entrepreneurs, businesses, and landowners for more than 200 years.Our full range of legal services include:• Company & Commercial• Dispute Resolution• Property• Town & Country Planning• Family• Wills, Trusts & ProbateLondon Hertford Ware Harlow LoughtonAttwaters Jameson Hill is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation AuthorityRecognised body numbers: 665492 (London), 51886 (Hertford), 51887 (Ware),569747 (Harlow) and 569746 (Loughton).0330 221 8855 | enquiries@attwaters.co.uk | www.attwatersjamesonhill.co.uk70

CONSUMERMartinLewisThree top, totallysafe, savings!Millions of people, across the nation have moneysitting in high street savings accounts earningdiddly-squat, often at 0.1% or less. Many of you arescared to move your money as you want safety. Yetthere’s currently a way you can earn over ten timesthat amount and it’s 100% safe.This is the worst time for savers I can remember. UK interestrates are 0.1% – the lowest in the Bank of England’s 325-yearhistory. The only way to get a half-decent return, is to becomean active, disloyal, aggressive saver, shifting from best rate tobest rate.So, everyone CHECK NOW WHAT YOUR SAVINGS PAY, owt lessthan 1% likely needs sorting. Below are the top ways to save, atthe time of writing, but for more detail, and daily updated bestbuys see www.moneysavingexpert.com/topsavings.The three top easy access savingsaccounts are all totally safeIf you want an easy-access account where you can putmoney in and withdraw when you like, then currently andunprecedentedly, the top-paying easy-access savings allcome from by far the safest place – www.nsandi.com, theGovernment-backed savings institution. So, there’s really noexcuses to be earning anything less than these…1. NS&I Income Bonds: 1.16% AER (min £500). It’s thehighest payer and can be operated online. Deposits andwithdrawals must be in chunks of at least £500, and interestis paid monthly into a separate account (so you don’t earncompounded interest – unless you then put it back in).2. NS&I Direct Saver: 1% AER (min £1). It’s simple and can beoperated online. You have full flexibility on withdrawals anddeposits, and interest is paid into the account annually andcompounds.3. NS&I Investment Account: 0.8% AER (min £20). This is similarto the Direct Saver, but is postal only.An added boon with NS&I is that it’s 100% safe. While allUK-regulated savings accounts are protected up to £85,000per person per institution under the UK safe savings scheme,but for those with more, as NS&I is Government-backed it’s allprotected – even if you’re lucky enough to have millions – whichmany of these accounts allow you to put in.These accounts also smash the pants of the next top rates.www.ybs.co.uk is 0.8% AER, but minimum deposit is £10,000,for less www.saga.co.uk is 0.75%.And while fixed rates normally smash easy-access, as you haveto lock your money away, right now NS&I beats the top 1 yearand 2 year fixes.Rates are variable, but I’d be surprisedif they droppedNS&I’s rules say it must give you two months’ notice. Yetcrucially the government’s just told NS&I to increase itsfundraising from £6bn in March to £35bn now (when you saveyou’re lending the govt your cash – and it needs it), so its ratesare likely to stay strong to ensure that happens. I suspect it willvery much fight to be the best buy and possibly even launchnew products.Have debts? For most it’s better to paythese off firstIf you’re paying interest on credit cards or overdrafts and loans(barring student loans), it’s usually far better to pay those off withany savings, just double check for early repayment penaltieson loans. As the interest they charge is much higher than theamount you earn in savings.Martin Lewis is the Founder andChair of MoneySavingExpert.com.To join the 13 million people who gethis free Money Tips weekly email,go to www.moneysavingexpert.com/latesttip71

Business Accountants for

Business People

● Accounting and Bookkeeping

● Tax and Tax Planning

● Regulation and Compliance

● Advice and Support

● Fixed Fees

● Straight and Direct Communication

● Local Presence and National Strength

● We Do Not Charge By The Hour

Good Accounting is

Good Business


T: 01 485 521 756

M: 07969 163021

E: mike.barnes@aims.co.uk


The Private Wealth Law Firm

We’ve had the privilege of providing private wealth services to individuals,

families, entrepreneurs, businesses, and landowners for more than 200 years.

Our full range of legal services include:

• Company & Commercial

• Dispute Resolution

• Property

• Town & Country Planning

• Family

• Wills, Trusts & Probate

London Hertford Ware Harlow Loughton

Attwaters Jameson Hill is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority

Recognised body numbers: 665492 (London), 51886 (Hertford), 51887 (Ware),

569747 (Harlow) and 569746 (Loughton).

0330 221 8855 | enquiries@attwaters.co.uk | www.attwatersjamesonhill.co.uk


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