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President Saddam Hussein, there have been rumours about Kawliyah being recruited by<br />

insurgency groups and their involvement in kidnappings. 480 Given the general population’s<br />

contempt for the Kawliyah and the infiltration of Iraq’s police by Shi’ite militias, they<br />

cannot expect any protection by the Iraqi authorities. 481<br />

C. Actual or Perceived Supporters of the Former Regime and/or the<br />

Insurgency<br />

1. Sunni Arabs<br />

Before the US-led invasion in Iraq, successive Iraqi governments were largely dominated<br />

by Sunni Arabs, who held key positions in the army, and the security and intelligence<br />

agencies. Despite the fact that under Saddam Hussein, the authorities also arrested, tortured<br />

and executed Sunni Arabs considered opponents of the regime, Shi’ites today accuse<br />

Sunnis at large of having supported the former regime. 482 Given the loss of privileges after<br />

the fall of the former regime, Sunni Arabs are suspected of supporting or sympathizing with<br />

the Sunni-led insurgency, which has targeted Shi’ites in deadly attacks, and are denounced<br />

as “terrorists”, “takfiris”, “salafis” and “Wahabis”. 483<br />

As highlighted elsewhere in this report, Shi’ite death squads and certain elements of the ISF<br />

have carried out violent reprisals against the Sunni Arab community, including abduction,<br />

torture and extra-judicial killings. 484 Even though the Government of Prime Minister Al-<br />

Maliki has vowed to foster national reconciliation, including by granting an amnesty to<br />

“(T)he Roma came under attack soon after the fall of the regime in both Sunni and Shi’a areas – in fact, violence<br />

against Roma settlements were among the first recorded post-invasion sectarian incidents, but only few Coalition<br />

officials paid attention because they are such a small community in Iraq. Many Iraqis consider that the Ba’thi regime<br />

favored the Roma, but people interviewed then said that plain prejudice is in fact a driving factor in the violence<br />

against them, notably the belief that the Roma community lives off prostitution and alcohol trading”.<br />

See: Al-Khalidi and Tanner, p. 24, see above footnote 161.<br />

480<br />

See also “Actual or Perceived Supporters of the Former Regime and/or the Insurgency”.<br />

481<br />

The Boston Globe reported that Iraqi soldiers and police in Kirkuk were accused of beating several<br />

“gypsy” women prostitutes and burning their tents in December 2005; see Thanassis Cambanis, For returning<br />

unit in Iraq, a battle with doubts, The Boston Globe, 8 January 2006, http://www.boston.com/news/world/<br />

middleeast/articles/2006/01/08/for_returning_unit_in_iraq_a_battle_with_doubts/?page=1.<br />

482<br />

See also “Members and Associates of the Ba’ath Party and the Former Regime”.<br />

483<br />

The terms tafkiri, Salafi and Wahabi are used to denounce Sunni extremists. Takfir is the practice of<br />

denouncing an individual (or a group) as not being a true follower of Islam, but rather of being a “kafir, an<br />

infidel. The takfiri ideology urges Sunni Muslims to kill anyone they consider an infidel. This ideology is<br />

followed by the Al-Qa’eda in Iraq and Ansar Al-Sunna, among others, which have declared war on the Shi’a<br />

population they consider to be “kuffar”. Salafism is a movement within Sunni Islam that seeks to revive<br />

a practice of Islam that more closely resembles the pure form of Islam prevaling during the time of Prophet<br />

Mohammed. Wahabism is a particular orientation within Salafism and is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi-<br />

Arabia and Qatar; see, for example, HRW, Nowhere to Flee – The Perilous Situation of Palestinians in Iraq,<br />

September 2006, p. 28, http://hrw.org/reports/2006/iraq0706/index.htm; USIP, Who Are The Insurgents?<br />

Sunni Arab Rebels in Iraq, Special Report, April 2005, p. 12, http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/<br />

sr134.pdf.<br />

484<br />

See “Sunni Arabs”. See also “Iraqi Security Forces and Shi’ite militias” and “Shi’ites and Sunnis<br />

Civilians”.<br />


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