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11,000 in the Governorate of Qadissiyah. 465 The Dom Research Center provides a figure of<br />

50,000. 466<br />

b) Current Situation<br />

After the fall of the former regime, the Kawliyah lost the protection once afforded to them.<br />

Conservative local communities as well as members of the Mehdi Army, who had long<br />

resented their differing social norms, violently forced the Kawliyah from their settlements.<br />

For example, on 12 March 2004, dozens of armed Mehdi Army members attacked the<br />

village of Kawliyah in the Governorate of Qadissiyah with mortars, rocket-propelled<br />

grenades (RPGs) and even bulldozers. Fighting erupted between militia members and<br />

Kawliyah villagers and, according to a MNF legal advisor, more than 20 locals<br />

died. 467 Furthermore, 18 villagers were detained and tortured by Mehdi Army members, but<br />

later freed by the CPA. 468 Other reports say the village was looted and burned. There was<br />

no investigation by the police, who were possibly even involved in the attack. 469<br />

A village in the district of Abu Ghraib was attacked by local residents, who destroyed<br />

houses with bulldozers and killed those that refused to leave. 470 It is said that Saddam<br />

Hussein settled the Kawliyah in this area in 1979 as an act of revenge against the<br />

religiously conservative Zawabei tribe, which traditionally settles in the district of Abu<br />

465 IRIN, Iraq: Minorities living tormented days under sectarian violence, 4 January 2007,<br />

http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?reportid=62981; ibidem, Iraq: Gypsies call for greater rights, see above<br />

footnote 463.<br />

466 Dom Research Center, Population Chart of Iraq, http://www.domresearchcenter.com/population/<br />

popiraq.html [accessed January 2007].<br />

467 Melinda Liu, Getting Away With Murder?, Newsweek, 27 May 2004, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/<br />

5079129/site/newsweek/.<br />

468 Ibid.<br />

469 Jeffrey White and Ryan Philips, Sadrist revolt provides lessons for counterinsurgency in Iraq, Jane’s<br />

Intelligence Review, August 2004, http://washingtoninstitute.org/html/pdf/white0804.pdf; Anthony Shadid, In<br />

a Gypsy Village’s Fate, An Image of Iraq’s Future, The Washington Post, 3 April 2004,<br />

http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A46446-2004Apr2. Other incidents were reported as follows:<br />

another village in the Governorate of Qadissiyah, near Diwaniyah, was attacked with mortars on New Year’s<br />

Day 2005, reportedly killing a woman and wounding three others. The primary school and clinic built by the<br />

former regime had been rendered useless and many houses were destroyed in the attack; see Deepa<br />

Babington, Poverty and fear dominate life for Iraq’s Gypsies, Reuters, 6 January 2006,<br />

http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/480fa8736b88bbc3c12564f6004c8ad5/dca16d353d5bbbf7492570ec001c<br />

ef3d?OpenDocument. The village of Al-Fawar in the Governorate of Qadissiyah was reportedly ransacked by<br />

followers of radical Shi’a cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr. According to the police, no one has been held responsible<br />

for this assault; see IWPR, Gypsies Seek Government Protection, see above footnote 463. Najem Wali,<br />

journalist and writer from Al-Amarah, described how the Roma’s belongings and houses in Al-Amarah were<br />

looted in acts of vengeance by the city’s inhabitants; see: Najem Wali, Iraq Stories, 2005,<br />

http://www.wordswithoutborders.org/article.php?lab=IraqStories. In addition, Kawliyah from Hilla in Babel<br />

Governorate disbanded their settlements after Imams loyal to Al-Sadr condemned them; see: Gaiutra<br />

Bahadur, In now-religious Iraq, no tolerance for Gypsies, Philadelphia Inquirer, 6 June 2005,<br />

http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=12354&s2=07Read.<br />

470 IWPR, Gypsies Seek Government Protection, see above footnote 463.<br />


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