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Ethnic violence has been responsible for the killing and displacement of thousands of<br />

Iraqis. 456 For many, the attacks were seen as a warning to stop the implementation of<br />

Article 140 of the Constitution, 457 as well as an attempt to further increase ethnic tensions<br />

in the city. 458<br />

While part of the violence in Kirkuk, Mosul, Tel Afar and other mixed areas is of<br />

generalized nature, there are also targeted attacks, including kidnappings and<br />

assassinations, against members and representatives of the various ethnic communities. 459<br />

Given that the various ethnic groups in Kirkuk and other mixed areas are vying for political<br />

power, such attacks are often of a political nature. Sunni extremists staging a war against<br />

Shi’ites and other “non-believers” are also responsible for attacks against members of<br />

religious groups. 460<br />

456 Between December 2005 and July 2006, the number of reported violent incidents in Kirkuk increased by<br />

76 percent, ending the city’s previous status as a relatively safe area; see: Cagaptay and Fink, see above<br />

footnote 44. According to Lt. Col. Khalif Mashhadanny, a senior member of the Kirkuk local police, most of<br />

the 1,000 killings in the city of Kirkuk over the past four months were due to tension between Kurds and<br />

Turkmen; see: IRIN, Iraq: Ethnic tensions mount in Kirkuk, 16 November 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/<br />

Report.aspx?ReportId=61946.<br />

457 See “De-Arabization”.<br />

458 Senanayake, Iraq: Ethnic Tensions Increasing In Oil-Rich City, see above footnote 45; The Guardian, As<br />

violence grows, oil-rich Kirkuk could hold key to Iraq’s future, 27 October 2006, http://www.guardian.co.uk/<br />

Iraq/Story/0,,1932789,00.html.<br />

459 Mariam Karouny, Kirkuk ethnic rage will test Bush hopes for Iraqis, Reuters/Assyrian International News<br />

Agency, 30 June 2005, http://web.krg.org/articles/article_print.asp?ArticleNr=3980. See also: Reuters/<br />

Assyrian International News Agency, Arab Leader Shot Dead in Iraq City of Kirkuk, 28 May 2005,<br />

http://www.aina.org/news/20050528115623.htm.<br />

460 See also “ Religious Groups”. For example, on 3 February 2007, a string of bombings in Kirkuk killed<br />

ten people and wounded more than 50. Two of the bombs targeted the headquarters of the KDP and the PUK;<br />

see Sumedha Senanayake, Iraq: Committee Decision Increases Tensions In Kirkuk, RFE/RL, 8 February<br />

2007, http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2007/02/3a63f415-eb59-4a80-b97e-64c245661555.html; BBC<br />

News, Baghdad market bomb “kills 130”, 3 February 2007, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/<br />

6327057.stm; The Chairman of the ITF, Mr. Sadettin Ergec (Saad Al-Din Arkaj) survived several attacks on<br />

his life, most recently on 31 January 2007 near Kirkuk; Reuters Alertnet, Factbox – Security developments in<br />

Iraq, Jan 31, 31 January 2007, http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSL31378914; Cihan News<br />

Agency, Turkmen Leader Survives Second Assassination Attempt, 16 July 2006, http://www.zaman.com/<br />

?bl=hotnews&alt=&trh=20060716&hn=34822. On 28 November 2006, a man wearing an explosive vest blew<br />

himself up next to the convoy of the Kurdish Governor of Kirkuk Governorate, Mr. Abdul-Rahman Mustafa,<br />

killing a passer-by and wounding 12 people. It was reportedly the third assassination attempt on his life;<br />

RFE/RL, Iraqi Governor Escapes Assassination Attempt, 28 November 2006, http://www.rferl.org/<br />

featuresarticle/2006/11/A6C23C77-C52A-4F37-97E4-0E9A3421B5B8.html; UNAMI HRO reported the<br />

blowing up of a Sunni mosque on 16 November 2006. It further received video evidence showing the abuse<br />

and killing of an Arab man, who was in the custody of local security officers, in the streets of Kirkuk. Also,<br />

on 19 November 2006, Kurdish singer Mr. Mesa’ud Goran was killed in Mosul presumably because he was<br />

believed to support the city’s assimilation into the Region of Kurdistan; UNAMI HRO, December 2006<br />

Human Rights Report, p. 13-14, see above footnote 10. On 17 October 2006, Mr. Fattah Rashid Harki,<br />

a senior PUK member, was shot dead in Mosul and in late October 2006, women rights activist Mrs. Faliha<br />

Ahmed was killed in Hawija, southwest of Kirkuk. Though the motive remains unclear, her death may be<br />

linked to her speaking out against the discrimination against Arabs in Kirkuk and the assimilation of Kirkuk<br />

into the Kurdistan Region; see UNAMI HRO, October 2006 Human Rights Report, p. 5-6 and 12, see above<br />

footnote 66. On 10 July 2006, five persons were killed and 12 wounded in a bombing against a PUK office in<br />

Kirkuk. Further attacks against PUK offices in Mosul and other cities took place on 11 August 2006, after<br />

a Shi’ite cleric was criticized in an official Kurdish newspaper for fuelling tensions among Iraq’s Shi’ite<br />


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