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Turkmen, Arabs, Christians and Shabak have repeatedly expressed their fear for ongoing<br />

Kurdification of the mixed areas and have called for the recognition of their rights. 446<br />

Assyrian Christian parties have since 2004 lobbied for a new Governorate, “Assyria”, in the<br />

Ninewa Plains in line with Article 121 of the Constitution, which guarantees<br />

administrative, political, cultural and educational rights for ethnic minorities. 447 Pascale<br />

Warda, Director of the Iraqi Women’s Centre for Development in Baghdad and former<br />

Minister of Displacement and Migration, has become the public face for this campaign. She<br />

and others believe that a self-administered Governorate would be the only way to stop the<br />

violence and flow of Christian refugees out of Iraq. Other minorities such as Yazidis and<br />

Shabaks would also be welcome according to the supporters of this idea, who say that the<br />

Governorate would be “geographically based and not ethnically based”. 448 Whether or not<br />

“Assyria” should be part of an enlarged Kurdistan Region or remain under control of the<br />

central Government is disputed. 449<br />

c) Current Situation<br />

Members of ethnic minorities run the risk of arbitrary arrest and incommunicado detention<br />

by Kurdish militias. The existence of extra-judicial detentions were first exposed by the<br />

Washington Post in June 2005, which had gathered statements by American and Iraqi<br />

officials, government documents and families of victims. It reported a “concerted and<br />

widespread initiative” by the Kurdish parties “to exercise authority in Kirkuk in an<br />

increasingly provocative manner”. 450 The Washington Post article also cited a source which<br />

pointed to a practice by the Kurdish-dominated security forces and the Asayish, the Kurdish<br />

446 For example, on 15 August 2005, a peaceful demonstration by Shabak villagers in Bartilla turned violent<br />

after KDP gunmen shot at the crowd, injuring several. Shabak demonstrators called for their community’s<br />

recognition in the new Constitution holding signs which read “(W)e are the Shabak, NOT Kurds and NOT<br />

Arabs”; see AINA, Kurdish Gunmen Open Fire on Demonstrators in North Iraq, 16 August 2005,<br />

http://www.aina.org/news/20050816114539.htm; AP, Kurdish sub-group demand separate recognition in<br />

new Iraq, 15 August 2005, http://www.kurdmedia.com/articles.asp?id=7512. See also: Al-Qaddo, see above<br />

footnote 209. Reportedly, 12 Shabak who participated in a radio programme called “Dostorona<br />

Mustaqbbalana” were arrested, brought to Erbil for interrogation and detained for 12 hours; see Dr. Hunain<br />

Al-Qaddo, Conflicts between Kurds and the Shabak, Christians of Iraq, 26 August 2005,<br />

http://www.christiansofiraq.com/Shabak8265.html.<br />

447 See, for example, Assyrian Universal Alliance, Assyrian UN Delegation Calls Autonomous Region for<br />

Iraq’s Assyrians, 1 November 2006, http://www.christiansofiraq.com/autonomousregionNov,16.html.<br />

448 Heather Maher, Iraq: Christian Minority Seeks Haven From Violence, RFE/RL, 19 October 2006,<br />

http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2006/10/40228640-c96c-4881-bb37-375bd1346efc.html; Fred Aprim, The<br />

Future of the Assyrians of Iraq: A Safe Haven vs. Self-Administrative Region, Zinda Magazine, 25 March<br />

2006, http://www.christiansofiraq.com/administrationMar266.html.<br />

449 The Guardian, “In 20 years, there will be no more Christians in Iraq”, 6 October 2006,<br />

http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,1888848,00.html. For example, Kurdistan Nwe, a daily newspaper<br />

issued by the PUK in Sulaymaniyah reported on 17 January 2006: “(I)n front of the House of Parliament in<br />

Erbil, the Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament received a peaceful demonstration of Shabak Kurds from the<br />

areas around Mosul who demanded restoring their areas to Kurdistan Region.” (unofficial translation from<br />

Arabic by UNHCR).<br />

450 Steve Fainaru and Anthony Shadid, Kurdish Officials Sanction Abductions in Kirkuk, The Washington<br />

Post, 15 June 2005, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/06/14/AR2005061401<br />

828.html.<br />


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